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This section includes details of the publications issued by the López Piñero Institute for the History of Medicine and Science since its foundation, and also by the Science Studies Seminar, affiliated to the Institute.

León Sánchez Quintanar Collection, on CD-ROM

This collection comprises the bio-bibliographical catalogues Biblioteca Médica Hispano-Lusitana (Hispano-Lusitanian Medical Library) and Biblioteca Quirúrgica Hispano-Lusitana (Hispano-Lusitanian Surgical Library), composed by León Sánchez Quintanar (1801-1877), Professor of Medicine at the University of Valencia. While resident in Madrid with Hernández Morejón, he collaborated as a leading disciple of the latter in compiling a key work of Spanish medical historiography, the Historia biobibliográfica de la medicina española (Bio-Bibliographical History of Spanish Medicine). He worked for a long period at the Spanish National Library, mixing with the scholars who frequented the institution at that time. In Madrid he also began to collect material for his future works, which he composed back in Valencia. They remain unpublished and are now held in the Vicente Peset Llorca Library at our Institute. Together they constitute a bio-bibliographical catalogue in six volumes with information on over a thousand authors.

  • La «Biblioteca Médica Hispano-Lusitana» de León Sánchez Quintanar (Volúmenes manuscritos 3 y 4 (M-Z)

    Micó Navarro, J.; Fresquet Febrer, J.L.

    (2008).Recurs electrònic

    Valencia. ISBN: 978-84-370-6911-1

  • La «Biblioteca Médica Hispano-Lusitana» de León Sánchez Quintanar (Volúmenes manuscritos 1 y 2 (A-L)

    Micó Navarro, J.; Fresquet Febrer, J.L.

    (2007).Recurs electrònic

    Valencia. Obra completa ISBN: 978-84-370-6911-1

    ISBN: 978-84-370-6912-8
  • La «Biblioteca Quirúrgica Hispano-Lusitana» de León Sánchez Quintanar

    Micó, J.; Fresquet, J.L; López, M.L.

    (2003).Recurs electrònic

    ISBN: 84-370-5659-4