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Cognitive Neuroscience and Reading Research Group - READit

The READit research group is interested in the study of the neurobiological, cognitive and behavioural foundations of reading. The methodological focus is experimental psychology and the collection of electrophysiological (EEG) and eye movement measurements as correlates of reading behaviour at different levels: decoding, syntactic processing and comprehension. Under these parameters, different lines of research are articulated, dedicated to the study of reading acquisition in children with typical and atypical development, lexical access in different languages or research applied to everyday life activities, such as the comprehension of digital texts in adolescents or the reading of traffic signs while driving a vehicle.

READit seeks to relate its findings to current models of reading, reading literacy instruction and intervention in developmental disorders or psychopathologies that affect reading.

Educational Transitions, Resistance, Gender Relationships, Exclusions and Health Research Group - TERRES

The research group TIERRAS (Educational Transitions, Resistance, Gender Relationships, Exclusions and Health) seeks to create and transfer knowledge, interdisciplinary, from a critical and inclusive epistemological position, which directs the gaze towards different cracks that in knowledge societies are revealed as relevant to understand and transform the social world. The lines of research in which we are seeking to jointly explore in greater depth are:

  • Study of pedagogical practice. Analysis of the processes of distribution and construction of legitimate knowledge in the pedagogical device. Pedagogical modes of delivery. Sociology of pedagogy.
  • Pedagogical identity in specific contexts: description and analysis of the social production of identity in the processes of educational and professional transition.
  • Bodies, genders and sexualities: representation and sexual practices. Social construction of health and illness.
  • Audiovisual co-education, gender, semiotics and cultural studies. Critical analysis of audiovisual culture and its co-educational dimension. Meaning and codification of gender in audiovisual discourses. Media interpellation: processes of identification and subjectivation.
  • Study of the processes of precariousness in social contexts discursively dominated by the knowledge economy.
  • Social politics analysis.

Regarding the training and research capacity of the group, the members participate in the third cycle training courses of:

  • Master’s Degree in Gender and Equality Policies.
  • Master’s Degree in Social and Educational Action.
  • Master’s Degree in Psychopedagogy.
  • Master’s Degree in Secondary Education Teacher Training.

We also participate in the Doctoral Programme in Education of the UV and in the Doctoral Programme of the Institute for the Study of Women.

History of Science, Medicine and Technology Research Group - HCMT

Research into the historical and social studies of medicine, technology and science. Collective lines and research projects are devoted to both documentary and material sources of science and technology. Contemporary medicine, its knowledge, practices and scenarios; public health, the relations between science, culture and society, the processes of circulation of scientific knowledge, and the processes of production and social use of science, medicine and technology, especially in the Modern and Contemporary Ages are some of the priority and characteristic research areas of the group.

Instructional Technology: Designing Effective Learning Environments Research Group - INSTECH

The research line focuses on the design and evaluation of learning environments aimed at enhancing active and meaningful learning in different instructional contexts. Based on available knowledge about human learning, the characteristics of effective learning environments are characterised by being (1) learner-centred (building on learners' prior knowledge and skills, attitudes, beliefs and motivations: (2) focus on knowledge and understanding, emphasising the importance of prioritising deep understanding, seeking to facilitate the development of well-organised, accessible and flexible knowledge in different contexts and situations), (3) prioritise formative assessment and feedback, enabling learners to review and improve the quality of their learning, and teachers to provide them with the supports that enable them to make progress; and, (4) developing a sense of belonging to a learning-oriented community, emphasising interaction, cooperative learning, contrasting arguments and giving and receiving help from peers. It also emphasises the role of new technologies in education(training, as they facilitate learning based on real-world problems - using a wide variety of resources such as videos, simulations, demonstrations - that increase students' motivation, provide powerful tools for visualisation and analysis of information, offer more opportunities for interaction with learning materials, communication and feedback from teachers and peers, as well as build learning communities in which a wide variety of actors can participate.


  • Learner-centred teaching methods.
  • Instructional design to promote self-regulated learning.
  • Formative evaluation and feedback.
  • Self-regulated learning: Cognitive, metacognitive and affective-motivational strategies. Time management (Assessment and intervention).
  • Promoting academic engagement.
  • Evaluation rubrics.
  • Electronic portfolios.
  • Competency-based training.
LGTBIQ+ Education and Diversity Research Group - EDi

For decades, universities have progressively incorporated teaching and research structures related to affective-sexual diversity and gender identity. This trend soon spread beyond the English-speaking world to other cultural environments such as Europe and Latin America. The group Education and LGTBIQ+ Diversity (EDi) aims to fill a gap in terms of structures of this type at the UV, specifically in the educational field, and, on the other hand, is created with the intention of being an interdisciplinary research area for several people who have in common the concern for the educational world and the urgency of working (from research and practice) for a fairer and freer school, in which the diversity present in societies is reflected and valued.

The members of the group belong to different areas of knowledge linked to education. From general didactics and specific didactics, they participate in the training task in the degrees of Early Childhood Education and Primary Education of the UV and other universities in the state, in the Postgraduate Course in Reading and Literary Education in the 21st Century (UV), the Master’s Degree in Teacher Training (UV), the Master’s Degree in Research in Specific Didactics (UV), and the Master’s Degree in Psychology of Education and Human Development in Multicultural Contexts (UV-UASD), the latter taught in Peru and the Dominican Republic. The members of the group also supervise Degree Final Projects, Master’s Degree Final Projects and Doctoral Theses within the framework of the aforementioned studies.

Linguistic Variation in Catalan Research Group - VaLingCat

The research group Linguistic Variation in Catalan is interested in Catalan morphology, syntax and semantics, with a diachronic and synchronic vision. In particular, the group’s studies aim to describe the variation of the Catalan language and to explain the processes of linguistic change of languages, especially in the Romance context, using the methodology of corpus linguistics. Researchers are interested in processes of grammaticalisation, lexicalisation, analogy and reanalysis, semantic change, subjectivation, etc. They apply several theoretical approaches, especially cognitive-based ones, i.e. Cognitive Grammar, Conceptual Integration Theory, Prototype Theory, Construct Grammar, Natural Morphology, etc.

Medieval Spanish Literature Research Group - MEDLIT

Research on Medieval Spanish Literature: 

  1. History, criticism, evolution, social, cultural and political context, literary production, textual transmission and reception.

This line of work brings together the research of the members of the group, which covers a large part of the genres and literary modalities of the history and criticism of Medieval Literature. In particular, the wide range of fictional literature (both short narrative and long fiction), wisdom literature, historiographical literature and travel books, medieval and Renaissance theatre, etc. The activities that project this line of research can be found on the several consolidated electronic pages of the Parnaseo portal [] -information hub on the group’s research activity-, as well as in its databases [] and electronic journals (Memorabilia. Boletín de Literatura Sapiencial Medieval (ISSN 1579-7341) []; Celestinesca (ISSN 0147-3085) []; Tirant. Butlletí informatiu i bibliogràfic de literatura de cavalleries (ISSN 1579-7422) [] and LEMIR. Literatura Española Medieval y del Renacimiento (ISSN 1579-735X) []). 

  1. Text editing: critical and digital. 

Critical edition and transcription of medieval texts and works from the Middle Ages printed in the 16th and 17th centuries. The editions are accompanied by complete introductory studies and exhaustive bodies of notes (some of them have been published in the Editorial Parnaseo Collection of the Universitat de València). The research team has a special interest in digital publishing and, in this respect, not only pioneered electronic publishing in html [], but also created a library of electronic books [] and is currently working on editions with TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) mark up. 

  1. Manuscripts and printed matter: physical invoice, text and image. 

The activities carried out in this line of research take the form of two databases []: Valencian printing production in the 16th century and Valencian typobibliography of the 15th and 16th centuries, as well as the celestinian Portal (in preparation) with sections dedicated to the testimonies of La Celestina (and the Celestinesque tradition), the biblioiconographical analysis of the engravings of the old editions of the work and the reception of the Comedia and the Tragicomedia. 

  1. Digital Humanities applied to the study and research of Medieval Literature. 

This research line has as its main objective the electronic portal Parnaseo [], consolidated project of innovation in Digital Humanities and new technologies: a hub of academic information for research, study and teaching of Spanish Literature, with special attention to Medieval Literature. Parnaseo has four electronic journals, fourteen databases, academic portals, an e-book library, a section of digital editions, an editorial collection and a platform for collaboration between different research groups and projects from Spanish and foreign universities. 

  1. Contemporary cultural recreations of the medieval world. 

Storyca portal development. Contemporary Middle Ages [], focusing exclusively on the reception and presence of the medieval imaginary in the contemporary arts. The different sections of Storyca aim to offer researchers and students a variety of tools and resources for the study and knowledge of the Middle Ages in today's culture: monographs that deal with the study of the survival and recreation of the Middle Ages in cinema, literature (theatre, poetry and novels), comics, videogames, music, social media, etc.; a database of contemporary novels with a medieval theme (narrative production from the 1990s to the present day), and bibliographic catalogues. 

  1. Link between Medieval Spanish Literature and Romance literatures. 

The research team coordinates the R&D&I platform [], created to promote the relationship between the research group with other groups and projects developed in Spanish and foreign universities, to broaden the lines of research and interest of our project with other lines of research both in the field of medieval Castilian literature and in the framework of Romance literatures and, in this way, to broaden the results of the research, its impact and internationalisation. A new way of disseminating knowledge and results as a platform for access and collaboration with other relevant projects in the Romanesque field.

North American Ethnic Minority Literatures in a Global Context Research Group - LENA

The LENA (North American Ethnic Minority Literatures in a Global Context) 
research group aims to analyse literature written by North American authors of ethnic origin, that is, literature written by Native Americans, African Americans, Mexican Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans or Arab Americans, and also including the so-called “white ethnicities” that encompass communities such as Irish Americans, Jewish Americans or Polish Americans, among others. Our main objective is to bring visibility to their histories, literary and cultural practices, epistemologies, concerns and interests in a local, national and global context, with special emphasis on methodological interdisciplinarity, border studies and the gender approach, as well as the relationship they have developed with Spain through studies focused on the reception and translation of their works into our languages.



Psicotext Research Group - Psicotext

The group researches on

  1. Text comprehension and learning processes
  2. Understanding and searching for information in electronic environments
  3. Assessment of reading and comprehension
  4. Individual differences in text learning and comprehension
  5. Comprehension and learning with multiple texts
  6. Intervention for the improvement of text comprehension and learning

The Psicotext Group is part of the Interdisciplinary Research Structure for Reading of the Universitat de València ( It has an extensive research career that began in 1998 and has been consolidated with numerous national research projects, with the Prometeo project of excellence of the Generalitat Valenciana (Valencian Government), as well as numerous international contacts.

El grup Psicotext forma part de la ERI-Lectura de la Universitat de València ( Té una àmplia trajectòria investigadora iniciada en 1998 que s'ha anat consolidant amb nombrosos projectes d'investigació nacionals, amb el projecte Prometeu d'excel·lència de la Generalitat Valenciana, així com nombrosos contactes internacionals. 

Our research focuses on the study of comprehension and learning through texts. Electronic tools have been developed that allow us to study comprehensions processes in detail in reading environments oriented to complex learning tasks that require accessing and searching for information in documents. We study basic aspects such as the processes of information seeking, text comprehension and learning, individual differences or the effect of various types of feedback on these processes. We also do applied research by developing reading literacy assessment products for students at various educational levels and intelligent tutors to improve the reading literacy of schoolchildren (see products at

Religion, Law and Politics Research Group - REDEPOL

The research group “ReDePol” (acronym for “Religion, Law and Politics”) was created as a channel for the dissemination and intercommunication of all research and transfer activities related to the study of the legal regime of the religious factor - understood as an integral element of culture and collective identity - and its political and social consequences.

Despite the traditional difficulties in defining what is religious, it is undeniable that what is religious refers to man’s relationship with transcendence, a relationship that initially involves an act of rational and free acceptance by man, which is the act of faith. Thus the act of faith is the first and fundamental characteristic of the religious fact in today’s societies. Alongside this, religion has other essential components: doctrinal (beliefs), cultural (rituals) and moral (ethical behaviour). If we add to this the fact that the externalisation of human acts is an anthropological necessity, religion acquires a social dimension because it originates precisely in a human act (the act of faith). In other words, man has always proceeded in association for the expression and exercise of his religious feelings. Consequently, the religious phenomenon, which has its origin in an internal act, acquires a social or community dimension, which as such a society needs a juridical order to structure it [Ubi societas, ibi ius]. The juridical relevance of the religious fact is inscribed in its social significance. Religion operates in civil society, relates to other non-religious citizens, is subject to civil authorities... Consequently, the religious phenomenon is of public relevance for state law both in terms of foreseeing the civil consequences of religious behaviour, its relations with other members of the political community outside one’s own religion, or the subjection of confessions or groups of believers to state rules. This legal system is the object of study of the science of State Ecclesiastical Law. However, the religious phenomenon is not exhausted in its legal treatment, but must also be covered by the study of other social and human disciplines (psychology, anthropology, politics, philosophy, education, etc.). 

For this reason, this group was created with the aim of incorporating specialists from these disciplines, in order to complete a vision of the religious phenomenon from a global perspective.

Research Group in Linguistics, Discourse and Cognition - LINDICO

The Linguistics, Discourse and Cognition Research Group, LINDICO, assumes cognitive approaches to combine at all times strictly theoretical linguistic reflection with the necessary promotion of various applied fields, from the conviction that the ultimate goal of the (necessary) grammatical and pragmatic theory is to serve as a basis for subsequent applications and actions of scientific transferability to society.

Although the research caarried out by the members of the group in the different competitive R&D projects covers many fields, the most consolidated studies refer mainly to two lines of work: the field of clinical linguistics and the analysis of political and media discourse. Throughout its trajectory, the group has been consolidating its own theoretical model, with a pragmatic-functionalist orientation, which is framed within the framework of Cognitive Linguistics. Thus, the theoretical areas addressed include all the disciplines of linguistics: phonology, morphosyntax, semantics, pragmatics, typology and universals, psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics. The applied fields include, among others:

  • Analysis of discourse in the public sphere, according to different variables and context (politcal discourse, media discourse, digital discourse), with special attention to the argumentation and persuasion that pragmatically characterise the registers of the media and political issuers (parties and leaders) in the different media and communication channels (written press, social media, television, advertising and propaganda, etc.). 
  • Clinical linguistics: description of language (grammar and pragmatics) in different pathological situations based on ecological data. This line of research has resulted in initiatives such as 
    • the elaboration of specific corpora of child language and deficient language based on ecological data;
    • the description of the language of pathological situations such as aphasia, Williams syndrome, ADHD, Alzheimer's type dementias, or right hemisphere lesions;
    • the development of various language assessment tests and profiles, and of communication guides for interlocutors of speakers with deficits.

All these lines of research are complemented by the appropriate R&D&I dissemination and management activities, such as conferences, seminars, etc.

Research Group in Mediterranean Archaeology - GRAM

GRAM is made up of all the teaching and research staff of the Archaeology area of the Department of Prehistory, Archaeology and Ancient History. Its field of research is the Mediterranean with a special focus on the Valencian Country from the 1st millennium BC to the 7th century AD. The members of the group carry out teaching, research (field, laboratory and bibliographic sources), teaching and dissemination tasks in each of its specific lines (Phoenician-Punic archaeology, Iberian archaeology, numismatics and classical archaeology), collaborating with each other and establishing contacts and agreements with other institutions, foundations, companies dedicated to preventive archaeology and with research staff from other areas of knowledge at the University and other research centres. 

The aim is to study the historical evolution of the protohistoric societies of the Mediterranean peninsular area until their integration into the Roman Empire, the dynamics of this, as well as their economic, ethnological and symbolic interrelationships. There is also a commitment to transfer the knowledge acquired to society through participation in conferences, exhibitions, open days and actions on archaeological heritage.

Research Group in Valencia, University and Art. Art, Culture and Society in Spain, from 1750 to the present day. - VALuART

Art History Studies of the Contemporary World: Image and Representation; Space and Memory; Visibility and Modernity. 

The first axis investigates aspects related to individual, collective and serial human representation, as well as the importance of artistic literature. 

In the second, artistic circumstances are dealt with from a spatio-temporal perspective, the democratisation of public space, the construction of the modern city, the birth and influence of spaces of artistic and cultural sociability, as well as the foreign gaze of foreign travellers. 

And finally, the last axis explores the role of art institutions, official guidelines, the relevance of the female presence in the fine arts, the discovery of artistic manifestations by the public, art as collective memory (collections and museums) and the art-science relationship.

Research Group on Analytic Philosophy - VLC_LAB

This is a research group working within the analytic tradition broadly conceived that is the product of the association of two Research Groups: Phronesis and Méthodos. Like other groups in Continental Europe, we focus on central issues in the philosophy of language, the philosophy of mind, the philosophy and methodology of science, logic, metaphysics and epistemology, but are also interested in ethics and aesthetics. One of our aims is to cultivate the kind of clear and rigorous research that is specific of analytic philosophy in fields traditionally reserved, in our institutional context, to continental approaches. We promote the interaction with other philosophers and groups within the analytic tradition.


Research Group on Animals in Literary and Visual Cultures - CULIVIAN

The group is structured around the research and study of the non-human animal in European and North American literature, as well as in different visual media (cinema, theatre, television, photography, painting, sculpture, etc.), with the aim of advancing in the field of (Critical) Animal Studies which, especially in the Anglo-Saxon sphere, have re-oriented both the philosophical conceptualisation of the animal and the interpretative mechanisms suggested by its aesthetic representation as otherness.

Taking as a starting point the most recent philosophical and scientific theories related to animal subjectivity (from studies of consciousness and sentience to the ethical consequences that derive in legislation and/or regulations on animal welfare, or the also derived principles of animal rights and animal liberation), the aim is to study and compare how the works of certain authors, artists and other types of creators can offer an aesthetic treatment that questions anthropocentric parameters, while responding to current concerns about animal nature. This largely revisionist treatment allows us to further explore the semiotics that intertwine the literary and visual cultures of different nations with the ethical conceptualisation of the animal as a subject-of-a-life that, beyond the more traditional and historically rooted allegorical systems to which it has been subjected, questions the conceptual and artistic boundaries between species, within the framework of the "animal turn" in the age of the anthropocene.

