7th Volunteering, Solidarity and Sustainability Forum

7th Volunteering, Solidarity and Sustainability Forum

Date: 25 april 2024 at 09:30 to 14:00. Thursday.


Place: Faculty of Economics


The Volunteering, Solidarity and Sustainability Forum aims to highlight issues related to sport and culture as a spirit of self-improvement, international cooperation, economy, as well as the fight against social exclusion, poverty and inequality. Likewise, it promotes initiatives aimed at fostering sustainability in different areas, such as people's daily lives, education and research.

Associations participating in this event will have a booth at their disposal to give detailed information on the projects they are carrying out. Additionally, the forum will have panel discussions in which different topics will be discussed. This will allow us to learn first-hand about the reality of the participating organisations.

From the Faculty of Economics we want to educate ourselves in the culture of solidarity and sustainability, and help to improve the situation of an important part of society.

Organized by:

Office of the Vice-Dean for Participation, Volunteering and Equality - Faculty of Economics.


Contact: fac.economia@uv.es

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