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  • Research Group DATS
Ministry of Science and Technology

Creation and development of a documenting and information service relating to traffic, transport and road safety. Development of a system of information management and dissemination through the Internet.

The aim is the implementation of a WEB server as well as a documenting centre on traffic, transport and road safety. Provide it to all companies directly or indirectly related to transport, essential for all those innovation and development processes to contribute to the improvement and competitiveness of these sectors, putting in addition, special attention for many companies, both referring to the costs and its impact on the working conditions.

Stage 1:

  • Updating, expansion and continuous implementation of the documentary resources.
  • Physical adequacy of the space for its disposal for external services.

Stage 2:

  • Maintenance, updating and optimisation of the WEB server.
  • Promotion and spreading of the service among the companies related to transport.
Project category

Development and innovation

Start date
2000 January
End date
2001 December
Funding agencies:

Ministry of Science and Technology