Research Group on Art and Architecture in the Modern Age - GEOART

The group has its origins in the activity of the research groups led first by Joaquín Bérchez (retired UV professor) and then by Mercedes Gómez-Ferrer. Both Professor Gómez-Ferrer and Professor Gil Saura have participated in the projects, "The image of the city of Valencia (13th-18th centuries). De la representación icónica a la matemática" (GV01-345), "Iconografía de la ciudad de Valencia, de la representación icónica a la matemática", "Representación fotográfica y cultura arquitectónica del Barroco Hispánico" (HUM2004-05D262/ARTE) and "Representación fotográfica y cultura arquitectónica hispánica de la época Moderna" (HAR2009-13302B-25/05). Professor Gómez-Ferrer has been PI of the research projects of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness: ECOVAME Ecos culturales artísticos y arquitectónicos entre Valencia y el Mediterráneo en época moderna.(HAR2014-54751-P) and Geografías de la movilidad artística. Valencia en época Moderna (HAR2017-83070-P), with the participation of professors Yolanda Gil Saura and Sonia Jiménez Hortelano. 
Gómez-Ferrer and Gil Saura have directed and are directing master's theses and doctoral dissertations in the "Master's Degree in History of Art and Visual Culture" of the UV with a mention of quality, the "Master's Degree in Cultural Heritage: Identification, Analysis and Management" of the UV and the Doctorate programme in Art History with a mention for excellence. The theses directed, read or about to be read by Professor Gómez-Ferrer are integrated in the lines included in this project, "La imagen grabada de la ciudad de Valencia entre 1499 y 1685", "L'architecture dans le comté de Perigord à la Renaissance (1480-1630) Le commandataire, l'architecture et l'oeuvre", "La catedral de Cuenca en la cultura arquitectura del barroco (1680-1750)" and "La Comisión Provincial de Monumentos Históricos y Artísticos de Valencia (1844-1983): Genesis and evolution" and "Constructive History of the Royal Convent of Santiago de Uclés". All the members of the group share their dedication to the Art and Architecture of the Modern Age, with special dedication to Valencian architecture and its Spanish and Mediterranean connections, without neglecting the figurative arts and the extension to the Baroque period. His contributions in the field of construction history and architectural vocabulary stand out. His latest publications include "La Seo de Xàtiva. Historia, imágenes y realidades" with Joaquín Bérchez, "Pere Compte, arquitecto" with Arturo Zaragozá or "El Real de Valencia, (1238-1810). Architectural history of a palace that has disappeared". It is also worth highlighting its international projection with co-directions in France, publications in Italy and participation in congresses in Rome, Istanbul, Paris and Palermo. 
Professor Yolanda Gil has devoted herself to the study of Baroque architecture in the Valencian sphere, especially studying its relations with the Catalan and Aragonese spheres, with special emphasis on the history of construction, the integration of architecture with the landscape, altarpieces and sgraffito work. In recent times these interests have extended to collecting among the Valencian nobility of the 17th and 18th centuries, the world of portraiture, the cultural aspect of the Austracist exiles in Vienna after the War of the Spanish Succession and the role of the Spanish viceroys in the Modern Age. 
Professor Sonia Jiménez Hortelano has specialised in the architectural and historico-artistic study of the art produced by the Hispanic military orders in the modern period, as well as in aspects related to museography and museum didactics. 
Gómez-Ferrer and Gil Saura have carried out activities in collaboration with companies or institutions that have contributed to the transfer of knowledge to society and the enhancement of heritage. This is the case of Professor Gómez-Ferrer in relation to the studies on La Lonja, the old General Hospital of Valencia and the San Pio V Museum, or Professor Gil, who curated the exhibition "Sacred Landscapes" for the La Luz de las Imágenes Foundation and has participated in the master plans for the Cathedral of Valencia and the Scala Dei Charterhouse.

Research Group on Art, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage - ARSMAYA

The members of the Arsmaya Group (GIUV2013-094) have been carrying out uninterrupted fieldwork in the field of art, archaeology and cultural heritage, both in Spain and in America, since 2000. The team includes experts in art and archaeology as well as specialists in architecture, restoration, physico-chemical analysis of materials and development cooperation.

Research activities in Spain have been directed towards intervention projects in historic buildings, archaeological research in the surrounding areas and the study of exhumed materials (ceramics, glass, coins, bone remains, etc.), mainly through the Projects: Iglesia Colegiata Santa María de Gandía y Plaza del Fossar (GV 2000-2004) and Iglesia de San Martín Obispo y San Antonio Abad de Valencia (GV 2008-2009), as well as other heritage documentation actions through the use of new digital technologies (Iglesia Arciprestal and Acueducto de Morella). In the Americas, archaeological research has been carried out in the archaeological area of Petén, Guatemala, with the aim of investigating and highlighting the rich cultural heritage of the Mayan urban settlements in the Mopán river basin. The centres studied intensively have been La Blanca and Chilonché. These works have been developed through the Project La Blanca and its surroundings (Spanish Ministry of Culture and Palarq Foundation, 2004 to 2019). Another research activity of the Group is the study of Maya architecture through the analysis of the compositional criteria, formal solutions, architectural typologies, construction systems and materials used in the construction of the buildings, as well as the iconographic analysis of the artistic manifestations with which they were ornamented, including the art of graffiti.

These actions have been carried out uninterruptedly since 2005 through numerous R+D+i projects granted by different institutions: Ministry of Education, Generalitat Valenciana, Ministry of Science and Innovation, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain. This line of research also includes that developed in recent years on the application of the gender perspective in the interpretation of the spaces and uses of the buildings investigated, through the project Women, Art and Antiquity. Breaking clichés. In the field of archaeometry, the Group is developing two projects: Archaeometry of colour in the Mayan area and Archaeometry of cosmetics and perfume in Mesoamerica. The first project involves the physico-chemical characterisation of the mural paintings from the different settlements investigated. The second project aims to learn about the substances used in the ancient cultures of Mesoamerica to prepare the body pigments and aromas used by the elite.

The Group has also carried out numerous actions of transfer to society, especially those developed within the La Blanca Project (creation of an Interpretation Centre, open-air musealisation of the archaeological site, training and capacity building of local inhabitants in various activities related to tourism, conservation of cultural heritage and empowerment of women), which were sponsored by different institutions: Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation, Universitat de València, Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, University of Granada, Prince Claus Fund, BALAM Association, Guatemalan Institute of Tourism. Thanks to the incorporation in this last decade of New Technologies applied to pre-Columbian cultural heritage, through the project for Research Groups of Excellence Prometeo-Mayatech (Generalitat Valenciana 2016-2019 and 2020-2023), numerous ideal 3D restitutions of the buildings and objects investigated have been generated, both of La Blanca and Chilonché and of other important Mayan World Heritage cities, such as Quirigúa and Tikal in Guatemala, or Uxmal in Mexico, thus achieving greater dissemination of the results of these investigations to the general public (

Research Group on Assessment and Measurement: Education for Social Cohesion - GemEduco

The research group originated in 1985 with the creation of the area of Research and Diagnostic Methods in Education (Royal Decree 1888, BOE 257 of 16 October 1984). The evolution of the universities and the development of MIDE gave rise, over the years, to specific groups, among which the Evaluation and Measurement in Education Group was born. This evolved into a research group (Evaluation and Measurement Group, Education for Social Cohesion -GemEduCo-, as well as another closely related innovation group: InnovaMIDE, recognised as an educational innovation and teaching quality group by the Universitat de València. Both groups serve the overall purpose of research and training of researchers in the field of Educational Measurement and Evaluation. 

GemEduCo aims to analyse the capacity of Education for social transformation. To this end, it builds on the research tradition developed since 2005 through projects funded through competitive calls in the field of educational measurement and evaluation, aimed at the study of methodologies for the design of instruments and models for the evaluation of educational systems and institutions. In this period the projects AVACO (Analysis of Context Variables; SEJ2005-05995) and MAVACO (Models of Analysis of Context Variables; EDU2099-1385), both funded as R&D projects by the Spanish State (through the MICINN), were undertaken. Since 2013, already from the GemEduCo structure, he leads the SECS/EVALNEC project (EDU2012-34734; MINECO) "Education System and Social Cohesion: design of a needs assessment model", focused on the extended definition of the concept of Social Cohesion proposed by the Council of Europe (2000, 2005). Since 2016, the Group has been developing a new competitive project (EDU2016-78065-R; MINECO) focused on the Validation of an evaluation system for university degrees based on a Social Cohesion Model. These projects have functioned as an articulating element of teaching and research, allowing the defence of several Doctoral Theses, Master's and Bachelor's Degree Final Projects, as well as the publication of numerous articles, as shown on the group's website. In addition, the EVALEF Project (2012-2016, code EDU2011-29467; MINECO) Validation of an evaluation instrument of Family Educational Styles, anchored in the topic of evaluation of educational systems, has opened a specific line of research in the field of educational measurement that is also linked to the establishment of guidelines for the design of intervention programmes with families. 

Complementarily, he develops other projects on the design of measurement instruments and evaluation systems (in the field of lexical competence [EVA-LEX; UV-INV_AE11-42034]-, or the evaluation of the network of conservatories and the design of instruments to assess musical and dance competence -Consellería d'Educació i Esport; Generalitat Valenciana-) in which he applies his developments in these methodologies. 

On the other hand, it has an intense collaboration with international institutions and researchers either through its own projects or in collaboration with international projects. Special mention should be made of the group's participation in the Ibero-American Network of Researchers in Teaching Evaluation (RIIED) and collaborations with universities in Latin America, the United States of America and Europe.

This "know-how" and "know-how" is part of the research training task of the GemEduCo group, which is involved with specific teaching on measurement and evaluation in education in several official masters of the Universitat de València (Master in Policy, Management and Direction in Educational Organisations, Master in Psychopedagogy, Master in Social and Educational Action, Master in Social and Educational Action, Master in Educational and Social Action, Master in Educational and Social Action, Master in Educational and Social Action, Master in Educational and Social Action, Master in Educational and Social Action, Master in Educational and Social Action, Master in Educational and Social Action, Master in Educational and Social Action, Master in Educational and Social Action, Master in Educational and Social Action), Master in Social and Educational Action, Master in Special Education, International Master in Migration, Master in Educational Psychology and Human Development in Multicultural Contexts) and in the Doctorate in Education - all of them at the Universitat de València, and has given rise to the defence of numerous Doctoral Theses and Final Degree and Master's Theses. It also receives numerous guest researchers and PhD students from different countries for stays at the UV. At the moment, its specific line of work focuses on the design and development of instruments and plans for the evaluation of Educational Systems and Institutions, Teachers, Students, programmes and materials. Likewise, in collaboration with the InnovaMIDE group, it designs and evaluates on-line materials for training in various areas of psycho-pedagogical measurement and evaluation. 

Two concepts that are at the basis of all the GemEduCo group's lines of work: 

  1. Education is carried out by the whole of society, from the intentional action developed in educational institutions, to all the non-formal elements that act with educational consequences and the informal ones, as well as the action of social models of reference; and 
  2. The development of a true culture of evaluation must be based on the rigour of the research carried out on the strategies and instruments for psycho-socio-pedagogical measurement, evaluation and diagnosis. Creating a culture of evaluation is not satisfied with "improvised, administratively or politically charged evaluation", but in the careful work that identifies the added value of a methodologically well-conducted evaluation.
Research Group on Audiovisual Formats and Content - CONTD

The audiovisual sector is immersed in a time of profound changes and transformations that are affecting technology, regulation, content and consumption. Within this process, television is undoubtedly the medium that is being most altered, to the point that at this point there are reasonable doubts as to whether it will be able to maintain its traditional position of privilege. This does not mean that the main players in the television system are resigned to the new situation. On the contrary, they are reacting and trying to adapt to a new situation in which economic and social conditions will never be the same as before.

Fundamentally, these changes are causing an exponential growth in the television offer. If we take the Spanish State as a reference, these changes have become more evident since the definitive implementation of Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) in 2010. At that date, the offer went from an offer centred on 7 or 8 free-to-air channels (depending on the territory) to being able to choose from almost 60, once all the channels had been activated. To the resulting figure, however, we must add the existing cable, satellite, ADSL, as well as the so-called "new screens", in reference to television via mobile phones or the network itself via IP. In short, an enormously competitive panorama, with multiple supports, which is changing audiovisual consumption. In this sense, the fragmentation of audiences is an obvious fact. Measured figures since 2008 have shown the progressive loss of audience share of the generalist channels, which are now struggling to achieve a 15% audience share, while years ago they were far exceeding these results. A trend that seems to have no brake if we pay attention to the constant migration of the younger population towards alternative screens (Internet, videogames, mobiles).

Despite the palpable increase in the offer, which is much more specialised and diversified, general national channels and regional and local television still account for the majority of television consumption. These data may be an indicator of how society perceives change and how these changes are slower than some would like. It is difficult to believe, therefore, that people will abandon the television set as the main distributor of audiovisual information and entertainment content in the medium or short term. What is more, since 2007, which was the record year for television consumption in Spain, with an average of 223 minutes per person, or, in other words, each person spending 3.7 hours a day in front of the television, television consumption, although on a downward trend, has stabilised. This data suggests that an increase in supply does not necessarily mean a decrease in television consumption, but rather that this circumstance is having the opposite effect.

This raises many questions about the future role of television, especially if it is considered a public service like any other. This would mean maintaining audiovisual content that is free and accessible to all, of proven quality, financially transparent and ideologically pluralistic, with particular attention to the cultural and linguistic diversity of the inhabitants living in its area of coverage. These areas of interest are the focus of the reflections of the CONTD (Contenidos para la Televisión Digital) Research Group at the Universitat de València, of which we form part, and which form the central part of the CONTD Conferences ( that have been held here for the last VI editions. The aim of these meetings is, together with other researchers and professionals, to debate the future of the audiovisual sector and to share these concerns with the university community and society as a whole.

Research Group on Body, movement, music and curricular practices - COS

The research group "Body, movement, music and curricular practices" is an interdisciplinary group that aims to understand the factors that impact the process of construction of identity and personal autonomy of children with special attention to movement and music in the Early Childhood Education curriculum.

In general, it carries out research and dissemination activities on curricular practices on the body, movement and music in schools that teach the first and second cycle of Early Childhood Education. In particular, it carries out its research activity under five lines of research in which the need to analyse the curricular practices that condition the knowledge of the body and its possibilities of action through the use of strategies and instruments such as the use of content analysis, critical discourse analysis, the use of observational systems of registration, among others, is highlighted.

At the same time, it participates in research and educational innovation projects that seek to transfer the knowledge built in the research both in teacher training and with practising teachers.

The members of the group participate in the Master's or Master's degrees in Preschool Education and Primary School Education, as well as in the Master's and Doctoral programmes in Research in Specific Didactics.

Research Group on Catalan's Phonetics and Phonology - FonCat

Group dedicated to research in the field of Catalan’s phonetics and phonology, especially from a synchronic point of view.

The members of the group are interested in vowel and consonant phenomena that show variation in Catalan, and try to explain them by taking into account the different varieties of Catalan and other Romance languages. These phenomena are approached both from a theoretical and an experimental perspective.

Research Group on Climate, Culture, Leadership and Measurement in Organisations - CLIMO

The group's research activity is developed through the following work lines:

To identify and describe the processes of formation of the climate and culture of the organisations. To determine the influence that leadership has on the processes of formation of the organisational climate and culture, and on its average levels and variability. To determine the influence of the organisational climate and culture, and leadership, on key processes in the functioning of work units (e.g., conflict, communication, reflexivity). To estimate the indirect effects of climate, culture and leadership on the results of the work units (e.g., performance, quality of service) and the quality of working life of its members (e.g., psychological well-being, job satisfaction), through the processes indicated above.

To determine the influence that the composition of work teams based on demographic variables (e.g., gender, education, seniority) has on the processes and results of the teams. To develop and validate measurement instruments (e.g., tests, questionnaires, scales) to measure the variables listed above. To determine the invariance of the psychometric properties of these measures through demographic groups (e.g., men-women), languages (e.g., Spanish-Portuguese), and countries and cultural contexts.

Research Group on Communication and media culture history - HISCOMECU

Diachronic study of the evolution of the forms, contexts and technologies of communication throughout history and in different socio-cultural spheres. The research group starts from the idea that man is a symbolic being, who builds a dense fabric of mediations to organise his coexistence, his ways of relating to others and to the outside world.

Since the invention of writing and through successive techniques and means of communication, human beings have constructed, given expression to, sent and received culture. Some authors, with a certain authority - such as the anthropologist Jack Goody, for example - even affirm that it is relevant to complete the study of the forms and modes of production with that of the forms and modes of communication in order, by relating societies, culture and communication, to ascertain the concrete texture that mediations take on, the relationship of these with social difference, with the construction of different forms of power, with the formulation of identities, with the expressions of conflict, with the constitution of dominant or subordinate ideologies, with the weaving and unweaving of political, cultural and economic hegemony or with the appearance of institutions built to generate imagined communities.

Our group considers that from writing to electronic and digital devices, communication plays a decisive role in history and is omnipresent, but we emphasise the study of mass media, because they are the ones that have accompanied the evolution of the contemporary world and, in this sense, the construction of contemporary history and the history of the present time. The study of the mass media - press, radio, television, cinema, cybermedia - is, always in the diachronic, social and cultural perspective mentioned above, a central objective of the group. This study focuses mainly on the production, distribution and consumption of communication and information. Production is not only concerned with the specific means of communication in charge of disseminating messages, but also and previously with its institutional configuration -whether private or public-, its structure as a productive entity, the materiality of the issuer as such (its economic nature, the social, professional, labour relations, etc., on which it is based, etc.). The study of production also involves understanding the configuration of messages, relating the quality of the sender to what he/she emits and in this sense contextualising the messages and the wefts of meaning that they construct. Distribution deals with the dissemination of messages and the technical formulation of those elements that make it possible. The study of consumption deals with the social and individual reception of messages, the forms of impact of communication and the socio-cultural effects of information. It is a research concern with the dynamic, culturally and historically determined reception that humans make of the symbolic mediations to which they are subjected by degree or through explicit or subtle forms of coercion.

The research group assumes a relational perspective between communication and culture. But not only in the classical sense, according to which communication takes place in a cultural milieu of which it is a product and expression: culture communicates. We also assume another perspective according to which communication modifies culture. In this sense, the relationship between communication and culture is open, does not respond to a predetermined pattern and is intimately linked to the social actors, to the unfolding of their interests and to the actions leading to the maintenance, reform or rupture of the status quo. Aware that the notion of communication is highly transversal and that it can affect several disciplines, rather than seeing this issue as an element of paralysis in its study, we note it in terms of an interdisciplinary opportunity.

Research Group on Communication, Innovation and Branding: A Consumer Behaviour, Culture and Gender Focus - COMINBRAND

The COMINBRAND research group is an intercultural and interdisciplinary group that develops lines of research focused on communication, innovation and the latest marketing trends. Faced with the arrival of the 5.0 marketing stage, the research group contextualises itself in a highly interconnected and digitalised world, where communication plays a key role, and studies consumer behaviour and its connection with the brand, passing through different stages of brand creation. This process of developing a brand through its various assets is called branding. From there, communication, innovation, branding and consumer behaviour are COMINBRAND's main lines of research. To these are added two transversal lines of research, one focused on the study of the impact of culture, and more specifically national culture, which will allow us to obtain a cross-cultural vision of the problems addressed and another that includes the analysis of gender in current scientific research, with the aim of responding to a greater awareness of the importance of including the gender perspective in consumer behaviour studies. 

The priority sectors of the analysis are tourism and education, both of which are subject to major processes of change and digital transformation. The analysis of the tourism sector encompasses both various tourist destinations and the hotel and hospitality companies that operate in them. The study of the education sector focuses on higher education institutions and focuses its analysis on teaching innovation and new teaching-learning methodologies. 

The quality of the group's research is endorsed by the strong international collaboration of its members, their participation in multiple R&D projects financed by public calls, in educational innovation projects and in relevant R&D contracts with companies and/or administrations. In addition to this, there are numerous publications in journals of high international prestige indexed in the SSCI and SJR databases, participation in international conferences, including those oriented towards teaching innovation, participation in editorial boards of prestigious journals, acting as editors and a high degree of involvement in the field of tourism and education in general.

Research Group on Community Social Services - SESOCO

The research group on the social cohesion and local dynamics is part of the social cohesion field of the Inter-university Institute for Local Development in the Universitat de València. The research on the community-based social work is still a recent new field at the Spanish university.

The SOCIAL-COM group aims to contribute to the knowledge and a research visibility of local dynamics that occur in Communities due to inequality, discrimination and social conflict, all of which hinder social cohesion. Generally, in all areas of local communities, but more deeply in social welfare services, human development is seen as a tool that reduces social inequalities and promotes social justice. The SOCIAL-COM Group of the Universitat de València is designed to increase knowledge of the social problems of the immediate environment, directing its action towards the local level to contribute to the development of social structures and the well-being of citizens, whose participation is a strategic element.

Ultimately, objectives of the SOCIAL-COM research group are aimed to participate in creation and development of new concepts, tools and evaluations in the area of municipal services, so that excellent and sustainable territories can be promoted effectively from perspectives of social spending and social welfare.

