Take advantage of the University's services to learn languages and improve Catalan and English!
The Languages Service offers different services to help you improving your command of Catalan and English and to acquire communicative skills in other languages such as French and German. It also offers grants and prizes and runs campaigns to promote language parity and plurilingualism.
Click on the category to see all the services:
Learning (courses, conversation groups, language learning centres, language exchanges, individual tutoring, grants for language courses).
Language tests and certification (level tests in Catalan, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and grants for taking language tests).
Proofreading and translation (language consultancy and proofreading services in Catalan and English, translation into Catalan).
Incoming students welcoming (welcome and language exchanges events and workshops).
Parity and plurilingualism (awards and grants for theses, teaching materials and activities; languages and cultures workshops; language regulations; volunteering and campaigns).
Contact us:
- Contact us through the official channels: llengues@uv.es | 963 937 160 | 638 230 115.
- Follow our news through social networks and mailing lists.
- In person at the administrative headquarters of the Languages Service or at any of the languages learning centres on the three campuses of the University in Valencia and Burjassot.