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European project UP-Access: Upgrading Access Points for cross-border eDelivery

  • September 3rd, 2018
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The University of Valencia coordinates, through the IRTIC, the European project “UP-Access: Upgrading Access Points for cross-border eDelivery” (INEA/CEF/ICT/A2017/1527154), co-financed by the European Union's Connecting Europe Facility, to implement the AS4 protocol and upgrade the Service Metadata Publishers (SMP) of the 4 PEPPOL Access Points of this consortium (lnvinet, BabelWay, Storecove/DATAJust and Credemtel) used by thousands of clients from different Member States. The main results are their ugpgraded eDelivery solutions by migrating from the AS2 to AS4 as a mandatory process defined by OpenPEPPOL. The whole implementation will be based on the EU Core Service Platform and will pass the validation services of CEF Digital associated to the eDelivery Building Block. In this sense, the main open source implementations used by the PEPPOL and eSENS community will be considered, especially HOLODECK and CIPA eDelivery


The participants of UP Access Project are:

1. Universitat de València (UVEG)

2. Valencia Interactiva SL (VALTIVA) - established in Spain

3. Invinet Sistemes 2003, SL (Invinet) - established in Spain

4. Babelway (Babelway) - established in Belgium

5. Datajust B.V. (Datajust) - established in Netherlands

6. Credemtel S.P.A. (Credemtel) - established in Italy


The UP-Access project, which began on 01/03/2018 and will end on 28/02/2019, has as main objective to implement the AS4 protocol and upgrade the Service Metadata Publishers (SMP) of the 4 PEPPOL AS2 Access Points of the consortium partners (i.e. Invinet, Credemtel, Babelway and Storecove/Datajust) used by thousands of clients from different Member States. The Action will hence ensure the upgrade of the existing eDelivery solutions of the beneficiaries by migrating them from the AS2 to AS4 profile as a mandatory process defined by OpenPEPPOL. Each beneficiary will assess the main open source implementations used by the PEPPOL and eSENS community before starting their own implementation.


The new eDelivery infrastructure resulting from the Action will fulfil the corresponding technical requirements to become qualified according to the eIDAS Regulation. As a consequence, the solutions implemented will facilitate the cross-border exchange of thousands of electronic documents.


The University of Valencia, which coordinates the Project, will be responsible for the project administrative and financial management and knowledge management.


It will also take care of the collection of all the technical requirements needed to set up the Access Points according to the e-SENS and PEPPOL profiles and the Trust Service Providers (TSP) needs. It includes review the whole technical documentation associated to the eDelivery Building Block, to PEPPOL and to e-SENS regarding the AS4 and SMP implementation and the PEPPOL Access Point operating rules. It also includes reviewing the AS2 architecture of each TSP of the consortium to identify the best alternative from the technical point of view to the implementation of their new AS4 and SMP solution. This task will provide all technical documentation and guidance to be used by the technicians in other activities of the Action.


The University of Valencia leads, in addition, the Implementation Strategy, the consortium will define an implementation strategy to build the AS4 and SMP, considering the technical framework (eDelivery DSI), service levels and planning. The strategy will lead the implementation tasks and the test to be delivered by each individual partner.


Finally, they are also in charge of the action of definition and execution of the Communication Plan, this task will elaborate the strategic communication plan of the Action focused on those entities and researchers involved with PEPPOL network, especially the potential new access points interested in collaborating with the consortium members. It includes the use of social networks for dissemination of the Action and of eDelivery.


The project has a total budget of € 346,252 and a EU CEF contribution of € 259,689.



Project website: 


The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of IRTIC (UV) and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.