Research Group on Contemporary Catalan Literature - GLCC

The Grup de Literatura Catalana Contemporània (Contemporary Catalan Literature Group) focuses on the study of contemporary Catalan literature from both a diachronic and a synchronic point of view. Since 1996, when it was set up, it has developed five research projects focusing on some problematic aspects of current knowledge about contemporary Catalan literary production, taking into account all genres, i.e. narrative (novels, short stories and short stories), poetry, theatre and essays. Thus, we have devoted our efforts to researching the Spanish post-war movement known as committed realism, in all its variants (neo-realism, social or historical realism) and, at present, to the conception and use of irony in the different literary movements and authors. The ultimate aim is to bring contemporary Catalan literature studies into line with the methodological assumptions and basic analytical schemes of our Western context.

Research Group on Contemporary European Drama (18th-21st centuries): Criticism, Reception and Transnationality - TCE

The group's objective is to study drama manifestations in Europe from the 18th century to the present day, combining a threefold perspective. Firstly, by following a classical critical methodology, focused on the thematic study of the dramatic genre. Secondly, by combining this with the study of the reception of genres, plays and authors based on the analysis of the cultural theatre industry (theatres, stages, actors, audiences, etc.). Thirdly, the aim of the group is to unite the two previous approaches under a transnational and comparative perspective, which will focus on different European countries.

Research Group on Contrastive Linguistics of German and Ibero-Romanic Languages - CLiGIR

The creation of this group arose from the desire to consolidate and institutionalise a space for its members to collaborate in the contrastive study of German and the Ibero-Romance languages. It began to take shape as a result of the international conference "German dictionaries: new perspectives" held at the Universitat de València, which brought together some of its members.

That first activity was followed by five more conferences (2014, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020), held both in Germany and Spain, which have brought together new specialists in this field who, from different perspectives and methodological proposals, have participated in the discussion of phenomena of common interest and have enriched the debate initiated by the original members of the group. Besides the works arising from the individual research of its members, the collaboration has so far resulted in the publication between 2015 and 2021 of 6 collective volumes and 1 thematic dossier for an international journal, coordinated by members of the group and with the participation of other members. The award of a grant within the call for grants for consolidatable research groups of the Regional Department in Education, Culture and Sport of the Generalitat Valenciana (Valencian Government), gave this group the opportunity to constitute itself as a research structure with specific goals. Seeking its full consolidation among the groups of Spanish German-Hispanic studies and, in particular, a greater projection in the international sphere.

The team is made up of 13 researchers from 9 different German, Portuguese and Spanish universities. The common denominator for all of them is their mastery of German and Spanish, although some of them have also devoted themselves scientifically to the study of other languages, such as Portuguese, Catalan, Italian and French. Although all the members have philological training, their lines of research have followed very different paths. The aim of the research group was to combine different perspectives and methodological proposals in order to identify and analyse the phenomena related to the object of study more adequately and in a more global approach.

In this way, the group aims to reach results and conclusions of relevance for fields as diverse as descriptive linguistics, discourse analysis, language contrast, discourse genres and traditions, L1 and L2 teaching for specific purposes or didactic lexicography, among others. Of the 13 members of the group, 10 are Germanists working in Spanish universities and 1 in Portugal. Of the 2 members of the team linked to German universities, 1 is a professor in Romance linguistics (Anja Neuss-Hennemann) and 1 in German language didactics (Kathrin Siebold).

It should be noted that several of the researchers have already collaborated in previous projects under their leadership, such as "InCrit. Incidentes críticos en la comunicación transcultural alemán/español/catalán", directed by Marta Fernández-Villanueva (2016-2018, FFI2015-70864-P), "La organización de la información en los discursos orales en su variación genérica: estudio contrastivo alemán vs. Spanish/Portuguese/Catalan" (2019-2020, AICO/2019/123), led by Ferran Robles, and "Systematizität und Variabilität: Konvergenzen und Divergenzen in diskursiven und pragmatischen Erwerbssequenzen der Lernersprachen Deutsch, Französisch, Spanisch und Italienisch bei erwachsenen Fremdsprachenlernern verschiedener Ausgangssprachen" (in force since 2015), led by Kathrin Siebold.


Research Group on Contrastive Phraseology German - Spanish - FRASCAE

The first studies on contrastive phraseology (CF) were published in the 1970s and from the 1990s onwards, CF became a discipline and has been the subject of numerous studies both from a theoretical perspective and from a perspective applied to translatology, lexicography and second language teaching. But there is no doubt that the establishment of the European Society of Phraseology (EUROPHRAS) in 1999 in Bielefeld (Germany) has been a real boost for phraseological research in Europe, and in these first years of the 21st century there has been an unprecedented growth in phraseology and CF. 

For the German-Spanish language pair, the first works came to light in the 80s thanks to the Hispanist Gerd Wotjak and the Germanist Barbara Wotjak. It was from the second half of the 90s onwards that phraseological studies comparing Spanish with other languages, especially German, proliferated. The members of this research group published their first contributions to this discipline at that time, focusing on the following fields: phraseodidactics German-Spanish, the question of equivalence in CF German-Spanish at a systemic and textual level, the translation of phraseological units. 

With the contribution of cognitive linguistics and taking corpus linguistics as a basis, a new approach is given to the discipline, achieving reliable quantitative and qualitative results. For this reason, in the latest work of the members of this research group, CF studies have been carried out based on the following corpora:

  • CREA 
  • Sketch engine

Thus, taking corpus linguistics as a basis, the research activity will focus on the following thematic areas of CF German-Spanish:

  • Phraseological universals such as phraseologically linked words (single elements).
  • Translation of phraseological units.
  • Interculturality: semantic-cultural aspects. 
  • Pragmatics in CF German-Spanish. 
  • Phraseology German-Spanish.


Research Group on Corpus Linguistics: developments and applications - CORPLING

Corpus linguistics (CL), with its decidedly empirical approach to language research, has greatly enriched previous paradigms to the point of becoming an obligatory methodological reference in the current landscape of linguistic studies. 

We are interested in highlighting two strands, one dealing with developments in corpus linguistics and the other focusing on its applications. Like other empirical research within linguistics, LC research straddles the humanities and the social sciences, on the basis of computational linguistics. From the humanities it takes its primary interest in the study of language in its multiple aspects, from the social sciences it has taken a large part of its methodology based on quantification (mathematics, statistics, etc.), and from computer science, the development of increasingly sophisticated analytical tools. In this respect, the methodologies used in LC, far from being static, continue to evolve and incorporate important developments, whether through the creation of increasingly sophisticated software packages in ad hoc corpus research, the creation of specific portals, or the creation of tools focused on a variety of research tasks.

Research on LC developments is related to qualitative analysis methods, to textual annotation and to the use of quantitative analysis. In addition, some recent computer science developments, such as so-called sentiment analysis or opinion mining, have turned their interest to the analysis of large amounts of data on the web (big data).

In terms of applications, corpus linguistics has no limits, its great strength being the investigation of large databases that the analyst cannot manipulate effectively through manual analysis. LC is now being applied to any area of linguistic research, be it digital genres of any kind or non-digital genres. In the case of non-digital genres, the solution necessarily involves digitisation, since LC necessarily operates on digitised texts. However, although LC is the fundamental methodology for many researchers, it does not dispense with qualitative or manual analysis, and in its scientific production it is articulated in synergies with other approaches. It is very difficult today to conceive of a dictionary or a grammar without corpus research. But beyond lexicography and phraseology, which have grown hand in hand with the corpus, we find applications in all types of linguistic analysis, whether pragmatic or discursive, including, more recently, stylistic analysis. Not forgetting applications to the acquisition and teaching of second languages, or research into specialised languages. Nor should we forget the invaluable contribution of LC to translatology, given that the corpus is a fundamental tool for translators. There are real networks of researchers working on specific aspects. 

However, returning to the starting point, we are interested in focusing our research on those aspects that evaluate the strength of proposals based on techniques developed within corpus linguistics in research on different fronts.

Research Group on Cultural Hybridations and Migrant Identities - Hybrida

To explore and investigate new forms of literary and artistic creation that are driven by new identities arising from the contact between different cultures, as a result of migration or exile, paying special attention to cultural production in the French language and taking cultural, post-colonial and gender studies as a reference. To analyse the processes of production of subjectivity based on interculturality, on the mixture and hybridisation of values and referents from cultures that have maintained some kind of contact with France.

Research Group on Cultural Pedagogies - CREARI

CREARI Research group on cultural pedagogies is dedicated to the study of cultural synergies and educational actions, incorporating advances in digital technologies and visual culture. We are interested in analysing and improving the conditions of the different audiences both in artistic manifestations and in the rest of heritage realities. We are involved in arts education in both formal and non-formal education settings, with a special focus on museums and heritage environments. We consider it essential to get involved in the training of educators, taking into account the new digital settings, prioritising the criteria of cooperation and making room for new educational models. We incorporate members of different backgrounds into the group, considering that interdisciplinarity is a fundamental aspect of our research idea. We have specialised in teacher training at all educational levels, favouring the integration of the teaching staff as a cultural element of prime importance. Our group is composed of a number of people linked to educational and research institutions, people interested in the promotion, development and innovation of educational projects in the field of museums, visual arts, music and contemporary culture. We want to generate international projects, particularly cooperation projects, both in Latin America and in Europe.

Research Group on Culture and Development - CyD

Culture as a resource for development. Practices, discourses and representations in contemporary modernising processes. The relationship between culture and the processes and imaginaries of development is a crucial element for the design of new policies, particularly those referring to the cultural and educational spheres, both in the countries of the North and the South. Traditionally, the concept of "development" has been associated with a predominantly economic and growth-related dimension. But the decision of the United Nations to adopt the Human Development Approach proposed by Amartya Sen has designed a new political landscape in which the income component is displaced as the main indicator of development, in favour of a reading of well-being that goes beyond economic growth. In this context, it is pertinent to ask ourselves about the value of culture in times of globalisation, in its two dimensions: as an articulating axis of resistance to the hegemonic discourses on the development model promulgated by some of the main international organisations, and as a product traversed by the market in the process of economic globalisation. Is it possible to think about "development" on the basis of a field (culture) which is problematic in its scientific status, its particular productivity and its dubious innovation? In this context, what deserves consideration, what has always constituted the object of study of the field of the Humanities? How to analyse, from this field, the artistic productions that promote certain representations of "development"? Undoubtedly, the cultural sphere has become a privileged place for representing development processes, giving them intelligibility and projecting social meanings onto them. It is therefore necessary to review the nature of these representations, as well as to analyse and historicise the place given to culture in the institutional design of development strategies and plans, in order to redefine the way in which artistic productions contribute to these processes and the most appropriate way to approach them.

Research Group on Culture, Diversity and Development - CUDIDE

The Research Group on Culture, Diversity and Development-CUDIDE was founded in 2011 in the Department of Research Methods and Educational Diagnosis (MIDE) of the Universitat de València. General Study (UVeG) with the aim of contributing, through research, to the theoretical and practical development of aspects related to cultural diversity and personal development.

In particular, we work on intercultural competences, intercultural education, cultural and gender diversity, mobility and migratory processes, among others. The conducted research is approached from an interdisciplinary perspective since the group, led by Carmen Carmona Rodríguez, is made up of professionals from different specialisations: Education, Psychology and Social Sciences. Moreover, by collaborating with different universities in different countries (Spain, United States, Germany, Holland, United Kingdom and Canada), we have the possibility of accessing a wide range of realities, social groups and policies that enrich the work carried out.

People who are part of this research team are interested in promoting research of quality and excellence, from a social and educational approach that provides results of social interest and usefulness. 

Research Group on Cultures and Societies of the Middle Ages - CiSEM

The group's research revolves around the study of the Middle Ages, both from a strictly historical perspective and from the perspective of written culture, art history and didactics, which are the different areas of knowledge to which the member researchers belong. The aim of this diverse research activity, which is at the same time united by its focus on the final centuries of the Middle Ages, is to try to understand and make explicit the complexity of European societies that were much more dynamic and changing than is usually considered. The analysis is based on a concentric vision that reaches from the ancient Kingdom of Valencia to the Crown of Aragon, and from there to the western Mediterranean as a whole. Starting, therefore, from the local reality, the aim is a comparative approach that makes it possible to identify the common trends and explain the particularities and their whys and wherefores.

Given the wealth of sources of all kinds that the panorama of medieval studies in the Valencian Country presents, and the tradition of research that has been typical of this University for some decades, research on this period is currently enjoying a great boost, recognised both at national and international level. The medieval kingdom of Valencia can thus constitute one of the privileged laboratories for the understanding of a fundamental period of the European past, only comparable, due to the possibilities of its archives, with Catalonia or some regions of Italy. This abundant and rich raw material allows us to tackle a wide range of subjects and raise a wide range of questions as part of a major research project.

Given the size of the group, and the presence in it of specialists from different areas of knowledge, the aim is also to consolidate multidisciplinary studies that include political, economic and social history, the history of culture, the history of mentalities, the history of art, archaeology and the study of territory, among others. This research activity takes the form of five lines of research, supported by five funded projects:

  • The study of the fundamental change that took place with the Christian conquest of the former Sharq al-Andalus and the implementation of the feudal system, with the consequent demographic, economic, social and spatial transformations...
  • The configuration of a macrocephalic kingdom, a kingdom conceived for its capital, Valencia, which articulated around it the economic, but also the social, political and cultural realities of its territory, with a peculiar version of rural-urban relations in the Middle Ages.
  • This arrangement corresponds to a society in which its elites were basically concentrated in the capital, and formed an urban patriciate that tried to monopolise power and at the same time present itself as the spokesman for the interests of the kingdom. The formation of this ruling class is therefore also fundamental to the explanation of the historical development of the country.
  • Within this elite, the group of converts from Judaism stands out. Their integration into the majority society and into the machinery of power, and the imposition of the inquisitorial court as a filter for this process, is another line of research to be followed.
  • This society, basically urban in its behaviour, gave rise to an abundant and refined literary production, and used writing as a means of expression and communication. The edition of medieval Valencian texts and their contextualisation therefore allows us to penetrate a little further into a whole culture and the spirit of an era.
  • Finally, the analysis of local society cannot be exhausted in itself, but can be better understood by looking in the mirror at other contemporary realities, especially those close to us, such as the Italian one. 
Research Group on Didactical, Historical and Epistemological Analysis of School Mathematics - ADHEME

For years now, the research group has developed a series of studies on didactic, historical and epistemological analysis of school mathematics, on arithmetic, algebra, problem solving and modelling. Its intention is to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics in school systems, not only by understanding the phenomena that occur in them, but also by providing well-founded information on the processes of teaching and learning mathematics, and by providing teaching models for use by practising teachers and curriculum designers. Part of these studies have been carried out within the framework of the agreement between the Universitat de València and the Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados de México, signed in 1988 and renewed in 2004. The theoretical and methodological framework that organises the studies is that of Local Theoretical Models (Filloy, E., Puig, L., and Rojano, T. (2008). Educational Algebra. A Theoretical and Empirical Approach. New York: Springer), in which the processes of teaching and learning mathematics are considered as processes of communication and production of meaning. More recent studies combine three aspects:

  1. The first is the study of problem solving, both, on the one hand, from the general point of view of heuristics or heuristic methods for classes of problems, and, on the other hand, in specific arithmetic-algebraic domains. But it also takes into account both aspects simultaneously, considering the role of heuristic elements such as control, management and decision mechanisms (which are usually described as metacognitve) in the resolution of arithmetic-algebraic problems, or in the modelling of phenomena by means of families of functions expressed algebraically.
  2. The second is the use of interactive learning environments, be it the spreadsheet, the symbolic graphing calculator, GeoGebra, the intelligent tutorial system HBPS, or, more recently, apps for tablets.
  3. The third is the historical analysis of mathematical ideas, from the point of view of research in didactics of mathematics.

In particular, we have carried out or are carrying out studies on:

  1. The modelling process and the concepts of function family and parameter. Several studies for which we developed and tested teaching materials. One in Bachillerato, another in a first course of the Faculty of Mathematics of the Universitat de València and another in a first course of the degree of Economics and Administration of a university in Colombia.
  2. Some with a symbolic graphing calculator, others with GeoGebra, others with iPad apps and one with Maple. Some with experiments using real data, and others using real data from official sources or based on a proposed model.
  3. The teaching and learning of the algebraic resolution of verbal arithmetic-algebraic problems in secondary school, using a computer environment as a didactic artefact. In some cases the environment has been the Excel spreadsheet, in others an intelligent tutorial system developed for this purpose, which we have called Hypergraph Based Problem Solver (HBPS).
  4. The study of the forms of demonstration of algorithms for solving second-degree equations in medieval Arabic texts and in the first algebra texts printed in Spanish, and the study of the representation of functions in historical texts. The study of the history of algebra and its teaching in Spain in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries.
  5. The design and implementation of a proposal for teaching the concepts of reason and proportion, based on metacognitive practices and the principles of Socratic Maieutics. In particular, we study the understanding and teaching of the type of situations that in didactic phenomenology are considered to be reason-preserving applications in which the word "relatively" is implicit. Production of teaching materials for problem solving, arithmetic, algebra, modelling and ratio and proportion, aimed at primary and secondary education levels. Production of interactive learning environments for arithmetic-algebraic problem solving.
Research Group on Digital Content and Communication Flows - MEDIAFLOWS

Research group focused on the analysis of the changes and mutations caused by the digitalisation process in the contents and structures of the media and the public. The group arose from the activity of most of its researchers, since 2007, within the framework of the ‘Analysis Group of the Valencian Digital Media’ (since 2007), which has led to the achievement of three R&D projects (financed by the Generalitat Valenciana and the Universitat de València) and an annual congress (Digital Communication Congress in the Valencian Community), which began to be held in 2009. All this resulted in five monographs and an abundant number of partial publications in congresses, journals and book chapters.

In addition, the group has obtained a R&D project of the National R&D&I Plan, granted in the 2013 call, and which covers the period from 2014 to 2016. The title of the project is ‘Communication flows in political mobilisation processes: media, blogs and opinion leaders’ (reference CSO2013-43960-R). The research related to this project constitutes the critical point of the group's research. This group’s research mainly focuses on influence: who influences whom, in what way, and with what effects. We focus on the flows through which information circulates because they will allow us to see this process of translating messages and combining agendas, which all try to influence the public space. We seek to see which ones are more influential and in which direction, or directions, the flow of information transmission takes place.

Research Group on Digital Marketing and Communications - DIGIMK.COM

DIGIMK.COM as a research group of the UVEG, develops activities in line with methodological innovation and thematic study in digital marketing with special emphasis on communication, trying to make a contribution to the theoretical body of marketing. 

The work of the group discover new research gaps motivated by the growing process of digitization of marketing and communication, the empowerment of consumers in marketing communications, under the so-called User Generated Content, UGC, and information processing in the new environment, which configures its main lines of research. The priority sectors of analysis are related to tourism and mass consumption.

The experience of DIGIMK. COM as a research group of the UVEG, develops its consolidation as a team, is supported by the participation of its members in various R & D projects funded in public calls and R & D contracts of particular relevance with companies and / or administrations, The quality of research and the importance of the results of the group, is evidenced by its many contributions to conferences (over 200) and research that has been published in international journals, many of them included in the JCR, in ISI databases, in the SJR or in databases such as ABI INFORM, EMERALD Reviews.

The coordinator of the group is Dr. Bigne, University Professor with 4 six-year periods awarded by the CNEAI and has led several projects on digital communications in social media, one of them from the National R&D Plan (2015-2017), has supervised 20 doctoral theses and 90 indexed publications and 120 publications in national and international conferences. He is editor of two journals, European Journal of Management and Business Economics and Revista de Análisis Turístico. He is a member of a dozen journal editorial boards.

