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The University exceeds 5 million readings of its popular science articles on The Conversation platform

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • January 11th, 2022
Rectorate Building of the University of Valencia.
Rectorate Building of the University of Valencia.

The University of Valencia has managed to exceed five million readings of its articles on the scientific dissemination platform The Conversation since February 2020. The news, republished in more than a hundred of the main Spanish media, have dealt with, among others, the origin and evolution of SARS-Cov-2, epidemics and viruses, mental health, pollution and the environment or gender issues.

The most widely read, “El virus de la COVID-19 ni se creó ni se escapó de un laboratorio” (‘The COVID-19 virus was neither created nor escaped from a laboratory’), signed by two CSIC scientists and by UV Genetics professor Fernando González, has been read by more than 474,000 people.

Throughout this period, 122 informative articles have been published by researchers from the University of Valencia. The second most consulted article (439,730 readings) is “El origen del coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, a la luz de la evolución” (‘The origin of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, in the light of evolution’) by Juli Peretó, professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at UV, and Carlos Briones, scientist at the CSIC and member of the Spanish Society of Virology. Experts explain how this coronavirus has arisen by natural selection from the Betacoronavirus genus, within the Coronaviridae family.

On the part of the University of Valencia, these articles have been written by 48 female researchers and 53 male researchers. With more views of their articles are Fernando González (1,487,022); Óscar Zurriaga (from the Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health), with 552,132 and the professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Juli Peretó (470,869). Anabel Forte (Department of Statistics and Operations Research), with 163,950 readings and Maria Luisa Cervera Sanz (Analytical Chemistry) with 139,215 readings also appear in the top ten of specialists with the most readings. Óscar Zurriaga is the one who has published the most articles, 15.

As the third most read publication with 334,428 readings is “Coronavirus: conociendo al enemigo” (‘Coronavirus: knowing the enemy’), by the professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Ismael Mingarro, which deals with the history of the different coronaviruses and the description of all of them. The fourth and fifth most read articles also deal with SARS-CoV-2. They are “¿Qué sabemos hasta hoy sobre la transmisión del SARS-CoV-2?” (‘What do we know until today about the SARS-CoV-2 Transmission?’), With the participation by the UV of Fernando González, and “Esto es lo que los virólogos sabemos hasta hoy sobre el coronavirus SARS-CoV-2” (‘This is what virologists know until today about the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus’), with the professor of Microbiology Javier Buesa. These articles have 312,150 and 255,444 readings, respectively., an independent digital platform, with free access and without advertising, was created in Australia in 2011. It has eight editions and in Spain it has almost 5,000 specialists whose articles have been read 57.6 million times, with a monthly audience of 6 million direct reads.

The Conversation Spain aims to disseminate to Spanish society and the Spanish-speaking world. The collaboration agreement between the University of Valencia and this platform was signed in July 2019.