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  • 10/10/13 - 10/10/13

    Planta 4ª

    Antonio Mercero, Spain, 2003
    Film series: Cancer: the challenge of a thousand faces

  • 10/10/13 - 31/10/13

    Film series on Cancer: El Reto de las mil caras (The Challenge of Thousand Faces)

    This film series deals with one of the diseases with greatest presence in the current society, the cancer

  • 17/10/13 - 17/10/13

    The Doctor

    Randa Haines, EUA, 1991
    Film series: Cancer: the challenge of a thousand faces

  • 24/10/13 - 24/10/13

    My life without me

    Isabel Coixet, Spain and Canada, 2003
    Film series: Cancer: the challenge of a thousand faces

  • 31/10/13 - 31/10/13

    Love the life

    Wit, Mike Nichols, EUA, 2001
    Film series: Cancer: the challenge of a thousand faces