Logo UVDegree in Multimedia EngineeringSchool of Engineering (ETSE) Logo del portal



Undergraduate degree website: www.uv.es/graus/enginyeriamultimedia

Credits: 240

Basic training: 66

Compulsory: 120

Elective: 30

Work Placement/Internship: 12

Final Project: 12

Degree code: 1407

Classes: Presencial

Years: 4

Price per credit
[2024-2025 academic year]:

Regulated professions for which the degree certificate qualifies: Not applicable

Languages used in class: ------

Minimum number of enrolment credits per student: 30 ECTS

Degree Academic Committee President (CAT): José Rafael Magdalena Benedicto

Degree Coordinator: Miriam Gil Pascual

Work Placement/Internship Coordinator: Javier Martínez Plume

International Coordinator: Antonio Boluda Grau

Academic, scientific or professional interest:

The Degree in Multimedia Engineering provides a general technical training in engineering instruments and methods. At the same time, this is applied to those needs derived from the communicative paradigm generated by information and communication technology (ICT) and in particular by multimedia systems. This requires a multidisciplinary approach, in which a solid technological base and well-developed narrative and organisational skills are combined for designing and developing multimedia products.

Worth Noting:

The Degree in Multimedia Engineering is new and has few precedents in other Spanish universities. Its introduction comes as a result of the social requirement and high demand for professionals with this profile. Students can choose from the optional subjects included within this curriculum or those of the degrees in Computer Engineering, Telematics Engineering and Audiovisual Communication. This gives them the opportunity to design their own education in relation to different academic and professional pathways. In the fourth academic year, students can choose to either finish their studies at the University of Valencia or at a different university. In this case, acknowledgement of credits depends on the subjects taken.