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Universities and research centres of the Region of Murcia and the Valencian Community organise the Mediterranean Researchers Night

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • October 13th, 2020
Mednight poster

In order to value Mediterranean science, 12 of the most representative entities of scientific research and dissemination in the Region of Murcia and the Valencian Community come together to celebrate the first Mediterranean researchers Night on November 27 (Mednight), an event that will encompass numerous activities, formats, themes and researchers voices.

The Mednight was born as the result of the collaboration of a consortium of 12 entities: University of Valencia, University of Murcia, Polytechnic University of Cartagena, University of Alicante, Miguel Hernández University of Elche, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Jaume I University, Fisabio Foundation, Seneca Foundation - Agency for Science and Technology of the Region of Murcia, INCLIVA and the Spanish National Research Council, under the coordination of El Caleidoscopio and with the sponsorship of the Valencian Government through the Foundation of the Valencian Community for the Promotion of Higher Studies (FFES). This is the first event that brings together a consortium that includes these research institutions from the Region of Murcia and the Valencian Community under the seal of event associated with the European Night of Researchers.

The purpose of the project is to show the social impact of science that is developed in the Mediterranean, with special emphasis on the figure of women, often forgotten in this field. To do this, the Mednight will host a multitude of activities for all audiences, the purpose of which will be to convey the passion for scientific knowledge. These activities will be organised throughout the month of November until the 27, the date on which the Mediterranean Researchers Night will be held.

Another objective of the Mednight is to promote scientific vocations, something that the project pursues through attractive formats and activities for the whole family, and to make visible the value that science has in society: talks, workshops, virtual exhibitions and scientific shows are just some of the examples it will have.


Web portal about the event

In addition to the activities, all the information of the Mediterranean Researchers Night can be consulted through its web portal from where the partners will report on their activities, publish news and disseminate some of the most recent research carried out in their laboratories, linked to the different topics of this event.

To give more prominence to researchers, the Mednight page will have specialised sections that collect articles by expert voices from the different thematic areas that the project encompasses: geology and biodiversity; sea and pollution; climate and clean energy; diet and feeding; life and health; history and heritage; pioneering scientists and the future.

The Mediterranean Researchers Night (Mednight) project is an event associated with the European Researchers Night initiative, funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions, with call identifier: H2020-MSCA-NIGHT-2020.
