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XIV Meeting Xarxa Vives

  • July 13th, 2023
Participants in the Meeting

On 6 and 7 July, the ombudsman of the Universitat de València attended the 14th Meeting of Ombudsmen and university mediators of the Xarxa Vives, which was held at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona. The Meeting began on Thursday afternoon, with a speech by the Principal of the University, Josep Pallarès Marzal, followed by a speech by Francisco Zapater Esteban, who spoke on behalf of all the previous ombudsmen. Friday's session began with a talk titled El estudiantado universitario hoy: ¿en qué ha cambiado? (University students today: What has changed?) by Ramón Llopis Goig, Professor of Sociology at the Universitat de València. The session continued with a round table discussion on the Implementation of the "Law of University Coexistence", with an introduction by Encarnació Ricart Martí, Trustee of the URV, and Víctor Merino Sancho, Commissioner for Equality, Diversity and Welfare of the URV. This was followed by a speech by the Ombudsman of Cataluña, Esther Giménez-Salinas i Colomer. The conclusions and proposals were presented by the URV's ombudswoman and José A. Moreno Villanueva, the URV's representative on the Standing Committee of the Xarxa Vives d'Universitats.
