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  • Research Group DATS
Instituto Mapfre para la Seguridad Vial. Fundación Mapfre

The aim is to provide teachers with an educational programme addressed at one of the groups at greatest risk while driving such as young people.

It is part of a philosophy whose starting point is “not to blame”, always and in any circumstance, young people for performing a series of reckless and dangerous behaviours in the road environment. Instead, we think that young people are, most of times, victims of a scarce or non-existent education in the field of road safety. We are heavily involved with young people and are at their side, never before them as we know that young people always respond when we treat them with respect and understanding and when our approaches take into account their reality.

Based on previous research, the programme develops a cognitive strategy, in order to work on the attitudes of young people towards traffic risk.

The programme has a manual for the trainer, audiovisual material that consists of transparencies and a video.

The Programme ACTION, with the aim of achieving high levels of effectiveness, appears divided into a series of blocks that facilitate the work on the content, presents audiovisual materials and uses activation and cognitive elaboration strategies, so the participants can assume every moment an active role towards the information presented by the trainer and is the content of the programme.

Multimedia publication.

Project category

Development and innovation

Start date
1998 January
End date
2000 December
Funding agencies:

Fundación Mapfre. Instituto Mapfre para la Seguridad Vial