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Workshop "Trans realities: get to know diversity!

Every October we celebrate Trans October, and specifically, on the penultimate Saturday of the month, the International Day of Action for Trans Depathologisation. The struggle of transgender people to achieve the right to gender identity or gender expression has led to the celebration of this day that vindicates that trans identities are not a pathology, but one more possibility to live gender in this world.


On the occasion of this celebration, Kristal Calvo, a public speaker, activist and member of the Trans Advisory Council for CCOO-PV, will run a workshop in which she will be talking about her experiences as a trans woman. The act will be presented by Emi Pacheco, Social Education student and volunteer of the Diversitats multicoloured spaces.


There will be one workshop per campus per day:


  • 18 October at 6.30 p.m., Salón de grados of the Faculty of Physics.
  • 19 October at 18:00, classroom PB 04 of the Faculty of Education.
  • 20 October at 18:00, Faculty of Psychology and Logopedics.


To attend the event, registration is not required, but places are limited until full capacity is reached.


This event is developed in collaboration with Diversitats, an initiative of the Vice-rectorate for Equality, Diversity and Sustainability of the Universitat de València, through the 1st Ideas Competition. For more information, click here to contact us at diversitats@uv.es.



ScheduleFrom 11 october 2021 to 24 october 2021. Every day at 09:00 to 00:00.


Todos los campus

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Contact diversitats@uv.es

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