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  • Research Group DATS
Servei Català de Trànsit (SCT)

The Strategic Road Safety Plan 2014-2020 has as its central objective to move Catalonia to the forefront in the reduction of road accidents. To this end, it is aligned with the goal set by the European Union to achieve a 50% reduction in the number of deaths on Catalan roads by 2020 compared to 2010. This general objective is associated with a set of specific objectives, strategic lines and projects that drive Catalonia's road safety strategy.

Once the term of this Plan has expired, an evaluation must be made in order to know if the proposed objectives have been achieved, if the measures proposed in the different strategic lines and driving projects have been carried out and what is the level of achievement of the indicators (strategic and result) proposed in the Plan.

Project category


Start date
2021 March
End date
2021 December
Funding agencies:

Servei Català de Trànsit (SCT)