Democratic Memory and Heritage. 1936-1939. Know, disseminate and value

La Vegatilla
  • From 5 june 2019 to 8 july 2019. Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday at 10:00 to 20:00.
  • From 5 june 2019 to 8 july 2019. Saturday and sunday at 10:00 to 10:00.

Place: Museo del Palmito de Aldaia


The Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Society of the Universitat de València, sponsored by Caixa Popular, has presented the exhibition Memoria Democrática y Patrimonio. 1936-1939. Conocer, difundir y poner en valor. This sample includes 17 boards that collect historical, documental, war and oral memory heritage in the Valencian territory as a result of the Spanish Civil War between 1936 and 1939.

80 years after the beginning of the Spanish Civil War and the relocation of the Government of the Second Republic to Valencia, the Valencian democratic memory lives a new phase of commotion. New initiatives try to answer this social demand to know the history and the cultural heritage of our recent past. This is the context in which the new exhibition is created. It aims to put in value the Valencian heritage that took place during the Spanish Civil War and contribute to respect cultural heritage. This heritage offers resources based on the social and cultural values that have to be used for the knowledge and benefit of all the society.

Despite of the fact that the war took place mostly out of our region, the war had a great impact and printed heritage in our society that has lived until our day and has become common heritage. This exhibition is curated by its own authors: Jorge Ramos Tolosa, Javier Esteve Martí i Enrique Bengochea Tirado. They aim to raise awareness about this subject.

The Universidad de Valencia is public, Valencian and committed to its environment. Therefore, it has organised a new itinerant exhibition that intends to raise awareness about a particular cultural heritage that is the result of our recent past.

Organized by:

El Vicerrectorado de Proyección Territorial y Sociedad de la Universitat de València, con el patrocinio de la entidad Caixa Popular y la colaboración del ayuntamiento de Aldaia..



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