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  • Research Group DATS
Ministry of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society of the Valencian Government



Our society is advancing at a pace never seen before. Year after year, changes are taking place that affect essential aspects of life, ranging from the way we interact, to the way we behave, to the way we move around.

In this context, certain social groups may feel frightened by the complexity of these advances. Others may simply feel excluded for reasons of aversion to change. However, there is a group that suffers from all these effects simultaneously: the elderly, whose presence in the population pyramid is increasingly prominent.

This project seeks to deepen the necessary research to draw a picture that clearly exposes the risks faced by the group of elderly people in their daily mobility, as well as the causes that generate this situation and the consequences that, from the point of view of mental health, can be generated in those affected.

For this purpose, the following activities are proposed:

  • Activity 1: Contextualization of the problem: Vulnerable users in urban environments, derived psychological factors and protective actions.
    1. Statistical analysis.
    2. Legislative analysis.
    3. Analysis of psychological factors
    4. Social analysis
  • Activity 2: Analysis of mobility habits in elderly people.
    1. Design of the evaluation.
    2. Implementation of the evaluation.
    3. Analysis of results.
  • Activity 3: Proposal of a battery of measures to improve the adaptation of older people to current mobility and improve their mental health.

Based on the Report on the Elaboration, Development and Evaluation of the Road Safety Education Program for the Elderly that INTRAS published for the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in 2005; on the conclusions obtained in Activities 1 and 2, a catalog of measures will be developed to act on the problem both from the point of view of the psychological symptomatology derived from the problem on people, as well as the way in which society can change to adapt to the problem.

  1. Measures to minimize the psychological symptomatology.
  2. Measures to improve the adaptation of the group to social changes.


Project INVEST/2022/59 subsidized by the Ministry of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society of the Valencian Government and by the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR.

Project category


Start date
2022 November
End date
2024 October
Funding agencies:

Ministry of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society of the Valencian Government