UVCulturaExtensió UniversitàriaUniversitat de València Logo del portal

The teaching staff responsible for the course can, via the website:


(If the link does not work, please try coping and pasting the link into the browser’s address bar)

  • Check the enrollment status of their course.
  • Download the attendance list for monitoring the attendance.
    1. The date of each session must be indicated in the field provided to this end.
    2. The students must sign their attendance at each session of the course.
    3. If any student does not appear in the attendance sheet but he/she attends class and has paid the enrolment rates, the professor must:
      • Add his/her name and sign on the bottom of the attendance list.
      • Contact the University Extension Service (during the first sessions of the course) to clarify the situation and include the student, when appropriate, in the final minutes.
  • Grade and download the course record.

Instructions for using the application