Valencian territory, runner territory - Riba-roja de Túria

Mitja Marató Riba-roja de Túria

Schedule: From 22 march 2019 to 7 april 2019. Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday and sunday at 10:00 to 20:00.


Place: Sala d'exposiciions El Molí, carrer Cisterna, 30, Riba-roja de Túria


The Universitat de València, through the Office of Territorial Projection and Society, in collaboration with the ‘Direcció General d’Esports de la Generalitat Valenciana’ and ‘Caixa Popular’ presents the exhibition Territori valencià, territori runner (Valencian territory, runner territory) which shows the increasing social and cultural importance of this phenomenon from the work of 40 researchers of the Universitat and other experts on this theme.

The Valencian territory presents most of the percentage of the popular athletics in the entire State. Since the Jaume I period we can find footsteps of this sport in our ground. Starting from these antecedents –and from the tremendous capacities that presents for mental and physic health- this pioneer multidisciplinary and multifaceted exhibition about the great importance that running is achieving in the Valencian Society analyses some aspects which include a great variety of topics in which we can find the following ones: health, physiology, life quality, nutrition, injury prevention, psychology, biomechanics, doping, sponsorships, modalities, etc.

Organized by:

Universitat de València coperatin with the General Direction of Sports of the 'Generalitat Valenciana', 'Caixa Popular' and Riba-roja de Túria's city hall..



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