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  • Research Group DATS
Fundación Asindown. Particpating: Iniciativas de Educación y Seguridad Vial.

Supervision, academic support and implementation of a comprehensive programme on education and road safety, adapted to the needs of Asindown’s beneficiaries for the development in the traffic children park of Cheste’s circuit.

The aims of the programme are: to show how to use all the elements and resources that public roads provide and to develop appropriately in them and show how to recognise and respect Road Safety regulations.

The programme is aimed at children and young people, explaining the legal representative of ASINDOWN that judging road safety education as a considerably interesting and important starting point for the improvement of road safety and integral part of the concept of education, she will promote actively the development of this programme among their members, corresponding to the aforementioned foundation the selection of its members to participate in it.

Project category

Development and innovation

Start date
2000 January
End date
2001 December
Funding agencies:

Fundación Asindown


Iniciativas de Educación y Seguridad Vial