Research Group on Digital genres: linguistic analysis of production and reception - GENDIGIT

The strong development of digital genres or cyber-genres and so-called computer-mediated communication is an undeniable recent development. Their development at all levels, through the inclusion of texts and/or multimedia elements, has been shaping, transforming and enriching discourse. Here we must understand both the mechanisms of textual production and those of reception, given that the user, receiver or reader, who played a more passive role in traditional genres, participates actively in cyber-genres, becoming an agent, a discursive modeller in a medium, the Internet, which undergoes constant changes. In short, digital genres and media, both collective (blogs, websites, forums, social networks) and individual (narrative blogs, e-mails), have opened up a universe of possibilities and characteristics thanks to the incorporation of electronic media. We are thus witnessing the genesis of new genres with discursive proposals that need to be known and described in detail in order to understand their impact on speech communities and their implications in sociolinguistic fields. Our research group aims to analyse the multiplicity of linguistic aspects, pragmatic and discursive strategies, phraseology, vocabulary, multimodal features, etc., in five languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian and German. To this end, we have created databases containing samples of original versions and translations of cyber-genres where we can examine the construction of these texts and their behaviour from the point of view of contrast and interaction. We hope that this will allow us to carry out more precise and detailed research. Thanks to these databases, we hope to be able to use the various analyses to better characterise digital genres, their discourses, lexicon or phraseology, socio-pragmatic, cognitive or semiotic (multimodal) aspects. 

We are also interested in the interactive role of the recipients of all this vast digital production, since we know that the audience plays a decisive active role, for example, through the opinions expressed on social networks, or in various discussion forums, influencing more clearly the effective transformation of content and messages. We prioritise the use of corpus tools as they enrich linguistic description, and outperform simple manual, intuition-based analysis, particularly when aiming to empirically analyse large data samples. The introduction of corpus tools methodologically links quantitative and qualitative analysis. The implementation of these databases and the commitment to appropriate corpus-based methodologies provide systematicity and solidity to our research, not only based on the theoretical, but mainly on a strong empirical component to observe actual usage, in the hope that all this can serve as a model for further work.

Our research group intends to analyse the multiplicity of linguistic aspects, discursive strategies, phraseology, vocabulary, multimodal features, etc., in five languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian and German, and gradually incorporating Arabic. To this end, large databases will be created containing samples of original versions and translations of cyber-genres where we can examine the construction of these texts and their behaviour from the point of view of contrast and interaction. Progressively, these databases will incorporate annotations that take into account sociolinguistic or geolectal elements, and morphological, semantic and discursive tagging will be introduced. We hope that this will allow us to carry out more precise and detailed research.

Thanks to these databases, we hope to be able to more accurately characterise digital genres, their discourse, lexicon or phraseology, socio-pragmatic aspects, or semiotic (multimodal) aspects in the various analyses. Nor do we lose sight of their differentiating characteristics with respect to traditional genres which are precursors, but with which they coexist today. We are also interested in the interactive role of the recipients of all this vast digital production, given that we know that the audience plays a decisive active role, for example, through the opinions expressed on social networks, or in various discussion forums, influencing more clearly the effective transformation of content and messages.

We prioritise the use of corpus tools as they enrich linguistic description, and outperform simple manual, intuition-based analysis, particularly when aiming to empirically analyse large data samples. The introduction of corpus tools methodologically links quantitative and qualitative analysis.

In short, it is a matter of compiling and updating linguistic databases containing highly representative data on the so-called cyber-genres. The implementation of these large databases and the commitment to appropriate corpus-based methodologies provide systematicity and solidity to our research, not only based on theory, but mainly on a strong empirical component to observe real usage, in the hope that all this can serve as a model for further work on networked genres.

Research Group on Discourse and Grammar - DIGRAM

The DIGRAM group focuses its research activity on the analysis of grammatical aspects with a relevant discursive projection from a perspective that includes and goes beyond the study of text grammar and textual cohesion.

Specifically, he has worked and continues to work on connectors and discourse markers in general from a descriptive and contrastive perspective (basically contrasting Catalan with English and Spanish and, occasionally, with other Romance languages), the use of demonstratives, the function of encapsulating nouns or the pragmatic functions of verba dicendi in discourse, among others, in discursive construction. These textual aspects are related to discourse genre and channel.

The research is based on oral corpus of political discourse (electoral debate and parliamentary debate), conversation and semi-directed interview (CUBO and JEFE of the UB) and written corpus, such as novels or the Corpus Textual Informatizado de la Lengua Catalana (IEC), depending on the aspect under study. We have been collaborating for years with the GREPAD group at the UB ( Currently, M. J. Cuenca is working on the project Polarization and Digital Discourses: Critical and Socio-Cognitive Perspectives (PODDS) at the UAM.

Research Group on Economic Development in Historical Perspective - EHVALENCIA

The Economic Development in a Historical Perspective (EHVALENCIA) research group brings together all 12 PhD researchers and professors from the History and Economic Institutions Area of the Universitat de València's Department of Economic Analysis.

The research work of most of the group members is part of two research projects financed by the MCNN's national programme of research projects of excellence (ECO2015-65049-C12-1-P and ECO2015-66782-P). Both projects are led by researchers from EHVALENCIA (Daniel Tirado is the PI for one of them and Concepción Betrán and María Ángeles Pons are the PIs for the second one) and, together with them, four other members of the Economic Development in Historical Perspective (EHVALENCIA) research group (Antonio Cubel, Joaquim Cuevas, Julio Martínez-Galarraga and Teresa Sanchis-Llopis) form part of their research teams. The other members of the group (Joaquín Azagra, Pablo Cervera, Salvador Calatayud, Yadira González de Lara, Francisco Medina) are part of the research teams of competitive projects directed from other Spanish universities (such as UAB) or other departments of the Universitat de València itself. In addition, the group also leads a competitive research project directed from the Universitat de València and financed by the Bank of Spain.

The quality of the research of EHVALENCIA's members has enabled them to participate regularly in research structures such as large national and international research networks (Xarxa de Referència d'I+D+I en Economia i Polítiques Públiques de la Generalitat de Catalunya, ESF Network-Globaleuronet), research projects of the EU framework programme (Jean Monnet Projects), have organised national and international scientific meetings of recognised prestige and impact in their area of study (Iberometrics, ESF-Globaleuronet Workshops, FRESH Meetings), or have been invited to participate on a regular basis in Postgraduate Programmes of Excellence such as the Inter-University Master's Degree in Economic History UB-UAB-UZ, the PhD in Economics UB, the Inter-University PhD in Economic History UB-UC3M or the PhD in Economics UZ.

As a result of this solid research and research training, the group Economic Development in Historical Perspective (EHVALENCIA) runs the MCNN's Research Network of Excellence ‘Globalización, Crecimiento y Desigualdad (S XIX-XXI)’ (Globalisation, Growth and Inequality (S XIX-XXI)) (ECO2015-71534-REDT). This research structure brings together the 8 most relevant research groups in Economic History from the whole of Spain.

The results of this research work have been disseminated through the publication, in the last 5 years, of more than 25 articles in journals indexed in the JCR, 15 of which are located in Q1 of the areas of History of Social Sciences or Economics.

Research Group on Edition and Study of Antoine Perrenot de Granvelle's Correspondence - GRANVELLE

Study and philological edition of letters and other documents from the 16th century. Although the group has initially focused on the study and editing of the vast documentation that makes up the epistolary collection of Antoine Perrenot de Granvelle, secretary of state to Charles V and Philip II, the team's interests include other correspondence from the period, such as private letters from women, family groups such as the Tassis, and letters relating to politics, administration and diplomacy in all the languages of the Empire. The texts are philologically edited and studied from different perspectives, both synchronic and diachronic, from aspects such as the history of language or coded languages, rhetoric and the cultural and anthropological, religious or secular elements of the 16th century.

Research Group on Education in Reading, Literature, Linguistics, Culture and Society - ELCIS

The Elcis research group has carried out research into reading, literary, media and linguistic training in multicultural and multilingual contexts at different educational levels in both L1 and L2 and foreign languages. It began when we were awarded the research project "Globalisation, exclusion and multiculturalism in Children's and Young Adult Literature" (UV-AE-20060713) in 2006.

Since then and until now we have been working on different research, cooperation and innovation projects. A determining factor for the consolidation and expansion not only of research lines, but also of members and collaborators was the award of the R+D+I project "Literary Education and Interculturality" of the Ministry of Science and Innovation (EDU 2008-01782/EDUC), National Programme for Fundamental Research in the framework of the 6th National Plan for Scientific Research.

We have taken part in other projects such as "Diversity and (in)equality in contemporary Spanish literature for children and young people" (UV-IMV-PRECOMP-13-115502), "Literary images of diversity: citizenship and identity through reading and literary education" (GV 2015-050). Or the centre innovation projects "Innovation, Research and Quality in Higher Education: Projects and Proposals in teaching research in the Complementary Activities Weeks" in different editions or "Work on the impact of the use of interactive whiteboards in the higher education of teachers of Infant, Primary and Secondary Education". As well as "Comparative study of DLL subjects in the new degrees of Early Childhood Education" project awarded by the University of Seville. Projects for Teaching Research (038-A6-2010) with researchers from the universities of Seville, Jaén, Granada, Valencia, Barcelona, A Coruña; the project DETERMINING FACTORS IN THE READING HABITS OF SECONDARY EDUCATION STUDENTS (PR2017-040) granted by the University of Cadiz. Or the cooperation project "Preparation of teacher training agents and institutional teams to enable innovation and improvement in research and teacher training in intercultural bilingual education in the Andean and Caribbean areas" of the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (D/030992/10); "Linguistic competences and cultural identity of students of immigrant origin - integration variables in immigration contexts" (APE/2015/004).

We have also been part of the project "MEDIATIC COMPETENCIES OF THE CITIZENSHIP IN EMERGING DIGITAL MEDIA (SMARTPHONES AND TABLETS): INNOVATIVE PRACTICES AND EDUCOMUNICATIVE STRATEGIES IN MULTIPLE CONTEXTS of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. National Programme for R&D Projects (EDU2015-64015-C3-1-R) with 40 researchers from 11 Spanish universities and 8 Latin American and European countries or the project "YOUTUBERS AND INSTAGRAMMERS: MEDIATIC COMPETITION IN EMERGING PROSUMERS" of the STATE RESEARCH AGENCY - 2018 Calls for Knowledge Generation R&D Projects and R&D Projects and RESEARCH CHALLENGES.

The Elcis group has also organised all kinds of scientific meetings related to our research: among others, the 3rd International Conference on Catalan Literature for Children and Young Adults (2006); and the International Conference on Literary Education and Society. The teaching of literature to young adults (2007); Interdisciplinary Conference on Women's Studies (2009); : 3rd Conference on Teaching Innovation in Higher Education (2014); 1st and 2nd International Conference Teaching Literature in English for Young Learners (2012) and (2015); 15th International Conference of the Spanish Society of Language and Literature Didactics (2014); Conference on Research, Innovation and Best Practices in Early Childhood Education (2014), (2015), (2016), (2017) and ((2018) or the Conference on Reading, Literary and Linguistic Education. They are currently part of the network of excellence of the project EXCELLENCE NETWORK IN MEDIATIC EDUCATION of the Ministry of Economy, Programme of Dynamisation Actions Networks of Excellence R+D (Action 2016) (EDU2016-81772-REDT) participating entities: 10 R+D IPs 10 Spanish universities.

Research Group on Educational Policies, Interculturality and Society - POLISOC

The Research Group on Educational Policies, Interculturality and Society (POLISOC) is attached to the Department of Comparative Education and History of Education of the Universitat de València-Estudi General and is closely connected to the Unit for Research in Educational Policy (UNIPE). It was created with the triple objective of, on the one hand, sharing ideas and joining forces to create a space for reflection on educational policy issues; on the other hand, to create a meeting place where different professionals concerned with its study can come together; in this sense, it is constituted as a space and open space for work and reflection on crucial issues of education in our time with the aim of making visible and recovering a space of its own for the Politics of Education. It therefore aims to reclaim political deliberation.

Research is, finally, another fundamental objective of POLISOC, which commits it to the development and consolidation of interdisciplinary research groups in the contents and competences of Education Policy. The research group is currently made up of lecturers and researchers from different departments of the Universitat de València and from Italian and Portuguese universities. Its composition will vary depending on the research projects in progress, and may include staff hired for projects and research, as well as teaching staff from other national and foreign universities.

POLISOC's research activity is reflected in the participation of its members in nationally and internationally competitive research projects, either as researchers or as principal investigators. Among the R&D projects in which POLISOC members have participated are "Decentralisation and social participation as indicators of quality in the project, management and evaluation in schools and the education system" (GV-3200/95), "Training of democratic citizens. Education as a builder of identity and civic competence" (CTIDIB/2002/307), "Education and socialisation in values" (GV04B-174). They teach in the subjects of educational policy in the undergraduate and official master's degrees "Policy, management and direction of educational organisations", "Secondary education teaching staff", "Educational social action", "Psychopedagogy", of the UV, "Social change and educational professions" (UMA), as well as in the PhD programme in Education of the UV. Some of its members have carried out predoctoral, postdoctoral, research and Erasmus PDI stays in prestigious foreign universities (University of California Davis (USA), University of Exeter (UK), Universities of Salento and Verona (Italy), University of Örebro (Sweden), Federal University of Alagoas (Brazil), El Colegio de México, IISUE of the UNAM (Mexico), CEDIGSO of the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo (Mexico), Complutense University of Madrid, UNAM (Mexico), Universidad Complutense de Madrid, UNED, Universidad de Loja (Ecuador), Universidad Federal de Alagoas (Brazil), Universidad Federal Fluminense (Brazil), Universidad Simón Bolivar (Colombia), Universidad de Norte (Colombia), Centro de Estudios Mundiales (Sorbonne Université, Paris), Université du Franche-Comté (France), Örebro University (Sweden), Universidad Agraria de La Habana, Universidad de Peruglia (Italy) and Universidad de Almería (Spain). It has organised or is preparing the following national and international seminars: National Seminar on Education Policy: teaching and research; International Seminar on Quality policies in the initial training of secondary school teachers and I and II Conference on Absenteeism in the Valencian Community. Likewise, members of the group have led and participated in Teaching Innovation Projects, and supervised pre-doctoral and post-doctoral stays. Another of its activities has consisted in carrying out reports, audits and advice to public and private entities. Some of the members of the POLISOC team also lead projects such as Refuteach: Applied Linguistics for the Inclusion of Refugees (UPM/University of Kent), and are also members of the following projects: EELISA: Opportunities for everyone (UPM/EU); Emancipatory practices and transformative decolonising methodologies (FLACSO); Grup d'Estudis Transversals (UA).

Some of the POLISOC group collaborators participate as members in the activities of the Grup de Recerca sobre Intervencions Socioeducatives en la Infància i la Joventut (GRISIJ, which stands for Research Group on Socio-educational Interventions for Children and Youth), of the University of Barcelona, having participated in the European Project PAGE (Parental Guidance and Education 2016-2018). Also noteworthy, and since the year of constitution of the group in 2017, is the participation of members of POLISOC in the research project: "Analysing the situation of students and the education system in compulsory education in the city of Valencia and its historical evolution, as well as the training of students in this area", a project drafted with the aim of developing the "School Map of the city of Valencia", and emerged at the initiative of the Department of Education of the City Council of Valencia, an initiative formalised through an agreement between the City Council of Valencia and the Universitat de València. The research team that has worked on the different reports of this project, disseminated in 2018 and in May and December 2019, was made up of fourteen professors of the Universitat de València from the faculties of Geography and History, Teacher Training, Philosophy and Education Sciences, Economics and Business Studies, and Social Sciences.

Among the projects currently underway or recently completed, the participation of POLISOC collaborators in the projects stands out:

  • "European Non-Territorial Autonomy Network. Reference: CA18114. Funding Entity: European Cooperation in Science and Technology. Call: 2018. Responsible researcher: Ivan Dodovski. Affiliation: University American College Skopje, North Macedonia Duration: 28/02/2019 - 27/02/2023. Amount: 300.000 €.
  • "The Spanish poetic engagement of the 20th century in the current academic canon (1975-2018). Referencia: PGC2018-093641-B-100. Funding entity: Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. Call: 2018. Researcher in charge: Miguel Ángel García. Affiliation entity: University of Granada, Spain. Duración: 01/01/2019-31/12/2021. Amount: €24,200.
  • "Reading and literary education: Antonio Machado, Juan Ramón Jiménez and Federico García Lorca in Spanish and Latin American school culture. A historical and pedagogical study". Reference: RTI2018-098692-B-100. Funding Entity: Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. Researcher in charge: Juan Carlos González Faraco. Affiliation entity: University of Huelva, Spain. Duration: 01/01/2019-31/12/2021. Amount: 28.600 €.
  • PID2020-114249GB-I00, "El giro copernicano en la política de educación y ciencia en el desarrollismo franquista: de la subsidiariedad a la intervención estatal", funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation. Researcher Antonio Canales UCM, Duration 01/01/2021-31/12/2024. Amount: 31.800 €.
  • GV/2021/126, "Implentación del enfoque educativo STEM en el desarrollo de competencias (EDUSTEM)", funded by the Dirección General de Ciencia e Investigación de la Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital de la Generalitat Valenciana. Researcher in charge: Laura Monsalve Lorente. Duration: 01/01/2021- 31/12/2022. Amount: €20,000.

Among the recently completed projects, in addition to those already mentioned: "A Global Youth in the Making: the 200,000 Residents of the Cité internationale universitaire in 20th-Century Paris" Reference: ANR-17-CE28-0005. Funding Agency: Agence nationale de la recherche, France. Researcher in charge: Guillaume Tronchet. Affiliation: École Normale Supérieurey Institut d'Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine, France. Duración: 01/09/2017-31/12/2020. Also noteworthy is the approval in 2020, by the Equality Unit of the Universitat de València, of the project assigned to another researcher of the POLISOC group: Personal stories of civil and feminist commitment for social change, within the framework of the Programme of Grants for the organisation of activities to promote equality between women and men of the Universitat de València. The POLISOC group has also been the starting point for the ABSENTIS sub-group, which is part of it. The ABSENTIS/POLISOC group, which focuses on the study of the dimensions, causes and consequences of truancy, has been carrying out research, collaboration and knowledge transfer tasks in this field, collaborating with various entities specialised in the prevention of truancy. Thus, as part of the research project "Truancy in the Valencian Community" (UV-INV-AE18-784553), financed by the Universitat de València, and "Truancy and the right to education in the Valencian Community, (GV/20019/136)", various publications, conferences, seminars and training courses have been supported in collaboration with various public and private entities. In relation to this last subject, the 2nd Conference on truancy: a community challenge was organised and held in November 2021, with the participation of different educational centres, local and regional administrations, and members of the research group from the Universitat de València and other universities.

