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Work placements (internships) entail hands-on experience for students overseen by an on-site supervisor and an academic tutor from the University of Valencia. The main aim is to enable students to enrich and apply their knowledge acquired at the university. Professional skills gained will enhance job prospects and foster entrepreneur ability.

The University of Valencia firmly believes that work placements are essential and necessary to prepare its students for the future and, at the same time, to link with society. Placements undergo specific regulations and each university faculty has a committee whose aim, among others, is to promote and academically supervise the placements.

ADEIT, the University-Business Foundation at the University of Valencia, is in charge of organising, planning and managing the placements for University of Valencia students (under the direction of the Vice-Principal for Studies and Language Policy, the Vice-Principal for Postgraduate Studies and the Vice-Principal for International Relations and Cooperation).

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