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 History of the Faculty of Geography and History

The current faculty of Geography and History used to be the former Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, built in 1857. 
In 1978, the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters was subdivided in three, standing where the former sections of Geography and History, Philology and Philosophy and Pedagogy stood.
The degree of Geography and History was divided in specializations by theme – Geography, Prehistory and Archeology, Ancient, Medieval, Modern, Contemporary and History of Art – each controlled by their correspondent departments and under governance of a general department. 
A reform was introduced in 1991 which allowed that Universities participated in the production of study plans, creating optional subjects. The eight former specializations of the Faculty became three degrees: History, History of Art and Geography, to which the degree of Library Science and Documentation was added soon after.  
Marc Baldó Lacomba
Catedrático de Universidad of the Department of Contemporary History