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Go to the Aula de Física “Experimenta” with the students

“Experimenta” is a set of initiatives aimed at promoting an improvement to learn Physics, paying special attention to natural phenomena and the familiarity with experimentation, as well as with the multiple technological developments based on Physics. 

In this activity, students from 4th ESO, 1st and 2nd will make laboratory practicals of mechanics and optics in the Aula de Física (Physics Club) “Experimenta” of the Faculty of Physics. The teaching staff that had completed at some point in recent years the "Preparation for El Aula Experimenta and the Physics suitcases” course, organised with the collaboration of the Staff Development Service, with teachers from the Faculty of Physics and from secondary education centres, can participate.

Target groups: students and secondary education teaching staff with the preparation course.

First meeting:  17 november 2022

Dates: Optics practicals from 11/01 to 28/02 2023, Mechanics practicals from 21/03 to 2/06 2023.

Registration deadline: 24 October to 4 November 2022.


Organiser: Faculty of Physics

Collaborators: Delegation for University Integration, Staff Development Service

Coordinator: Chantal Ferrer Roca

Contact: experimenta@uv.es

On the network: www.uv.es/experimenta   www.uv.es/fisica (within the «Activitades para bachillerato» [«Activities for bachillerato» section)