In addition, many other seminars and conferences have been held to disseminate the results of research carried out by POLISOC members, or by members of other research teams with which POLISOC maintains collaborative links, including the most recent ones:

  • "Lecture-seminar "School segregation, a human rights and social justice issue", by Javier Murillo, professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Director of the UNESCO Chair in Education for Social Justice at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), held in November 2021, in person and online.
  • "Lecture-seminar "Neoliberalism and the Spanish public university", by Alexandra Carrasco, in September 2021, offline and online.
  • "Conference: "Right to education and cultural identity", given on 20 May 2021, by the Professor of Theory and History of Education at the Universitat de València and director of the POLISOC group, Juan Manuel Fernández Soria. URL:
  • "Teaching innovation project: Visibilising voices and cultures in higher education. Politics and education", presented by the researcher Sandra García de Fez, on 28 May 2021. URL:
  • "Seminar: School absenteeism and social exclusion. A violation of the right to education", held on 18 December 2020, with the participation of: Mónica Añón Roig, technical advisor for Equality and Coexistence of the Regional Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, José Ignacio Cruz Orozco (UV), and Sandra García de Fez (UV). URL:
  • "Conference-seminar: "From our feet on the ground so as not to remain on our knees. Considerations on the education pact", held on 11 December 2020, with the intervention of Professor Antonio Canales Serrano (Complutense University). URL:
  • "The single school district: A segregative education policy in itself?", presented by the researcher Sandra García de Fez, in December 2020. URL:
  • "Web seminar: "What does the General Education Act of 1970 tell us?", by Professor Diego Sevilla Merino, Professor of Educational Policy and Legislation at the University of Granada, held on 20 November 2020. URL:
  • "Round table: Women and interculturality. Personal stories of civil and feminist commitment for social change, held on 11 March 2020, and organised by professors Sandra García de Fez and Donatella Donato, with the participation of different social entities.
  • "Conference-seminar: "Cultural identity, citizenship and education" by Virginia Guichot, professor at the University of Seville, held on 15 November 2019.
  • "Conference: "Migrant minors and the right to education", held on 12 December 2018, with the intervention of Professor Jorge Cardona Llorens Professor of International Public Law at the Universitat de València.
  • "Seminar: "The governance of higher education in the Spanish context, Reflections on the influence of the European Union on the configuration of the Spanish university system", held on 12 January 2017, with Alexandra Carrasco, trainee researcher, as speaker.

Finally, it is worth mentioning the participation of the director of POLISOC, Professor Juan Manuel Fernández Soria, as a guest speaker at the International Colloquium: "Politiques éducatives et projets de société, discours et pratiques, 19e-21e siècles", held in June 2021 at the University of Orlèans, with the theme: "El discurso modernizador en la política educativa española del siglo XX" (The modernising discourse in 20th century Spanish educational policy).

Publications 2021

  1. Doctoral theses
    1. Neoliberal policies as processes of privatisation and commercialisation of the public university in Spain. The role of the European Union and the Spanish case in the European context. Doctoral thesis by Alexandra Carrasco, FPU of the Department of Comparative Education and History of Education. Director: Juan Manuel Fernández Soria. Doctoral Programme in Education RD 99/2011, research line "Historical, political and comparative studies of education".
  2. Books and book chapters
    1. Cinema as a pedagogical resource in Compulsory Secondary Education classrooms. Mª José Ruiz Romero and Laura Monsalve Lorente. In: Nuevas coordenadas para la formación y el aprendizaje, 2021, pp. 241-250.
    2. Neoliberal logics and social education: a critical look at socio-educational intervention. Vicent Horcas López and Elena Giménez Urraco. In: Nuevas coordenadas para la formación y el aprendizaje / coord. by Pilar Sanz-Cervera, María Dolores Soto González, Juan García Rubio, 2021, ISBN 9788418627088, pp. 111-120.
    3. Neoliberal logics and social education: a critical look at socio-educational intervention. Vicent Horcas López and Elena Giménez Urraco. In: Nuevas coordenadas para la formación y el aprendizaje / coord. by Pilar Sanz-Cervera, María Dolores Soto González, Juan García Rubio, 2021, ISBN 9788418627088, pp. 111-120.
    4. The College of Spain in Paris: a Franco-Spanish cultural crossroads. Mora-Luna, Antonia M.(coord.), Granada, Comares, 2021 (in press).
    5. "La production littéraire au service de la nation. Notes/remarques pour le professeur de littérature espagnole", Mora-Luna, Antonia María. In: Guido Furci and Cyril Verlingue (eds.), Je est un autre Nous. Enonciations collectives et stratégies de résistance, Paris, Honoré Champion, 2021 (in press).
  3. Articles in specialist journals
    1. Career, work and pedagogical culture of Antonio Ballesteros Usano. José Ignacio Cruz Orozco. Perfiles educativos, vol. XLIII, núm. 173, 2021 2
    2. Facing silent disentailment: Strategies of Spanish Catholic education, José Ignacio Cruz Orozco. Education XX1: Journal of the Faculty of Education, 2021.
    3. The modalities of teaching in the new normality for the academic year 2020-21 in Spanish public universities, Cristina Pulido Montes, and Santiago Mengual-Andrés. IJERI: International journal of Educational Research and Innovation, 2021.
    4. Privatising trends in the European higher education funding model: European Union proposals and analysis of affordable access, Alexandra Carrasco González. Spanish Journal of Comparative Education, 2021.
    5. Introduction: 50 years after the General Education Law of 1970, Juan Manuel Fernández Soria, and Diego Sevilla Merino. Historia y Memoria de la Educación 2021. 
    6. The General Education Law of 1970, a law for the modernisation of Spain?, Juan Manuel Fernández Soria, and Diego Sevilla Merino. Historia y Memoria de la Educación 2021.
    7. Validating the Gratifications Associated with the Use of the Smartphone and the Internet by 
    8. University Students in Chile, Ecuador and Spain, R. Tirado-Morueta, A. García-Umaña, and S. Mengual-Andrés. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research 2021. doi: 10.1080/17475759.2021.1898449
    9. Opportunities and Hazards of the Internet for Students with Intellectual Disabilities: The Views of Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers, E. Chiner, M. Gómez-Puerta, and S. Mengual-Andrés. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education 2021. doi: 10.1080/1034912X.2019.1696950
    10. Chatbot to improve learning punctuation in Spanish and to enhance open and flexible learning environments. Esteban Vázquez-Cano, Santiago Mengual-Andrés, and Eloy López-Meneses.
    11. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 2021. doi: 10.1186/s41239-02100269-8
    12. Prevalence of sexting in young university adults: motivation and risk perception, Laura Monsalve Lorente and Enrique García Tort. Psychology, Sociology & Education 2021.
    13. The online classroom as a séance: Challenges and strategies in the face of pandemic pedagogies. Dulcinea Tomás Cámara. Atenas. Scientific-pedagogical journal, 4 (56).
    14. Undisciplined disciplines? Exercises in epistemic diversity for an inverse matrix pedagogy. Dulcinea Tomás Cámara. Trenzar. Revista de Educación Popular, Pedagogía Crítica e Investigación Militante, 6 (3), pp. 96-114.
    15. Education and literature in late Francoism and the Spanish democratic transition (II). Contenidos programáticos y experiencias editoriales (1982-1990)" Mora-Luna, Antonia María, History of Education & Children's Literature (2021) (in press).

Publications 2020

  1. Doctoral theses
    1. Discourses and non-explicit interests in Spanish educational reforms: the Organic Law on Education and the Organic Law for the Improvement of Educational Quality. Doctoral thesis by María Torres Pellicer, Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences Director: Juan Manuel Fernández Soria.
  2. Books and book chapters
    1. School absenteeism and social exclusion, a violation of the right to education. 
    2. José Ignacio Cruz Orozco and Sandra García de Fez (Editors). Editorial Tirant Humanidades. 
    3. From apprentices to university students: The configuration of the teaching profession, Juan Manuel Fernández Soria. In: Investigación educativa y cambio social 2020.
    4. Language and technology: A collaborative platform for the teaching-learning of varieties of Spanish. Rocío Díaz Bravo, Silvia Acid Carrillo, and Juan Manuel Fernández Soria. In: Educational Research and Innovation: Trends and Challenges 2020.
    5. Educational policies for the integration of ICT in Spain and the Valencian Community. Laura Monsalve Lorente, Enrique García Tort, Miriam Elisabeth Aguasanta Regalado. In: Estrategias didácticas digitales. Encounters between research and practice.
    6. European Union strategies and gender equality initiatives in STEM. Laura Monsalve Lorente and Juan García Rubio. In: Pedagogy and cultural changes in the 21st century.
    7. Towards an inclusive and democratic education in the context of secondary education in Italy Mª Teresa di Piazza, Isabel María Gallardo Fernández, Laura Monsalve Lorente. In: Claves para la innovación pedagógica ante los nuevos retos
    8. Covidosofía. Philosophical reflections for the post-pandemic world. Dulcinea Tomás Cámara (Comp.) Barcelona: Paidós.
    9. Critical Thinking Lab: Maieutics for Millenials. Dulcinea Tomás Cámara. In E.J. Díez Gutiérrez and J.R. Rodríguez Fernández (Eds.), Educación para el Bien Común Hacia una práctica crítica, inclusiva y comprometida socialmente, pp. 242-251. Barcelona: Editorial Octaedro.
    10. Absenteeism at school and municipal intervention: an analysis of the Valencian Community. José Ignacio Cruz Orozco and Vicent Horcas López. In: Absentemo escolar y exclusión social: una vulneración del derecho a la educación / José Ignacio Cruz Orozco (ed. lit.) and Sandra García de Fez (ed. lit.), 2020, ISBN 9788418155857, pp. 55-78.
    11. " 20th century poetry and commitment in the Spanish school culture of the transition". Mora-Luna, Antonia María. In: Miguel Ángel García (ed.), El compromiso en la poesía española del siglo XX y el canon académico actual, Granada, Editorial Comares, 2020, pp. 275-306. ISBN: 978-84-1369-026-1
    12. Cruz Orozco, José Ignacio (2020), Pending revolution and socialisation of youth. The political utopia of the Spanish Falange in Bares, Juan de and Oncina, Faistino (coords.) Utopías y ucronías. Una aproximación histórico-conceptual, Barcelona, Edicions Bellaterra, pp. 229-250 Year:) ISBN: 978-84-7290-947-2.
    13. Monsalve Lorente, Laura (2020), Towards an inclusive and democratic education in the context of secondary education in Italy. In: Claves para la innovación pedagógica ante los nuevos retos: respuestas en la vanguardia de la práctica educativa / coord.. by Eloy López Meneses, David Cobos Sanchiz, Laura Molina García, Alicia Jaén Martínez, Antonio Hilario Martín Padilla, Editorial Octaedro, pp.... 545-553. ISBN 978-84-18348-22-8
    14. Monsalve Lorente, Laura, García Tort, Enrique and Aguasanta Regalado, Miriam Elizabeth(2020). Educational policies for the integration of ICT in Spain and the Valencian Community. In: Estrategias didácticas digitales: Encuentros entre la investigación y la práctica / coord. Diana Marín Suelves and José Peirats Chacón. Editorial Calambur. Pp. 43-62. ISBN 978-84-8359-499-5
  3. Articles in specialist journals
    1. Neoliberal higher education policies as a response to a new state model. Pro-market practices in the public university, Alexandra Carrasco González. Journal of Higher Education 2020.
    2. Structural model of extrinsic factors influencing flipped learning, Santiago MengualAndrés, Jesús López Belmonte, Arturo Fuentes Cabrera, and Santiago Pozo Sánchez. Education XX1: Journal of the Faculty of Education 2020.
    3. School absenteeism in Spain. Datos y reflexiones, José Ignacio Cruz Orozco. Contextos educativos: Revista de educación 2020.
    4. Cultural identity and the right to education, Juan Manuel Fernández Soria. Contextos educativos: Revista de educación 2020.
    5. Computational thinking and coding in primary education: scientific productivity on SCOPUS, Annalisa Piazza, and Santiago Mengual-Andrés. Pixel-Bit: Journal of media and education 2020.
    6. Internet and people with intellectual disability: A bibliometric analysis, S. Mengual-Andrés, E. Chiner, and M. Gómez-Puerta. Sustainability (Switzerland) 2020. doi: 10.3390/su122310051
    7. Computational thinking and coding in primary education: Scientific productivity on SCOPUS, 
    8. A. Piazza, and S. Mengual-Andrés. Pixel-Bit, Journal of Media and Education 2020. doi: 10.12795/pixelbit.79769
    9. Structural model of influential extrinsic factors in flipped learning, S. Mengual-Andrés, J. López Belmonte, A. Fuentes Cabrera, and S. Pozo Sánchez. Educacion XX1 2020. doi: 10.5944/educxx1.23840
    10. New learning ecologies in the curriculum, Laura Monsalve Lorente and Miriam Elizabeth Aguasanta Regalado. RELATEC: Latin American Journal of Educational Technology 2020
    11. Epistemologíx transmodernx: Alternative genealogies of thought in the face of the pandemic. Dulcinea Tomás Cámara. Cuadernos Abiertos de Crítica y Coproducción: Autores colectivos institución y coproducción, 2, pp. 10-23.
    12. The classroom as space of welcome: Exploration of the current challenges of teaching Spanish for refugees. Dulcinea Tomás Cámara. Culture and Education, 32(4), pp. 776-795.

Publications 2019

  1. Books and book chapters
    1. Teaching and learning the promotion of health education in schools. Laura Monsalve Lorente and Engracia Soler Pardo. In: Re-inventing research in health and education for a transcultural society.
    2. Emerging technologies and didactic trends in educational scenarios. Arturo Fuentes Cabrera, Eloy López Meneses, Jesús López Belmonte, Santiago Mengual-Andrés (coord.). Editorial Octaedro.
    3. "Miguel Hernández and Portuguese Neo-Realism: childhood in the literature of commitment". Mora-Luna, Antonia María. In: Carina Infante do Carmo and Violante F. Magalhães (coords.), NeoRealismo e Infância, Lisbon, Edições Colibri, 2019, pp. 181-195.ISBN: 978-989-689-839-7.
    4. José Ignacio Cruz Orozco, (2019, While we still don't like Spain, we can't have holidays. An approach to the camps of the Frente de Juventudes in the province of Valencia (1937-1955) in Mayordomo, A. and Paya, A, (eds.), Pedagogía. Thought, politics and practice. Historical readings in contemporary Valencian society, Valencia, Tirant humanidades, pp. 59-75.
    5. Laura Monsalve Lorente and Juan García Rubio. (2019). European Union strategies and gender equality initiatives in STEM, In: Pedagogy and cultural changes in the 21st century: rethinking education / coord. Laura Monsalve Lorente, Isabel Pardo Baldoví and María Isabel Vidal Esteve. Editorial Octaedro. Pp. 147-158 ISBN: 978-84-18083-18-1
  2. Articles in specialist journals
    1. When Franco falls: Educational proposals for Spain from exile (1945), José Ignacio Cruz Orozco, and Sandra García de Fez. History and Memory of Education 9, (2019) pp. 101-138.
    2. The destruction of republican modernity: No (...) reasons for the Spanish pedagogical exile, Juan Manuel Fernández Soria. History and Memory of Education.
    3. The pedagogical exile of 1939, Salomó Marquès Sureda, and José Ignacio Cruz Orozco. History and Memory of Education 2019.
    4. The Great Red Scourge. Arguments for the extension of Secondary Education in Spain (1953-1961), José Ignacio Cruz Orozco. Revista Complutense de Educación, vol.30, nº 4, (2019), pp. 983-996. ISSN: 1130-2496.
    5. José Ignacio Cruz Orozco, (2019), The proposal on education of the Commission for the Study of Spanish Problems (1945), History and Memory of Education, 9, pp. 669-710.
    6. Cruz Orozco, José Ignacio (2019), Two pedagogical models with and in nature: The Explorers of Spain and the Youth Front, Sarmiento. Revista Galego-Portuguesa de Historia da Educación, 22, pp. 37- 50.
    7. Cruz-Orozco, J.I.; Fernández-Soria, J.M. (2019), Conversations with Antonio Viñao. Formative years (1943-1982), Interuniversity Journal of the History of Education, (37) pp. 481-525. 
Research Group on Educational Research Methods and Information and Comunication Technologies - MIETIC

Educational research methodology and implementation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to education.

Research Group on Emotion and language 'at work': The discursive emotive/evaluative function in different texts and contexts: Project Persuasion - EMO-FUNDET

This project analyses the linguistic mechanisms of persuasion in both English and Spanish and in verbal and non-verbal language. To this end, a review of the different linguistic (pragmatico-discursive) theories on persuasion, argumentation and rhetoric is carried out and different samples of business/institutional discourse are analysed to discover mechanisms of persuasion in each of the two languages. 

The results can demonstrate differences in the different mechanisms used in English and Spanish, which are therefore specific to each language, but also mechanisms that are comparable. These results will be basic to design ad hoc materials for the training plan of two different levels (ESO and University).

Research Group on Entrepreneurship, Cooperatives and Social Economy Management and Corporate Sustainability - EMPRECOOP

Study on entrepreneurship, creation of companies in general and social companies in particular. Analysis of the concepts of emissary and entrepreneur, their characteristics and implementation of the different theories on entrepreneurship. Implementation of company-creating tools and definition of company business plan. Special impacts on social companies and the concepts of entrepreneurship and social innovation. Study on administration and management of cooperative companies and Social Economy. Its strategic diagnosis, the design of goal systems working towards mission, vision and values, the formulation of corporate and competitive strategies and the implementation of said strategies via organisational design, planning, control and behavioural studies: these are all included. Implementation of Strategic Administration tools in cooperative and other organisations of Social Economy: stakeholders analysis and power-interest matrix, environment analysis, internal analysis through resource auditing and VRIO analysis, analysis for assessment and design of strategies and organisational design variables. All the various group members will work on research involving the aspects of entrepreneurship and management of cooperative companies and Social Economy so as to apply these tools to the resolution of problems affecting these companies and contribute to the creation of new knowledge on the matter, all through competitive multilevel (regional, national, European) research projects.

Research Group on Evaluation and dissemination of science, promoting knowledge of research methodologies and academic communication - EDIFICA

Since 2006, the EDIFICA group (Evaluation and dissemination of science, promotion of knowledge of research methodologies and academic communication) has been developing different lines of research, including the performance of scientometric and bibliometric studies for the evaluation of research, as well as the development of materials based on e-learning, with the aim of providing a reference framework to enhance knowledge of research methodologies and written and oral communication skills in the academic environment.

The EDIFICA group has developed an outstanding activity in relation to these lines of research, with the publication of numerous works that analyse the production, collaboration or impact of research activity at analytical levels (authors, institutions, disciplines or countries). Likewise, since 2012, different projects have been launched to deepen the knowledge of the phenomenon of scientific collaboration in order to better understand this phenomenon and provide relevant information to both institutions and researchers in order to enhance and manage cooperative practices; and in relation to the development of materials based on e-learning, in order to provide a complementary reference framework to the tutoring process for the development of the final degree project as well as in the development and collection of resources to enhance the skills of written and oral communication in the academic environment.

Likewise, the EDIFICA group has been characterised over the last few years by an outstanding activity of dissemination of Valencian cultural heritage, participating in exhibitions, conferences and through different informative publications, particularly of its native sport par excellence, Valencian pilota. The development of control indicators to identify unethical practices in research activities is the group's most innovative line of work.

Research Group on French Literary and Translation Studies: Reception and Mediation - EFRAREME

Studies of literary texts written in French, focusing mainly on their reception in other cultural spheres and their mediation with them. Translations of French literary texts into Spanish and the study of translations, between the two languages and in both directions, from the perspective of reception and mediation.

Research Group on Gender and Social/Sexual (in)Equality - GENTEXT

The GENTEXT research group has been working in depth for several years on the compilation, analysis and exploitation of different corpora of socio-ideological texts. In particular, we are working on the following corpora:

  • GENTEXT-N (texts from print media) 
  • GENTEXT-W (texts from virtual forums and social media) 
  • GENTEXT-I (texts from the Internet)

In other words, the GENTEXT group has been compiling, analysing and exploiting media texts (from both print and digital media), in English and Spanish, focusing on issues related to gender and social/sexual (in)equality. In order to delimit this very broad thematic area, the preferred subjects of study are:

  •  Gender-based violence 
  •  Homosexuality 
  •  Abortion

With this vast amount of study material, we aim to:

  • Produce specialised corpora. 
  • Analyse said corpora, combining quantitative (corpus linguistics) and qualitative (critical discourse analysis, lexical pragmatics, evaluation theory, gender studies) methodologies.
  • Elaborate a pragmatic-ideological dictionary (initially in Spanish, and in the long term in English) including a detailed treatment of key words on gender and contemporary social and sexual (in)equality. 
  • Didactically exploit both the corpora and the other materials produced.
Research Group on Gender, Knowledge, History and Subjectivity - GECOHIS

This interdisciplinary group is mainly dedicated to the analysis of discourses on gender difference in philosophical thought, normative patterns and social imaginaries, both from a historical perspective and in the present, paying particular attention to the incorporation, rejection or negotiation of models by women and men in their practices of life and subjectivity.

