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The Transicions group wins the European VET Award for Innovation, in research on vocational education and training and for work

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • October 18th, 2019
Fernando Marhuenda, yesterday Thursday after receiving the European VET Award for Innovation from European Commissioner Mariane Thyssen.
Fernando Marhuenda, yesterday Thursday after receiving the European VET Award for Innovation from European Commissioner Mariane Thyssen.

The Transicions research group, attached to the Department of Didactics and School Management of the University of Valencia and active since 1996, received the VET award (The Vocational Education and Training Excellence Awards) in the Innovators Research category Thursday in Helsinki. These awards are granted by the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility of the European Commission and recognise the contributions of professionals and organisations in the field of education and vocational training, this year in the field social inclusion.

“The recognition of the Transicions group (GV2013-093) gives greater visibility to the task of a modest group of very hardworking UVEG teachers, people committed to social justice and convinced of the role that work and vocational training still plays today and for employment in the social inclusion of people in vulnerable conditions”, said Fernando Marhuenda, Professor of Didactics and School Management of the University of Valencia and director of the Transicions research group. In addition, it highlights: “It is a responsibility, since in previous editions the award has been received by people of great academic prestige such as Professor Martin Mulder of Wageningen University in the Netherlands or Professor Karen Evans of the UCL Institute of Education in England”.

The award was presented Thursday by Mariane Thyssen, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, in the framework of the European Vocational Training Week, which is held in Helsinki from October 14 to 18. The winners of the VET awards have been chosen at 50% by the jury votes and by the results of the online voting, which was open to the public until October 15.

The Transicions Research Group is formed by teachers from different areas of knowledge and departments of the University of Valencia such as Didactics and School Management, Evolutionary and Educational Psychology, Social Psychology, as well as Sociology and Social Anthropology. His research focuses on educational policies and practices in social guarantee programs, initial professional qualification or basic professional training, transitions between education and occupation, and also insertion companies and early drop-out.


Photo annex: Some members of the Transicions research group.
