Meeting about multidisciplinary research teams’ collaboration for Horizon2020 programme

  • Press Office
  • December 12th, 2018
Office of the Principal
Office of the Principal

The Office of the Vice-Principal for Innovation and Transfer of the Universitat de València has organised the workshop ‘Multidisciplinary collaboration in the Univresitat de València: an opportunity for H2020’, which will be held on 13 December at 9:15 a.m. in the Assembly Hall of the Office of the Principal.

The main objective is to promote multidisciplinary collaboration among different research teams of the University to suggest different approaches when addressing new priorities for callings of Horizon2020 programme for 2019 and 2020. This programme funds research and innovation programmes on different fields in Europe.

The workshop is structured in three parts. First, introducing the calls of H2020 for 2019 and 2020. Second, giving examples of multidisciplinary collaboration among research teams in the Universitat de València. And third, a networking among assistants to spot new synergies.

Vice-Principal Maria Dolores Real will be present in the meeting, as well as Marina Martínez, from the centre Centre per al Desenvolupament Tecnològic Industrial and members from six teams of the Universitat de València: David Conesa, VABAR; Jaume Segura, HiPIS; Penélope Hernández, LINEEX; Choni Doñate, Polibienestar; Pilar Campins, MINTOTA and Francesc Hernández, GEDEA; Cristina Portalés, ARTEC and Jorge Sebastián, Art History. They all will explain their experiences with multidisciplinary collaboration.

Full programme is available here.