Its research activity takes place in the fields of History, Philosophy and Psychology, with an interest in the incorporation of analytical tools from feminist theory, as well as innovative lines of research in other human and social sciences (Anthropology, Sociology, Literature...). In all these fields, it maintains intense and fruitful relations with groups and researchers at the forefront of national and international scientific production. 

Its main objectives are critical analysis and the production of cutting-edge knowledge in research, as well as the passing on of this knowledge, through teaching innovation and dissemination, to the entire university community and to society as a whole, in pursuit of research excellence but also to contribute to the ethical and civic dimension of knowledge and to contribute to the values of equality.

To achieve these goals, the group actively participates in funded research projects, national and international networks.

Research Group on Hellenistic and Imperial Greek Literature Translation - GRETRALIGREHIMP

Studies of genres, themes, motifs and topics of Greek literature of the Hellenistic and imperial periods, including the literature of the end of the classical period that serves as a bridge to Alexandrian literature, and with special interest in the texts of dramatic genres. Translation, both into Catalan and Spanish, of texts from these periods, with special interest in those authors and works that constitute a source for the fragmentary literature of earlier periods. Translation is understood as a process of dissemination of the text, which includes numerous notes and is the final result of a long and meticulous process of philological and literary study.

Research Group on High Performance and Intelligent Systems - HiPIS

The team works in four main related and simultaneously complementary research lines: 
- Pattern Recognition Techniques, Computer Vision and its applications for different problems, mainly content-based image search, distance learning and emotion detection from video sequences.
- Processing of different types of signals, particularly audio and video ones. Group works in this research line include capture, analysis and synthesis of acoustic signals, as well as analysis of video signals, all acting in coordination with the Computer Vision line.
- Design of Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) with affective capacities. Part of the results obtained from the first and second line of work are used to detect emotions from videos filmed with low-cost hardware by applying techniques specific to the fields of Signal Processing and Computer Vision.
- High-performance and high-availability computer systems offering a fundamental tool for all the previously mentioned fields (pattern recognition, intelligent systems and signal processing) by providing the necessary power in real time whenever required from application areas or in case of high system availability requirements. In this regard, the latest trends focus on distributed systems, the handling of Big Data and the so-called “cloud computing”:  three fundamental aspects in the context of group investigation.

Research Group on Historical Studies for Democracy and Transitions to Democracy - GEHTD

Within the latest theoretical contributions of social and political history, this project aims to study in depth both democracy and the construction and evolution of modern Spanish political cultures, insisting on the complex relationship between the main political cultures of republicanism, anarchism, socialism and democracy. It will focus on three historical moments:

  1. The crisis of the parliamentary monarchy, 1900-1930; 
  2. Second Spanish Republic, Spanish Civil War and Early Francoism, 1931-1959; 
  3. Second Francoism, Transition and democratic consolidation, 1959-1986. 

The historical analysis will be carried out from within the three political cultures mentioned, in relation to Spanish nationalism and gender identities and from the comparative perspective with southern Europe and the United States. With this diversity of approaches and perspectives in three key historical moments, the mutual achievements and influences of this fruitful, but conflictive and difficult relationship at many moments in the 20th century will be seen. The project will focus primarily on three key historical moments:

  1. The first third of the twentieth century was interesting for observing the response of the different political cultures to the limits and possibilities of universal male suffrage and to the transition from elite politics to mass politics. This was also the time of the first wave of democratisation in much of Europe, so that the different political cultures found themselves at a crucial political moment, as the masses not only assumed the leading role in political life, but also, increasingly in more and more places, control of the levers of power.
  2. Spanish Second Republic, Spanish Civil War and early Francoism, in which attention will be paid mainly to the possibilities and influences of the first Spanish democratic experience, as well as to the attraction of revolution and reaction in a large part of the political spectrum, due to the growing influence of the anti-liberal and anti-democratic movements in the context of the inter-war period. To this is added the gender and national identity aspects of political cultures as a whole, and the analysis of the experience of the hardest years of Francoism (1939-1959) in the consideration of democracy as the central objective of the political cultures of the Spanish left (defeated in the civil war). Thus, the analysis of anti-fascism during the interwar period, as a mobilising mortar against the expansion of the enemies of liberalism and democracy and its main achievements (individual rights and freedoms, social reforms and gender equality), as well as the consequences of its triumph after the Spanish Civil War, especially in the form of repression from different perspectives, will be central elements of this group's research.
  3. Late Francoism and the Democratic Transition, periods in which all points of the political spectrum converged towards a Western European-style democracy, in such a way that both the clandestine revolutionary groups of the last years of Francoism, the main traditions of the Spanish left and the more moderate positions of the liberal and Christian Democrat right evolved until they contributed decisively to making Spain a consolidated democracy integrated into the European context.

The analysis will be carried out from different perspectives:

  1. From an internal analysis of left-wing political cultures, through which to observe their positioning in relation to the aforementioned processes (democracy, democratisation, transitional processes, gender and national identities).
  2. From a comparative and even transnational perspective that leads to highlighting the aspects and processes in which the political cultures of the Spanish left participated in connection with those of other geographies, mainly France, Italy and Portugal, due to their thematic and geographical proximity to Spain; as well as with the United States, for acting as a radiator of democratising ideals and formulas since the beginning of the first third of the 20th century due to its position as a hegemonic country in the international order.
Research Group on History, Current Practices and New Challenges of the Scientific Knowledge Transfer - ÁGORA

The research group develops its research activity focused on scientific communication in three areas.

The first one is related to scientific communication from a historical point of view. In particular, it focuses on the circulation of ideas and books between Spain and Europe during the 18th century through the reconstruction of the libraries of the Valencian erudites. These libraries not only give us information about the owner of the library and their readings, but also about the processes of cultural and scientific transfer at that time. The reconstruction of the catalogues of these libraries is fundamental to understand the entry of ideas, authors and books of marked modernity in Spain, in fields such as History, Philosophy, Science and Humanities, among others. It also allows us to reconstruct the channels of circulation of books and their main protagonists: printers, booksellers, intermediaries and customs agents, who anonymously made it possible for international scientific mainstreams to enter Spain.

The second area has to do with the practices that shape current science, both from the institutional point of view and from the perspective of scientists. Thus, this group works on the assessment of research developed and/or financed by specific public institutions by obtaining bibliometric indicators related to production, scientific collaboration and research impact. This has materialised in recent years in the implementation of various research contracts signed with academic institutions and public administration bodies. In addition, from the point of view of national research policies, patterns of scientific communication are studied, both from a quantitative and qualitative standpoint, in the context of a new communication model determined by the increasing use of social media and the Open Access to science movement. From the researcher’s point of view, this implies the requirement to disseminate the results of their publicly funded research through systems that ensure open access to this information. For this reason, it is also necessary to evaluate compliance with these mandates, designing the most appropriate procedures for this purpose. These procedures are designed on the basis of a study of the editorial policy of the journals through which the results of publicly funded research are disseminated, as well as by investigating the behaviour of researchers with respect to scientific communication and the characteristics that may favour the adoption of this innovation.

Finally, the third research area of this group is the new challenges facing academic and research institutions and scientists themselves. Specifically, it is the management of research data, which is a new step in the OA movement in which access to research data is promoted in order to favour the good management of public investment, create value chains in the field of innovation and increase international cooperation, among others. In this context, this group maintains a stable collaboration with various European research groups focused on the study of researchers' data literacy. The aim is to diagnose and then promote a culture that favours open access to data among the academic and research community.

Research Group on Human Rights, Migration and Living Together - MULTIHURI

Modern societies are characterised by multiple factors that highlight diversity, especially in the cultural and religious spheres. Among them, migratory flows can clearly be considered as one of those that generate the greatest tensions in the social fabric, going beyond the strict sphere of foreigners (insofar as immigrants settle and become nationals) and forcing a comprehensive analysis or study from an intercultural dimension. Faced with the challenges posed by the management of diversity in a legal-political perspective, reductionist solutions are often offered, based especially on fear of the other, which instead of encouraging social cohesion contribute to its fragmentation. Particularly in times of crisis (not only economic, but also of shared common values), when certain subjects feel threatened or discriminated against, conflicts arise that hinder life in common. These tensions translate, on more occasions than desirable, into a withdrawal of identity or a securitarian frenzy, ranging from cultural or religious manifestations to practices that are incompatible with human and fundamental rights, which must be tackled from the regulatory and jurisprudential sphere, but also from public policies of a preventive nature. The miscellaneous problem areas of intervention when dealing with diversity make it impossible to exhaust such a complex and dynamic subject matter, which makes it necessary to spatially limit the scope of study and seek models or guidelines that can offer lasting solutions for the sake of social integration, which is essential for the strengthening of the rule of law. For this reason, the MULTIHURI project, from a multidisciplinary study and based on its previous experience, focuses on analysing four European states: Spain, France, Italy and the United Kingdom, and proposes comparing them with an a priori different legal-political reality, at least in its trajectory, such as that of Canada, in an attempt to find mechanisms that bidirectionally allow cultural and religious conflicts that may compromise social peace to be confronted. 

Indeed, in the aforementioned European context, the so-called policies of integration of (or with) immigrants have not produced the expected results, nor have they had an impact on the population to generate a climate of respect and guarantee of human rights. On the contrary, the increasingly pressing identity challenges inherent to diversity, their link with public order or the fundamental principles of modern democratic states governed by the rule of law (such as equality, pluralism or secularism) and their relationship with latent feelings such as, among others, that of national vindication, highlight the difficulties in establishing common values in a fragmented world. 

It is therefore essential, as the European Court of Human Rights has already highlighted in its jurisprudence, to build a model of coexistence in multicultural, diverse societies, especially marked by the impact of migratory flows, that takes into account, as a guide for the articulation of regulations and public policies, strict respect for human rights from their international standards as the basis of the democratic rule of law. See


Research Group on Innovative Firm - EMPINNOVA

The research group focuses its work on the innovative firm and makes academic contributions regarding the following issues:

  1. Characteristics of the innovative firm. 
  2. Strategy of the innovative firm. 
  3. Entrepreneurship and innovation. 
  4. Innovation and business performance.
  5. New products design.
  6. Organizational learning and knowledge management. 
  7. Implications of the company's innovative strategy for human resources. 

Both qualitative and quantitative methodologies are followed according to each specific research objective. 

Research Group on Intercultural Communication and Translation - CiTrans

The Comunicación Intercultural y Traducción (CiTrans) research group was created with the firm intention of promoting research in two fields that are as exciting as they are related. Firstly, intercultural communication, a field in full expansion that basically consists of the study of interactions between individuals from different cultures, whether or not they speak the same language. Taking into account the process of socialisation to which the members of each culture in question have been subjected, it is highly relevant to analyse the interactions that may take place between them, as well as the possible communication problems derived from their different cultural backgrounds.

Secondly, starting from the idea that translation does not take place between languages but between cultures, we can understand it, in any of its varieties (written, oral and audiovisual), as an exercise in intercultural communication in which two situations converge: on the one hand, that of the production of the source text in a source communicative situation and, on the other, that of the production of the target text in a target communicative situation. Thus, translation activity is a clear example of interaction between cultures, and its study together with the study of intercultural communication issues is absolutely necessary and relevant, as well as justified. Let us also bear in mind that both cases separately and the bridge that can be built between them, as with other fields of academic study, can be approached from different disciplines, including philosophy, anthropology, ethnology, cultural studies, psychology, communication, linguistics and pragmatics, to name but a few. It is, therefore, a research group founded in a markedly interdisciplinary and even interdepartmental spirit, and which aims to make research rigour its hallmark. 

Thus, from the field of intercultural communication, the group will include work based, for example and not exclusively, on:

  • Theories based on the role of language as an element of communication.
  • Theories based on the cognitive organisation of the agents involved in the communication process.
  • Theories that respond to the analysis of the communicative process.
  • Theories that consider the development of interpersonal relationships.

Moreover, from the perspective of Translatology, the group will receive work based, for example and not exclusively, on:

  • Linguistic approaches.
  • Functionalist theories. 
  • Descriptive studies. 
  • Cultural approaches. 
  • Philosophical-hermeneutic approaches. 
  • Cognitivist approaches.

Preferably, the group will encourage research based on integrative approaches, i.e. those that seek to establish bridges between the cultural and translatological spheres, whether from a theoretical, descriptive or applied perspective.

Research Group on Interculturality and Communication - InterCom

In the information society, applied knowledge, derived from empirical research, is an instrument of social development. Moreover, communication occupies a central position in terms of the structure and functioning of society, with the new information and communication technologies being understood not only as a tool of primary necessity, but also as a way of appreciating and perceiving the globalised world, as well as being one of the best tools for socio-cultural intervention. Many of the new industries and institutions (public or private) must have specialists in this field, both as researchers and as well-qualified professionals to face some of the current challenges in the fields of culture, communication, society and politics, from creation to management.

The aim of InterCom is to deepen knowledge in these areas, fundamentally in the territories of audiovisual discourse (cinema, television, popular culture, comics, internet, photography, etc.).

Research Group on Investigating Music Education - iMUSED

The iMUSED research group was set up with the aim of deepening the knowledge of music education from multiple perspectives.

The different interests it addresses can be grouped into five main lines of research: educational innovation, interdisciplinarity, the study of the curriculum, musical identities and knowledge transfer.

  1. The first includes the development of methodologies, resources and approaches that contribute to the reflection on current educational practices, to the re-elaboration of established aims and to the renewal of didactic strategies in line with them. Examples include the development of creativity, the incorporation of ICT and new pedagogical methods, the didactics of music listening and performance, and critical music education.
  2. Secondly, interdisciplinarity refers to the search for intersections between music education and other areas of knowledge, both scholarly and academic. In this sense, the educational possibilities of specific repertoires such as stage music or contemporary urban popular music will be explored in order to establish bridges with areas such as social sciences, language or plastic arts. In the same way, the connections with social and experimental sciences, communication and audiovisual sciences, special education and emotional education will be explored, as well as the use of musical heritage and the reconstruction of the history of the discipline itself.
  3. A third line of research is constituted by the study of the different curricular levels, especially with regard to the prescriptions of educational legislation, the contents programmed in school textbooks, and the practices and considerations of teachers.
  4. Fourthly, the identities and subjectivities present in different groups belonging to the field of music education will be studied, such as the professional identities of teachers and the musical identities of students, analysed on the basis of their preferences and cultural reference groups. The aim is to analyse how the different identities influence the teaching and learning processes, and to develop strategies to positively influence the construction of students' identities.
  5. Finally, the last line of research corresponds to the transfer of scientific knowledge in music education, aimed at individuals and groups interested in this field, and involves the development of resources, the dissemination of results and the training of teachers.

Three of the members of the group (IP Ana María Botella, Rafael Fernández and Rosa Isusi) have been teaching on the Master's Degree in Secondary Education since 2010 and 2014 respectively. Professors Ana María Botella (IP) and Rosa Isusi teach on the Master's Degree in Specific Didactics Research at the Faculty of Teacher Training and, together with Salvador Blasco, supervise theses on the PhD programme in Specific Didactics. Both lecturers also collaborate in the doctoral programme of the Universitat Politècnica de València in the direction of doctoral theses. In addition, the IP Ana María Botella, has a track record of 15 theses supervised in the doctorate programme at the Faculty of Teacher Training and at the University of Salamanca.

Research Group on Italianistic Consortium of Analysis & Study of Literature Plays - CIAO

This research group is oriented towards the study of several specific fields of Italian Philology. It adopts an open, multidisciplinary orientated, methodologically varied, rich and syncretic approach.

Texts are the starting point, generally written texts, sometimes oral, and their interpretation. Texts in Italian, possibly with dialectal variants. Chronologically, without excluding other periods, it focuses on contemporaneity (20th and 21st century) and on the literature of the past (17th, 18th and 19th century). From the viewpoint of genres, it not only deals with classical literary genres (poetry, narrative, essays) but also includes theatre, to which it pays great attention, considering the spectacular and musical component. The study of the relationship between Italian literature (especially narrative) and cinema is not neglected. The comparative front, particularly with Spanish and Valencian-Catalan literature, is always a background reference in many of these Italian studies, some of whose corpus are especially rooted in the Valencian territory (musical dramaturgy). Attention is also paid to the translation of Italian texts. The works of certain authors have been studied with emphasis, for instance, Giraldi Cinthio, Vicenzo Consolo or Dacia Maraini.

Studies are carried out and published mainly in Italian and Spanish, in Italy and Spain, but also in English, etc. and in other countries.

Research Group on Kant-València - KV

The research group "Kant-València" is made up of researchers from the Philosophy department of the University of Valencia and other European Universities. Its members are specialists in the history of modern and contemporary philosophy. They are interested in different aspects of philosophy - theory of knowledge, metaphysics, ethics, aesthetics, theory of science - as well as in other disciplines, such as quantum physics, evolutionary biology, neuroscience, and artificial intelligence.

They have growing synergies with researchers from Spain, Germany, Austria, Italy and other countries of the European Union and America. The germ of the group can be found in the permanent seminar "Kant and current problems of philosophy", whose trajectory began on April 8, 2013 at the Complutense University of Madrid. Within the seminar, seven Kantian Studies workshops took place between 2013 and 2018 and two collective volumes were published: Kant and the Sciences (Biblioteca Nueva / Universidad Complutense, Madrid 2011) and Contemporary Perspectives on Kantian Philosophy (in Proceedings of the 1st REF Congress, University of Valencia 2015). As a result of the creation of the Revista de Estudios Kantianos, international journal of the SEKLE, Society for Kantian Studies in the Spanish Language (University of Valencia, 2016), and of the celebration of the 4th International Congress of the SEKLE in October 2018, the optimal circumstances arose to bring the various synergies together. Pedro Jesús Teruel - coordinator of the seminar, editor of the collective volumes, founding director of the REK and organizer of the congress - took then the steps to collect this trajectory in an institutional research cell.

The so constituted research group is incardinated at the University of Valencia in 2020. It seeks to approach the current problems of philosophy in the light of Kant's thought, from both theoretical and practical perspective. Dialogue with sciences occupies a special place in it. It connects with the Kantian heritage in three ways: on the one hand, thanks to its role in the genesis and development of Kantian philosophy; secondly, because of its influence on the reflection about transcendental subjectivity, with the debate on freedom occupying a special place in it; finally, for his contribution when it comes to unravel the question about the human being, by Kant conceived as nuclear. Special attention is paid to the natural sciences and to physics, biology, and neuroscience, considering their ethical, social, and political projections

Research Group on Laboratory of Behavioural, Affective and Cognitive Neuroscience - BACNeuLab

Human behaviour is fascinating. “If you want to understand a person, do not listen to their words, observe their behaviour”, said Einstein. But observable behaviour is complex and, understood within the framework of neuroscience, involves the integration of knowledge from different fields (Psychology, Economics, Biology, Genetics...). Within this framework, the research group “Laboratory of Behavioural, Affective and Cognitive Neuroscience” (BACNeuLab) carries out interdisciplinary research that addresses the biological bases of behaviour, highlighting the importance of cognitive and affective processes, in interaction, as well as their relationship with manifest behaviour, both adaptive and maladaptive. Thus, our foundations are the study of human emotion and cognition within the framework of psychobiology, and our studies address diverse topics ranging from the cognitive biases that affect our life decisions in different populations, to the influence of stress on health in general, to the effects of music on cognitive performance, as well as its potential therapeutic application, among others. All of them, with the aim of describing, understanding and, finally, explaining human behaviour from the integrative and rigorous point of view that neuroscience allows us. In this way, the work carried out is characterised by the collaboration with researchers from other fields and from different areas of knowledge and various Universities (national and international). The methods used are from psychophysiology (variables such as cardiac variability, electrodermal response, electromyography, respiratory) and cognitive psychology (attention tasks, cognitive biases, information processing) and affective (emotions). In addition, the statistical methods used vary from frequency statistics to Bayesian statistics, including computational models.

