The heritage of Valencia, a tool to learn mathematics and trigonometry in ESO and Baccalaureate

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • October 20th, 2022
Serranos Towers, Valencia.
Serranos Towers, Valencia.

The University of Valencia (UV) has resumed the mathematical routes with fourth grade ESO students of the IES Comarcal from Burjassot, this Wednesday and until June. These are didactic and informative activities that use the heritage of Valencia to teach mathematics and trigonometry and in which more than 3,000 students will participate this year in 90 sessions. Registration for this activity of the UV Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit for the 2022-2023 academic year has already been completed.

The mathematical routes are aimed at students from third year of ESO to Baccalaureate and consist of scientific itineraries where the surroundings of the city of Valencia are used. This Wednesday the students of the IES Comarcal have started this project with the realization of route 1, which consists of an itinerary From the Serrans Towers to the Botanical Garden. The students were able to measure the height of the Serrans Towers, carry out orientation exercises from the top of this heritage element with a plan and compass, and identify the geometric elements present on the facade. They also used mirror and clinometer (a tool to measure the angle, in degrees, of vertical elements). The route included a visit to the Serrans Towers, the Valencian Government Palace, the Mare de Déu Square, the Reina Square, the Quart Towers or the Botanical Garden.

Each group, made up of about ten students with a monitor, has a backpack that contains the necessary material to carry out the chosen route (magnifying glass, compass, calculator, the aforementioned clinometer or rope). In addition, a didactic booklet is designed for each itinerary that contains different activities that can be used in class, once the activity is finished.

The Mathematical Routes in the City of Valencia is an activity promoted by the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit of the University of Valencia, in collaboration with the Society of Mathematical Education of the Valencian Community Al-Khwârizmî, which began in year 2003. This year the project offers two possible routes: 1 (From the Serrans Towers to the Botanical Garden) and 4 (From the Columbus Market to La Nau).

The Mathematical Routes are an action of the Plan of Activities of the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit which has achieved a grant of 30,000 euros in the call for aid for the promotion of scientific culture, technology and innovation of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology and the Ministry of Science and Innovation. This Plan of scientific dissemination activities will be deployed throughout the academic year until June 2023. In addition to the mathematical routes, there are also actions such as lectures, science workshops, courses, guided tours, science bars or morning sessions.

The UCC+i of the UV has been the best rated in the latest call for aid for the promotion of scientific culture, technology and innovation of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) of the Ministry of Science and Innovation with its annual plan of dissemination activities. The state body has awarded it 97 points out of 100, so it receives the maximum funding with an amount of 30,000 euros. The UCC+i also participates in three other projects of the call.

These activities are part and having the support of MEDNIGHT GTS, a project associated with the initiative “European researchers’ Night” of the European Union, which has the funding of Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions and call identifier: HORIZON-MSCA-2022-CITIZENS-01 (MSCA and Citizens 2022).