foto Laura Monros Gaspar
PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
Cap de Seccio-Servei
Jefe/a de Seccio-Servici-Vicerectorat de Cultura i Societat
Àrea de coneixement: FILOLOGIA ANGLESA
Departament: Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya
(9639) 83587

Research interests:

  • The reception of classical mythology in nineteenth- and twentieth-century literature in Britain and in neo-Victorian contexts.
  • Cross-cultural relations in the translation of Greek and Roman Drama into English and Spanish.
  • Women's writing in the nineteenth century and in neo-Victorian contexts.
  • British popular culture of the nineteenth century.
  • Nineteenth-century British theatre, with particular interests in cultural politics, in performance practices, and in gender.
  • Nineteenth-century British theatre in neo-Victorian contexts.
  • The editing of Victorian burlesque.


Asignatures impartides i modalitats docents
Segon quadrimestre
Dijous de 10:30 a 13:30. DESPATX 050, 6ª PLANTA FFTIC
Participa en el programa de tutories electròniques de la Universitat de València
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