Research Group on Lexicography and Contrastive Linguistics - METALEXICA

The research activity of this group focuses on two relevant fields of Linguistics: Lexicography and Contrastive Linguistics. The former, in its bilingual or multilingual aspect, has a very close relationship with the latter. For its part, language contrast is of great interest to linguistics in general and to lexicography in particular. 

Lexicography has been defined in two main ways: as the activity of writing dictionaries or as a discipline that studies, from a theoretical point of view, dictionaries and dictates guidelines for their better implementation. Although the two have often functioned separately, lexicographic practice should not be contemplated today without a sound knowledge of the principles of Lexicography (and of other disciplines, such as Linguistics and Computer Science, for example). Our group aims to contribute to a better knowledge of existing dictionaries by studying and critiquing them, whatever their type, although we focus mainly on general monolingual and bilingual dictionaries, both general and specialised, with the aim of contributing to the writing of increasingly better dictionaries that are better adapted to the needs of their users. 

Contrastive Linguistics brings two (as bilingual Contrastive Linguistics, the traditional and most common) or more languages face to face (Pluri- or Multilingual Contrastive Linguistics, also called, at the time, Interlinguistic? See for instance Mario Wandruszka 1971, English trans. 1980 or its epigones such as the translatological analyses of Valentín García Yebra 1982), with objectives that may be very different. It may only have a typological purpose, but it often has concrete applications in fields such as language teaching and translation, as well as in Lexicography, as we have already pointed out. There is no doubt that knowledge of a language is considerably deeper and more enriching when it is contrasted with one or more other languages, present or past, as this brings to the surface aspects of its functioning that independent study of the language might never have revealed. For this reason, we intend to continue studying languages by contrasting them with each other and with other languages in our geographical, cultural and historical environment.

Research Group on Literary Writing: Heritage and Current Affairs - ELITE-PAC

The group "Escrituras Literarias: Patrimonio y Actualidad" (Spanish for Literary Writing: Heritage and the Present) is made up of a number of researchers at the Universitat de València who work on heritage literary corpuses (16th, 17th and 19th centuries) and on literary practices in the modern-contemporary period and in today's society.

The group carries out several research projects related to these areas of high competitive level of the National Plan I+D+i. In the field of Classical Literary Heritage, the TC/12 Consolider "Spanish Classical Theatrical Heritage: Texts and research instruments" (CSD2009-00033); ARTELOPE "Database, arguments and texts of Spanish classical theatre" (FFI2012-34347); CATCOM "Database of comedies mentioned in theatrical documentation" (FFI2011-23549), "Lexicon and vocabulary of stage practice in the golden centuries: towards a critical and historical dictionary" (FFI2010-15475 FILO). In the field of Contemporary Literature, the edition of the Complete Works of Max Aub. In the field of Literary Writing, the group is currently part of a European network of Iberian historical memory and literature. The group is also associated with the Microcluster "Culture and Society in the Digital Age" of the Valencia Campus of International Excellence.

Research Group on Literature, Arts and Performance - LAP

The research group works on the dialogue between the different representative arts and literature through the semiotic and cultural transmission of literary topoi from and towards the Anglo-Saxon tradition. The group’s research focuses on the study of different cultural practices from the perspective of intertextuality, intermediality, semiotics, reception and adaptation. The period of study covers from the Middle Ages to the present day, with an exhaustive analysis of the creation map, transmission and influence of cultural, artistic and literary heritage in the Anglo-Saxon tradition. The group also works on investigating the impact of the objects of cultural consumption considered in contemporary societies. To this end, it carries out advisory and consultancy work for cultural agents, companies related to the performing arts, film, television and digital industries, as well as companies in the publishing industry and cultural centres interested in the production, conservation, teaching and dissemination of cultural products related to or originating from the Anglo-Saxon tradition.

Research Group on Marketing and Innovation in Trade and Services - INNOMARK

INNOMARK is a UVEG research group developing online activities with a methodological and thematic innovation in the study of marketing, while trying to comprehend preferential domains for commercial distribution and services. The work carried out by the group consists in answering research calls in these fields by mobilizing knowledge from the team’s more traditional work scenarios, such as consumer behaviour, brand, creation of value, company relations, innovation and tourism. Said topics set the group’s main research lines. INOMARK’s experience and consolidation as a team is backed by the participation of its members in more than 30 different R+D projects financed in public calls, as well as particularly relevant R+D contracts with Companies and / or Administrations in which economic realities or business problematics related to ICTs, retail trade, tourist business, segmentation or satisfaction are analysed. The research quality and the relevance of the group’s results can be seen in its multiple contributions to congresses (more than 100 works presented in international forums), as well as in its publications. More than 80 researches were published on international magazines, many of which were also included in the JCR (Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, Journal of Chemometrics, Industrial Management & Data Systems, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Industrial Marketing Management, Service Industries Journal, Journal of Consumer Behavior, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Journal of Services Marketing, etc.), ISI databases, the SJR or databases such as ABI INFORM, EMERALD Reviews, etc.
The group members obtained recognition for their research trajectory. It’s worth highlighting the following achievements: 1 Awards for Excellence 2009 (Gallarza y Gil 2009), Tourism Review. 2 Best paper 2008 (Gil et al., 2008), Industrial Marketing Management. 3 Outstanding Paper Awards for Excellence 2010 (Gil et al., 2009) Industrial Management & Data Systens. 4 Premio AEMARK-ASEDAS 2011 (Ruiz-Molina et al., 2010). 5 Awards for Excellence 2013 (Gallarza et al., 2013), Tourism Review. 6. Premio AEMARK 2014, (Gallarza et al., 2013), Annals of Tourism Research. 7 Premio Mejor Tesis Doctoral área de marketing 1994 (Dr. Gil), Congreso Nacional de Marketing. 8 Premio Mejor Tesis Doctoral sobre Gestión de Calidad Total 1995, Club Gestión de Calidad (Dr. Gil). 9 Premio Investigación en Marketing ESIC-BANCAJA 2000 (Dr. Moliner). 10 Premios Extraordinarios Doctorados Universitat de València 1995 y 2011 (Dr. Gil and Dr. Fuentes). 11 Premio AEDEMO Investigación y Marketing 1994 (Dr. Gil). 12 Premio MK. Marketing y Ventas 1993 (Dr. Gil). 13 Premio Investigación Empresarial, Ayuntamiento de Torrent/Caixa Popular 2000 (Dr. Gil). 14 Premio "Turisme" Tesis Doctoral. AVT. Finalista 2003 (Dr. Gallarza). 15 Premio Junior Investigación y Marketing AEDEMO 1999 (Dr. Servera). 16 Premios Extraordinarios Licenciaturas de la Universitat de València 1987 y 1995 (Dr. Gil and Dr. Ruiz). 17 Premio Joven Economía 2003 Fundación General de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Dr. Ruiz). It’s finally worth underlining that to this day, Dr. Gil has directed 8 doctoral theses in INNOMARK’s core research lines. All the previously exposed facts are proof of a teamwork-based tradition and a sufficient critical mass to face any challenge in the field of academic research in marketing (considering its multidisciplinary nature), as it’s capable of mobilizing knowledge towards the resolution of current problems.

Research Group on Medieval Catalan Literature and Digital Humanities - LICAMEHD

Single-person group dedicated to research in two fields, in works that often intersect both: studies in medieval Catalan literature from the perspective of the history of culture; and studies in methodologies and tools of digital humanities at the service particularly of Catalan Philology: digital novelties to facilitate research tasks; and monitoring of the world of digital book publishing and in particular of literary works and studies.

Research Group on Memory and Meaning: Use and Perception of Artistic Remains in Valencian Region during Medieval and Early Modern Ages - MUPART

The group considers the use and meaning of the vestiges of the past in the Valencian Community in medieval and modern times. Artistic heritage is studied as the result of decisions that involve destruction, restoration, reuse and conscious interventions over time and reveal, in turn, changing attitudes and values, precise interests and manifest or latent intentions. The study of the past from the vestiges of other eras (ruins, spolia, relics, monuments, public inscriptions), the elaboration of a history of local and regional art, the longing for a glorious past and the construction of an identity somewhere between memory and oblivion are some of the main European cultural currents of these periods and had lasting consequences on the History of Art as a discipline and on the constitution of its own object of study. A certain image of the past emerges from travel literature, written testimonies of festivals and public celebrations, urban iconography and vernacular antiquarian interests. The images, perceptions and values attributed to the vestiges of the past can be studied by considering not only these documentary records but also the practices of conservation and reuse from the Middle Ages to the 20th century in the Valencian Community. Such interests, intentions and conservation/destruction practices will be compared with those observed in other European regions and cities in order to identify similarities and differences with the Valencian case in the late Middle Ages and the Modern Age. A systematic study of these practices, meanings and attitudes towards the material remains of the past has not yet been completed and constitutes the main objective of this research group, based on sources such as images, archaeological testimonies, travel books, historiography and any type of documentary record of the appreciation, suppression and conservation of objects and monuments from earlier times. Subsequently, the conclusions reached in this study would contribute to a better knowledge and understanding of the cultural heritage in the Valencian Community as it has been constituted since medieval and modern times. 

The group aims to analyse in particular the changing constitution of the Valencian identity from the selection of the vestiges in its complex formation, with the comparative purpose of considering its singularity or its similarities with those of the rest of the territories of the Crown of Aragon, Spain or Europe. 

This objective is achieved by approaching the processes of identity construction not as an imposed destiny, through a generally contemporary elaboration, but in its polyhedral evolutionary complexity, with contradictory and zigzagging possibilities. In short, the aim is to consider in an integrated manner a policy of the image in the visual arts and architecture that encompasses not only the specific circumstances of its production, but also its evolution and reception over time in the sphere of the former Kingdom of Valencia in the foral period up to the present-day Valencian Community. Ultimately, the aim is also to contribute to a more integrated cultural vision of Valencian history and art through its artistic heritage, analysing the construction of this collective identity and incorporating the Islamic, Mudejar and Moorish legacy and the Sephardic memory with a view to contemporary society and its intercultural nature in today's globalised world.

Research Group on Multimodal Education and Multiliteracy through Literature, Art, Foreign Languages and Learning & Knowledge Technologies - LiTerart

This group brings together researchers from different universities and disciplines who share a common goal: to develop research aimed, firstly, at providing a comprehensive education that contributes to the personal, intercultural and social education of 21st century students and, secondly, at developing their reading, linguistic, critical and creative skills and abilities.

To this end, we combine educational research with didactic innovation to study the pedagogical value of the use and impact of multiliteracies and multimodal resources in the classroom, through the approach of several cross-disciplines related primarily to the humanities, art education, foreign language teaching and new technologies for learning and knowledge (TAC).

The aim of Lit(T)erart is to deepen the contribution of these areas, mainly in teacher training and in the development of curricular proposals that promote the cognitive, conceptual, socio-cultural and aesthetic dimensions, and then focus on the design of an evaluation system based on the creation of rubrics that show the progress of students and the validity of the proposed methodology.

In line with the EHEA guidelines, we propose to build a didactic scaffolding based on the pedagogy of multiliteracies that not only considers language as an exclusive form for the construction of meanings, but also incorporates multimodality as a mode of representation for creating and expressing ideas.

Research Group on Music Education and Creativity - IEMC

With regard to the motivations of this group for research into music teaching and learning processes, it should be noted that the practical music teaching institutions have been distanced from research into specific music teaching and learning processes. This has not been so much due to their own decision or to the lack of research training of Spanish conservatory teachers -which is a fact-, but rather to the scant importance given to music studies in the different reforms of the Spanish educational system until the LOGSE, as well as to the traditional separation between music practice and research, the former being relegated to music conservatories and the latter to the university. What is more, after the establishment of the so-called Higher Artistic Education within the European Higher Education Area, neither the LOE -and even less the LOMCE- have established effective mechanisms for the research training of music conservatory teachers. As a result, there is a lack of research in conservatories and, as a consequence, little knowledge of what really happens in the teaching and learning processes.

We believe that this is a very important area of expertise in the training of individuals, in addition to its importance in the training of musicians and music teachers. The members of this research group have a long-established track record in different fields of music. Thus, research has been carried out on training processes in music education; on the influence of the use of score editors on the formation of mental images of sound in students; on the effect of multimodal presentations of musical information versus unimodal presentations; on the effects of different modes of information presentation on the learning of musical parameters (texture, melody, rhythm.... ); on the creation of specific software for certain musical tasks and its effects on musical learning; on the influence of music in the media on the stereotypes of primary school pupils; on the use of technology as a mediator in the development of musical skills. All this is materialised in an extensive quality scientific production (publications in impact journals indexed in JCR and Scopus) in the sub-disciplines of music technology, music education, musical creativity, musical performativity and musical cognition. They have also executed European, American (Organización Estados Americanos, CONICYT), national (Plan Nacional i+d+i, FNEA, FONDEF-TIC-EDU (Chile), Fondo Nacional de la Cultura de Chile) and regional (C.Valenciana, Gobierno de La Rioja, Gobierno Vasco, Junta de Andalucía) projects. The members of the group have directed doctoral theses and works related to the aforementioned fields, including works derived from the training capacity of the groups executing R&D projects.

The lines of the group are related to training processes for music education teachers; music education processes in non-formal contexts; dynamisation processes in socio-educational projects through music; technology in music education; software design for music education; science-art interaction; musical performativity and creation. 

The master's degrees and postgraduate and doctoral programmes in which members of this group have participated are: Postgraduate course of musical specialisation: ENSENYAMENT MUSICAL MIJANÇANT L'ORDINADOR (UPV-GVA); Postgraduate course of musical specialisation: INFORMÁTICA MUSICAL (Xunta Galicia-U. de A Coruña); Postgraduate course of musical specialisation: LENGUAJE MUSICAL Y EDUCACIÓN AUDITIVA (Gobierno de La Rioja-U. de La Rioja); university postgraduate course of musical specialisation: TEACHING MUSICAL EXPRESSION (Diputación Gral. de Aragón); doctorate course: RESOURCES FOR TRAINING AND CHANGE. TEACHING AND INNOVATIVE STRATEGIES within the Doctorate Programme of the Department of Human Sciences of the University of La Rioja; I University Expert in DESIGN AND CREATION OF VIRTUAL TRAINING ENVIRONMENTS (2004-05. U. of Malaga); II University Expert in Design and Creation of Virtual Training Environments (2005-06. U. of Malaga); II University Expert in Design and Creation of Virtual Training Environments (2005-06. U. of Malaga); III University Expert Course in Design and Creation of Virtual Training Environments (2005-06. U. of Malaga); III University Expert Course in Design and Creation of Virtual Training Environments (2005-06. de Málaga); III University Expert Course on Methods and Resources in Music Education (2005. u. de La Laguna); Doctorate Programme on Methods of Educational Research and Innovation (2005. u. de Málaga); I Master's Degree in New Technologies Applied to Education (U. de Málaga); IV University Expert Course on Methods and Resources in Music Education (2006. u. de La Laguna); II Master's Degree in New Technologies Applied to Education (U. de Málaga); IV Expert Course in Virtual E-learning Environments (U. de Málaga); Master's Degree in Musical Pedagogy (2009. U. de Valencia); Master's Degree in Research in Specific Didactics (University of Valencia. 2010 editions to date); Doctorate in Specific Didactics (U. de Valencia. From 2010 to the present); Master of Research in Musical Skills Development (2010. U. Pública de Navarra); Doctorate Course in Technology and Musical Learning Processes (U. Nacional Autónoma de México. 2011); Master of Research in Musical Skills Development (2011. U. Pública de Navarra); Master and Doctorate Programme in Music. Course on Technology and Musical Learning Processes. (U. Nacional Autónoma de México. 2012); Master of Research in Musical Skills Development (2012. U. Pública de Navarra); Master in Secondary Education Teaching (U. de Valencia. Several editions to date).

Research Group on Physical Activity and Health Promotion - AFIPS

This research group aims to promote interdisciplinary research on different topics related to physical activity and health. The group's lines of research focus on the study of physical activity patterns in different populations, especially in young people, as well as on the analysis of the correlates and determinants of physical activity behaviour. The research group is also interested in the study of the psychological processes associated with physical practice, as well as in the analysis of physical education and the school environment in the promotion of health.

Research Group on Prehistory of the Western Mediterranean - PREMEDOC

The Prehistory of the Western Mediterranean research group has a long history of work that is nourished by numerous field activities and competitive research projects and includes researchers covering the study of the whole of Prehistory (Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze Age).

The work of the group focuses on the investigation of the cultural, economic and palaeoenvironmental processes of the ancient and recent Prehistory of the western Mediterranean area, with special attention to the central Iberian Mediterranean region, through the results obtained in the archaeological field activity and the analysis of the materials of biotic and abiotic origin.

Preferential areas of research are those related to the procurement and management of lithic, bone, ceramic and metallurgical resources, the supply and circulation of raw materials, lithic, ceramic and bone production, the procurement and processing of food of animal and plant origin, palaeoenvironmental interpretation and the symbolic world. Sites of particular relevance where members of the group have carried out archaeological excavations or the systematic study of materials are the Cova Negra of Xàtiva, the Abrigo de Quebrada of Xelva, the Cueva de Antón of Mula, the Cova of Parpalló de Gandia, the Cave of Nerja, the Cova del Volcà of Faro de Cullera, the Cova de les Cendres of Teulada/Moraira, the Cova de les Malladetes of Barx, los Abrigos of Doña Martina y of la Boja de Mula, the Cova de Santa Maira of Castell de Castells, the Abric of la Falguera of Alcoi, the Cueva de la Cocina of Dos Aguas, the Abric de la Pastora of Alcoi, the Vital of Gandia, the Mas d'Is of Penàguila and the Mola of Agres. As well as the cave paintings of the Cova de les Meravelles of Gandia (Palaeolithic), the Abrics de la Sarga of Alcoi, the Cova dels Cavalls of Tirig, the Abrics de la Saltadora of Coves de Vinromà, the Abric del Cingle of Cova Remigia and the Cova Remigia of Ares del Maestre, the Abric del Mas of Sant Josep de Tírig, the Abric de Centelles of Albocassèr, the Abric of Cañas de Millares and the Abric of Vicent de Millares and the Abric de la Xivàna of Alfarb (with Levantine Art). 

The lines of research currently being carried out are grouped into two main sections: Processes of Change in Prehistory and Bioarchaeology.

The main projects that have supported this research date back to 1987, and include four projects of the PROMETEO programme of the Valencian Government (PROMETEO 2008/165; PROMETEOII/2013/016; PROMETEO2017-060; PROMETEO/2021-007), 7 International Projects (CFDA, 47.075, NSF10-612, NFS:BCS-0410269, MPOCA Leakey Foundation 20011-12, ANR CULT SHS3, 8281-07. : National Geographic Society; EUR2020-112213), 24 National Plan projects (PID2019-111207GA-I00; GC2018-096943-B-C21; HAR2017-85153P; HAR2017-83656P; HAR2015-68962-P; HAR2014-52671P; HAR2013-46961R; HAR2012-33111; HAR2012-33111, HAR2011-24878, HAR-2009-14360-C03-01, HAR2008-04273-E/HIST, FFI2008-01200, HUM2005-06498-C02-01/HIST, HUM2005-05732-C02-02/HIST, PS 91 0129, PB 96 0781, BHA-2001-2888, 1FD97-1207-C02-01, HUM-2004-05643, PB98-1507-C02-0, PB95-1087, PB87-0722-C02-01) and 12 regional or other Institutions (GV2021/054; AICO202020/097; PID2020-118033GB-100; BXG2019-10931; AICO2018/125; ARCO2018/005; GV2015/050; CIDEGENT2019/061; GV04B-198, UV-0423 (PREHISTORY), GROUPS03/103, GV04B-088).

