Universitat de ValènciaDegree in PodiatryFaculty of Nursing and Chiropody Logo del portal

Out of the total number of places that the University establishes for each degree programme, a percentage of places are reserved for different access routes, mostly corresponding to upper secondary school and advanced vocational training.

  • Students over 25: 3% of the places, with the specific entrance examinations passed.
  • Students over 40: 1% of the places, with accredited professional experience.
  • Students over 45: 1% of the places, with the specific entrance examinations passed.
  • Students with university degrees: 3 % of the places for those who have a university degree or equivalent.

Personal circumstances that may allow access through specific reserved quotas are also taken into consideration:

Students with a disability (5% of the places)

Students with a disability rated at 33% or more or a student with ongoing special education needs associated with personal circumstances of disability.

High-level or Elite High Competition [Levels A or B] (5% of the places + Additional 5% according to Decree 39/2020)

Según lo establecido en el Real Decreto 39/2020, La Comunitat Valenciana reservará, para las personas deportistas de élite de alta competición que reúnan los requisitos académicos correspondientes, un 5 % de las plazas disponibles y, adicionalmente, el 5% de las plazas correspondientes a las enseñanzas de ciencias de la actividad física y del deporte y fisioterapia.

Faculty of Nursing and Chiropody

Degree Places
Degree in Nursing  264
Degree in Podiatry  60

Range of vacancies for new students for the academic year 2023-2024

Degree Places
Degree in Nursing 325
+ 65 Ontinyent
Degree in Podiatry 60