MTDFP Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública
Currently, intelligent traffic and multimodal mobility management systems are limited, mainly due to the existence of dispersed sources of mobility data (heterogeneity) with variability in their description. These are at different levels of disaggregation and updating (both temporal and spatial) and present undefined quality standards in many of them. In general, there is no centralized repository of data and models that guarantee a certain quality with homogeneous data.
For this reason, the present project aims to develop the main functionalities of an ambitious shared data platform, called Regional Access Point or Regional Access Point in the Autonomous Communities of the Mediterranean Corridor, which will integrate the most relevant information on urban and interurban mobility of the main regions of the Spanish Mediterranean corridor: Catalonia, Aragon, Valencia and Andalusia, as well as cities such as Valencia, Reus and Seville. This Regional Access Point will be known as RAP (Regional Access Point) by analogy with the National NAPs already existing in Spain, PAP in the provinces and LAP in the case of Cities.
These Access Points will concentrate the data necessary to meet the main regional and local use cases within the region, and will therefore be used to carry out the appropriate monitoring or updating of mobility planning.
Development and innovation
MTDFP Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública
- EU - NextGenerationEU