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Education in animation techniques, VFX, videogames development, mobile phone apps...


"Having studied so many areas from the ground up will allow me to perform in any task I might be asked to do.’

Roberto Roig | 15 february 2021

Roberto Roig has a degree in Multimedia Engineering from the School of Engineering of the University of Valencia. He is currently working as a web programmer at Capgemini, where he started his internship as a student.

In his company he works on both frontend and backend and is a consultant on Angular projects. In the future, he would like to work in Cloud Computing ‘something that both the company and my colleagues are making very easy for me thanks to their experience and knowledge’.

On his experience as student of the Multimedia Engineering degree at the School of Engineering of the UV, he states that the wide variety of subjects studied in the degree has helped him to reaffirm what he really likes. ‘I know that having studied so many areas from the ground up (web, graphics, systems, audio-visual projects) will allow me to perform in any task I might be asked to do, despite taking a particular direction.’

Roberto is very grateful because his (undergraduate degree) Final Project ‘Live Streaming Platform for broadcasting programming sessions’ has won the fifth call for the best Final Project awarted by the Capgemini-Uv chair.

Finally, he says that one of his main takeaways from the course is ‘without a doubt, having met some wonderful people, both friends and teachers’.

Roberto Roig Pedro: ‘I know that having studied so many areas from the ground up (web, graphics, systems, audio-visual projects) will allow me to perform in any task I might be asked to do.’