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The Universitat and the Capgemini Chair renew the Chair for Innovation until 2021

  • November 30th, 2018

The renewing of the Chair for Innovation in Software Design until 2021 has taken place at the Office of the Principal with the presence of the Secretary of the Universitat, Mª Elena Olmos, the director of the School of Engineering of the Universitat de València (ETSE), Paula Marzal; the deputy director of ETSE and Representative of the Joint Commission, Francisco Grimaldo; the vice-president of Capgemini and director of the Capgemini Office in València,David Luengo; and a Representative of the Joint Commission, Manuel Cid.

The managing director Francisco Bermúdez claimed that “today two key concepts for Capgemini take importance: innovation and collaboration.” On top of that, Bermúdez also highlighted that “The Innovation Chair starts a new stage during which we will reinforce training and research with seminars, internships, as well as open days and awards.”

As the principal Mª Vicenta Mestre said, “The University continues its Chair policy, a strategic line for this institution, especially in the case of the Innovation Chair that has a company like Capgemini, national and international reference for innovation and transfer; but also keeping in mind employability of our graduates, a key element for this institution.”

This Chair was created in 2015 and is managed through the School of Engineering. It provides a chance for students to improve their skills to the needs of the market through training and research in matters related to dynamism and quality in software development as freeware, programme development methodologies and test management, user experience or cloud computing.

Apart from that, the Chair also advises the University in the elaboration of plans of studies that consider current and future needs of the market. Research is also fostered between professors and students via Degree and Master’s Degree Final Projects that are usually linked with internships or scholarships.

On top of that, the Chair fosters excellence with the chance for students to win the Capgemini-UV Chair in software development, which turns three years old in the current academic year 2018/2019.

Capgemini has three centres all around València and almost 600 employees here, which makes it a way to foster the University-Company ecosystem of València. A total of 750 students of the Universitat de València have performed their internship in Capgemini and more than half of them have been hired by the company itself.

Capgemini offers consultancy, technology and digital transformation services. With a history of more than 50 years, Capgemini has more than 200.000 workers distributed in 40 countries and in 2017 had an international income of 12.800 million of euros.




