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Serenates 2021

2021 Serenades

The SERENADES Festival, co-produced by Universitat de València and the Valencian Institute of Culture, celebrates its XXXIV edition in 2021, with a total of 8 performances open to the public. All the performances will take place at 10:00 p.m. in the Cloister of La Nau Cultural Centre. Tickets for all the concerts will be available at: http://www.latenda.es/entrades

(Limited Capacity. RRP 3€, except for the concert on 25 June by Valencia`s Orchestra, which will be free with an invitation that must be reserved 72 hours before the concert starts)


Programme PDF [+]


Thursday 24/6

Abans de la llum (Before light)

CDM Academy

Dance group from the Universitat de València

Toni Aparisi Sevilla, artistic direction

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Friday 25/6

José Iturbi 125 / Amparo and José Iturbi

Carlos Apellániz, piano

Óscar Oliver, piano

València Orchestra

David Gómez-Ramírez, Director

More information [+]

Saturday 26/6

Días de luz (Light Days)

Pablo Milanés

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Sunday 27/6

Distopia (Dystopia)

Belén Roig, soprano

Marina Rodríguez-Cusí, mezzo-soprano

Vicent Romero, tenor

Vicent Antequera, baritone

Paula Tamarit, piano

Universitat de València’s Choir

Francesc Valldecabres, Director

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Monday 28/6

Giuseppe Verdi

Singing students from CSMV

Universitat de Valencia’s Philharmonic Orchestra

Beatriz Fernández, Director

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Tuesday 29/6

Se canta pero no se toca (It is sung but not played) - Live


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Wednesday 30/6

Homenaje a Nadia Boulanger (Tribute to Nadia Boulanger)

Kairós Project

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Thursday 1/7

Jazz Orchestra of Valencia`s Conservatory of Music

Joaquin Rodrigo form València

Jesús Santandreu, Conductor

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ScheduleFrom 24 june 2021 to 1 july 2021. Every day at 22:00 to 23:30.


Claustre. Centre Cultural La Nau

Organized by

Org: Universitat de València. Institut Valencià de Cultura

Col: Diputació de València. Ajuntament de València. Palau de la Música. ISEACV. EASD. Sabadell Fundació. Conservatori Superior de Música Joaquín Rodrigo de València. Fundació Bancaixa.


Contact pam@uv.es

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