As a result of its research and training activities, the group has directed a total of 51 doctoral theses and numerous Master's, Degree and Bachelor's Final Projects to date.

Research Group on Psychonomy Research Unit - PRU-UVEG

The Psychonomy Research Unit (PRU) is a research unit directed by Prof. Dr. Hector Monterde i Bort, who is also responsible for the Universitat de València-Estudi General (UVEG) in those projects in which the Psychonomy Research Unit participates, with the PIC Code: 999953019. 

The Psychonomics Research Unit was founded in 2002 as a research unit within the Department of Methodology of Behavioural Sciences of the Universitat de València, and is now internationally known, being referenced in several scientific and professional websites. Since its constitution, it has provided advisory services, survey design and data processing to professionals in psychology and other health sciences, to national and local institutions, such as the Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de la CV, the Consejo General de la Psicología de España or municipal offices, as well as international institutions, such as the European Federation of Psychologists Associations (EFPA), the Standing Committee on Traffic Psychology or the International Co-Operation on Theories and Concepts in Traffic Safety. The Psychonomics Research Unit has also been commissioned and has carried out tasks as an "expert" internationally in the three lines of research in which it specialises.
The research group has organised and organises scientific congresses and working meetings in different states or countries. The Psychonomics Research Unit has also participated as a partner (research member of the consortium) and responsible for the Universitat de València in 5 international projects, 3 of which have been funded by the European Commission (in the Framework Programmes), one by a global institution, and one by the Dutch national government:
2003-2005: Life Quality of Senior Citizens in Relation to Mobility Conditions (SIZE). 5th Framework Programme (EU): 'Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources', key action 6 ('The Ageing Populations and Disabilities'). Contract number: QLRT-2002-02399.
2006-2007: Implementation of urban mobility observatory in Bogotá -Colombia-. Projejct funded by the World Bank through the Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá (Colombia), and the private companies Organización Pablo Bocarejo Ingenieros-Consultores (Colombia) and TOOL-ULEE, S.A. (Spain). Main researcher on the Spanish Side: Hector Monterde i Bort (contract between Tool-Ulee, S.A. and the Universitat de València, through the OTRI). 

2006-2010: Pedestrian's Quality Needs (PQN). European Science Fundation (7th Framework Programme -EU-). Leader of the Working Group 1: "Functional Needs". Ref.: COST Action 356.
2011-2013: Road Safety in the Ageing Societies - Concerns and Solutions (CONSOL). European Commission (7th Framework Programme of EU). Directorate General for Mobility and Transport (MOVE/SUB/01-2010). Directorate C-Innovative and Sustainable Mobility. Contract ref.: 

2014-2015: Benchmark Traffic Safety Policy. Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment. Ref.: D03091.000059.0100.

Research Group on Quantitative Methods for the Measurement of Culture and Education - MC2

The Quantitative Methods for the Measurement of Culture and Education (MC2) research group mainly develops its research and teaching specialisation in two highly related fields: Culture and Education; however, recently the research group is promoting the development of a third line of research, tourism, and specifically cultural tourism (cultural, industrial, language heritage, etc.).

Since its creation as a research line attached to the Department of Applied Economics, the MC2 research group has contributed to and participated in countless national and international research projects. In this sense, MC2 has participated, among others, in the project favoured by the Organisation of Ibero-American States (OEI) for the creation of the Ibero-American Observatory of Culture (OIBC); in the Evaluation of the Spanish Cultural Cooperation under the demand of the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Development (AECID); in the project for the elaboration of the System of Local Cultural Indicators of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) or in the design of an information system for the management of the Cervantes Institute.

Members of MC2 have also participated in projects linked to higher education through European Union projects such as the REFLEX Project, or the PROFLEX Project on graduate follow-up in Latin America. Among the objectives pursued by the MC2 research group are those listed in the following section.

Research Group on Research and Theatrical Action of the Universitat de València - GRATUV

GRATUV was founded in 1997, under the direction of Carmen Morenilla Talens, at the Universitat de València, with the aim of focusing on the study of classical Graeco-Latin theatre and its survival. The fundamental objectives that define it both in terms of its composition and the three aspects in which its action is materialised are: the research aspect, in the form of scientific publications, meetings and workshops with theatre professionals and colleagues from other universities; the dissemination aspect in the form of talks and open round tables aimed at the general public and in which society actively participates; and the action aspect in the form of adaptations, recreations and creations of dramatic works both for use as dramatic texts and to be performed on stage.

Research Group on Resource Innovation in Ancient History - GIRHA

GIRHA was set up in 2003 within the area of Ancient History at the Universitat de València as a line of incorporation and innovation of all kinds of resources applied to teaching and documentation. 

Its activities since then have been inserted both in the framework of the application, use and experimentation of ICT and in the contribution and configuration of other materials (documentation, manuals, etc.), as well as developing cooperation and dissemination on an interdisciplinary and interdepartmental scale. 

Subsequently, the group has extended its line of action to the coordination of research activities in the area of Ancient History, designing joint participation in R&D projects, or any others involving research activities, as well as measures to transfer them to the university community (seminars, conferences, colloquiums, etc.). 

Research Group on Rhetoric, Humanism and the Classical Tradition - GIRHTC

The group's research attempts to relate and take into account three aspects that are often studied separately but which are inextricably linked to each other: rhetoric, humanism and the Classical Tradition. Rhetoric, as a legacy of Greco-Latin culture and as the central axis of education; humanism as a movement that tries to recover and restore the classical legacy, in which rhetoric is included and which shapes a new creative and creative attitude towards knowledge based on this restoration; and the Classical Tradition not only understood as the survival of references, themes, motifs or characters of Greco-Latin literature, but also of the specific procedures how this survival is produced. Thus, the research activity has as objectives: The study, edition and translation of technical treatises on Neo-Latin rhetoric and other literary productions in Latin from the 15th to the 19th century. The survival of elements of classical literature in Neo-Latin literature and in vulgar literature throughout Europe and the procedures that have made this possible.

Research Group on Science Education and Science Teacher Training - didacies

The group is made up of a group of researchers in experimental science didactics.

Our main objective is to diagnose problems in the teaching and learning of science and to propose treatments that can contribute to overcoming them, both in formal and informal science education. To this end, we research on teacher training, developing proposals for improvement; on the skills to be acquired by young people and teachers in Education for Sustainability and Health Education; on argumentation and critical thinking in science teaching; in the use of STS science-technology-society relations, CSC socioscientific issues and the history of science in science education; in the use of inquiry-based methodology in science teaching from the early stages of formal education; and in the application of neuroscience to science education.

Research Group on Scientific Culture - RGSC - GICC

The Research Group on Scientific Culture (RGSC) was founded in 2002, when Journalism studies were introduced in the UV. Since the beginning, I take part in postgraduate and PhD programmes of various Spanish universities, in research areas revolving around scientific culture. In 2007, our university made an agreement with the RGSC, CIEMAT’s unit for scientific culture in Madrid, to enable research in Science and Technology Studies. This framework project includes researchers from the Universities of Oviedo, Balearic Islands, Valladolid, Salamanca and CSIC’s Institute of Philosophy. The main goal of the Research Group on Culture is the research on scientific culture, on acting as an interface mechanism between actors and on  environments for the creation of scientific knowledge and the unproductive appropriation of knowledge (social demand or regulating agents, to name a few). It participates in elaborating technical forms for foundations such as FECYT through Surveys for Social Perception of Science and Technology and it’s present in numerous international congresses such as the PSCT, held every two years. The group’s project is currently financed by the National Plan and it’s titled: Analysis of institutional campaigns for vaccination against the Human Papillomavirus (CSO2011-25810). The research group focuses on the different aspects and approaches taken by the news coverage of science and technology through media.

Research Group on Social Welfare Policy - Polibienestar

The Social Welfare Policy Research Group, belonging to the Universitat de València (Spain), is an international reference group specialised in social research, innovation and technology, technical advice and training in the field of social policies. We develop basic and applied research with an interdisciplinary and holistic approach on economic, social, political and technical sustainability of welfare systems, advising the Administration and companies in the design, planning and implementation of resources and policies of social welfare and sustainability.


The group is made up of an interdisciplinary team led by Jorge Garcés Ferrer, Prince of Asturias Professor at Georgetown University in Washington DC (USA) and 20 researchers from different disciplines at the Universitat de València. In turn, the group collaborates with entities and universities in the European Union, the United States, South America and Africa.

Vision: to improve the well-being, sustainability and quality of life of society.

Mission: to achieve greater effectiveness and efficiency in public policies, private entities and the third sector, by means of innovative, integral and inter-institutional proposals through a team with an interdisciplinary and multi-centre approach.

Challenge for 2030: to innovate public policies through information and communication technologies, ICTs.

The Research Group offers the best service in the area of public policy and to do so uses an interdisciplinary team, connected internationally and with a great knowledge of each area of work. Not only its source of knowledge and capacity, but also its cohesion, dynamism and way of working, allow the Group to continue growing towards excellence. The team teaches on degree courses of the Universitat de València, official Universitat de València master's degrees, own master's degrees and postgraduate courses, as well as other training courses.

Research Group on Socio-Economic Inequalities and Public Policies with a Gender Perspective - GENDESPOL

Analysis of gender inequalities in the socio-economic field, both in the area of public policies and in the relations between private subjects and within organisations, using the methodological tools of legal science, sociology, economics and social work.

Research Group on Spine Health Education - Spine-EDU

The research group on education for back health has a long history with studies published as early as 1997. The educational aspect of the group was set up in 2011 and was formalised as a group within the Universitat de València in 2020.

The group is interdisciplinary and aims to develop quality research that delves into issues of health education. Its work is oriented to the development of research on educational interventions at different levels of the compulsory education system, loyalty of educational implementations, research in teacher training on pedagogical knowledge of content, evaluation of educational methodologies and research and development of instruments for reliable documentation used in decision-making by teachers in educational contexts, research in evaluation of the educational system and the development and implementation of a curriculum that considers health and back care as fundamental aspects in improving the quality of life of citizens.

The aim of the group is to provide evidence of the need for health education from an early age, to develop knowledge and curricular material adapted to different ages and educational contexts, to design, develop and evaluate interventions in compulsory education, to train teachers in the development and application of interventions in educational centres. The group also aims to connect knowledge and scientific method with educational practice through the development of research and innovation projects with educational centres using socio-ecological models.

The teaching staff of the research group is part of the teaching staff of the Teaching Faculty of the Universitat de València, participating in the Master's Degree in Teacher Training in Secondary Education, specialising in Physical Education and in the Master's Degree in Research in Specific Didactics, specialising in Physical Education, teaching and directing final master's degree projects. He also participates in the Doctorate in Specific Didactics, supervising doctoral theses.

Research Group on Studies of the Spanish Language in America - ELEAM

Single-person group dedicated to research of the current American varieties of the Spanish language.

Research Group on Study of violent phenomena in literature in German language - EVLA

Literary texts and media artefacts are particular spaces for the representation and study of violence as a micro-phenomenon. Research on the subject of violence in different fields of knowledge, such as sociology, philosophy and history, has focused on macro-violence phenomena such as war, terror or torture, and has contributed to the definition of violence as a crucial dimension of Modernity (and post-modernity). Research in the field of philology allows us to take up the definitions of other fields of research and explore the deadlocks, the ambivalent aspects, the implosive manifestations in order to come to represent a new complexity of the phenomenon of violence.

Our studies will focus on a series of research problems derived from a reconceptualisation of the phenomenon of violence from the point of view of literary and artistic discourse. The starting point, from German philology, is to contribute to the study of the phenomenon of violence in general to a specific approach to history (largely common throughout Europe), marked by a period of fascism and dictatorship in Germany, Portugal, Spain and Italy in the 20th century.

The innovative potential of our research lies in the exploration of intertwinings, interdependencies, interconnections and modes of naming and exposing practices of violence present in different literary discourses, and is thus a crucial starting point for the analysis of the complexities related to this particular topic. Recent research shows that literary texts have the capacity to integrate and discuss microviolence, present in various aesthetic manifestations, language, everyday life and privacy, as well as macroviolence, present, for example, in epic narratives about war and violent conflict, and to create a connection between these two categories. Therefore, the different perceptions of violence in literary discourses will be studied as a mode of knowledge production reflecting certain hidden dynamics, especially in the field of German literature and cultural studies.

The aims of the group can be summarised as follows: 

  • to articulate dimensions of violence revealed in literary texts that have not yet been recognised as such; 
  • to analyse the inherent ambivalences of the social production of violence as it can be perceived in texts; 
  • question the established dichotomy between victim and executioner; 
  • to raise the question of whether the predominance of certain narrative discourses idealises and legitimises certain ideological contexts, i.e. contributes to a naturalisation of violence.
Research Group on Support for Research in Language Variation Analysis - SILVAGroup

The concept of “language variation” is key for the study of the evolution of languages and of social, professional and educational communicative systems. Social, cultural, health, economic, technological and educational transformations are developed, conveyed and reflected through their linguistic and communicative manifestations. The aim of the group is to study the progress that current society is undergoing through the analysis of the essential linguistic variables that are involved and interact in human communication. These variables depend on the profiles of speakers (e.g. idiolectal, dialectal variation, according to gender, age, social status, level of education, etc.) and on the uses they make of language according to the interpersonal identities they adopt (i.e. register variation), the codes they use to communicate (i.e. variation of mode), the different textual platforms they use (i.e. variation of discursive genre) and the different persuasive strategies with which they convey their intention and image (i.e. stylistic variation). The analysis of these variables requires approaching the study of communication at different scales, from its macro and hyper discursive aspect (e.g. interrelation between the variables that interact in business or academic communication, or the complexity of multimodal communication of social media and digital platforms) and also of its micro discursive components (e.g. variation of phonetic, morphological, lexical and syntactic units). As highlighted by experts in language variation (Bayley, 2013; Chambers and Schilling, 2018), in order to address comprehensive and innovative studies in this field, it is necessary to keep up to date the methodology needed to define and classify the categories, criteria and parameters essential to understand and analyse these variables and their interrelation.

Some of these have been extensively studied (e.g. dialectal variation) and others are currently being studied (e.g. variation of discursive genre), but there are still many ambiguous and controversial aspects of other relevant variables, such as those involved in communicative register variation. This type of interpersonal and contextual variation covers the whole spectrum of human interaction, from that which takes place in the most sophisticated and conventional contexts to that which takes place in the most intimate and familiar settings. There are different degrees of dependence and interrelation between various registers in the same communicative act, which has posed a difficult challenge for experts, particularly when it comes to accessing real data and compiling large and representative corpora. Moreover, throughout history, its study has been approached from many different perspectives, including heterogeneous, ambiguous and confusing variables that have generated controversy within this field of research. This theoretical heterogeneity and methodological complexity have hindered the development of in-depth and wide-ranging studies on this language variety, which could effectively transfer their results to society and the labour market, offering practical methods and tools for understanding, learning and mastering it. There are other variables in a similar situation (e.g. idiolectal variation, stylistic variation, genolects, chronolects, etc.). 

With the aim of contributing to the advancement of this field, the main objectives of the SILVAGroup are the following:

  1. To delve into the fundamental categories, criteria and parameters for the study and analysis of language variation, and the factors involved in its current behaviour in the English language and other majority languages, such as Spanish and German.
  2. To investigate language variation from a comprehensive pragmatic approach, highlighting its interpersonal and multimodal dimensions in its fluctuation throughout everyday communication from public to private settings.
  3. To work from emerging technologies, corpus linguistics and other multidisciplinary fields of human communication, contrasting advances and results between languages.
  4. To design methodologies for the study of language variation, useful in the search and detection of distinctive features that shed light on definition and typology of its parameters of analysis, and also practical for learning and mastering them, especially at a social and professional level.
  5. To participate in platforms and projects for the dissemination of research, especially in international conferences and impact publications, in order to encourage further study of RV and to publicise the results of the group’s activity.
  6. To constitute a national and international support platform for research in this field and for its dissemination.

The group’s research activity will be structured from the IULMA, based at the Universitat de València, to which most of the members of the group belong, and is made up of a multidisciplinary team of both young and experienced researchers from the UV, UPV and UA.

All the members of the group share the essential research lines for the study of RV: language variation, corpus linguistics and contrastive linguistics. The group also has experts in other relevant research lines. This multidisciplinary nature provides this team with the advantage of approaching language variation from different but complementary areas of knowledge and research lines, allowing an innovative depth and perspective and results that can really bring a significant advance in the field.

Research Group on Systematics, Evolution and Biogeography of Fungi, Seaweeds and Plants - SEBHAP

Research activity focuses on acquiring new knowledge about fungi, seaweeds and plants, which is applied:

  1. In studies on the biodiversity of: fungi, lichens, seaweeds, bryophytes and vascular plants, in the Iberian Peninsula, Mediterranean Sea and other areas.
  2. For the solution of problems related to their Identification, Systematics, Phylogeny, Biogeography and Conservation status.

The research activity is carried out with a multidisciplinary approach from different perspectives developing four lines of research: "Mycology and Lichenology", "Marine Botany", "Bryology" and "Plant ecology".

Research Group on Teaching and acquisition of solidarity and intercultural competences through languages and literature - TALIS

TALIS was born in response to the perception that there was a great lack of technical advice and collaboration of universities with different social agents, NGDOs for example, in the field of education based on the CLIL / CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) model. That is to say, neither didactic material nor related actions were being created that encompassed both language learning and content related to solidarity, Development Education and interculturality in an integrated way, which we consider fundamental to help in the social construction of a fairer, more equal and socially aware world, while at the same time boosting the local economy. Therefore, research in this field is absolutely essential, since it is necessary to have a theoretical framework for the development of intercultural competence and a methodology that allows the application of appropriate strategies for its didactic transposition.

On the other hand, because of the training of the teachers involved, special importance is attached to Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). It is considered that CLIL makes it possible to incorporate into this language teaching and learning an axiological axis that includes education for global development or the classic teaching of values. In this sense, TALIS has carried out and continues to carry out interdisciplinary research which allows for broad and at the same time realistic frameworks of implementation.

Research Group on Tourism Public Management - APERTURISM

Public management is a fact of life in tourism. There is no longer any doubt about the decisive role of the Administration (at whatever level it is divided), to admit that its presence provides tourism with a stable framework, not exclusively conditioned to the evolution of the market. This should be so, fundamentally, because tourism activity requires the use of public goods and services for its development, which, in most cases, were either not created for this purpose or do not exist. From a micro vision, the tourism products created for this consumption are made up, among their basic components, of public goods which, in general, constitute the most valued elements in the choice of those who consume them. Equally decisive, although less visible, are other components (such as infrastructures, regulations, safety or health) which, from a macro vision, in many cases condition the success of tourism. These public goods and services, which, by the way, are not generally the responsibility of tourism, generate friction between administrations, and between administrations and the private and civil sphere, which translates into areas of conflict. Consequently, tourism no longer only creates economic benefits, but also other externalities that were discussed until very recently, but have now been taken on board.

Thus, in the public sphere, tourism management focuses its attention on how to mitigate the negative effects of the activity and how to make the most of the opportunities that can be glimpsed in territories with potential. All of this considering the diversity of actors involved and their interests, and not having to prioritise between the social, economic, cultural and environmental dimensions.

Aperturism, as a research group, was created with the general objective of analysing, deepening and reflecting on the public management of tourism, with a special focus on the local level.

Research Group on Transatlantic British and American Female Writers - BATWoW

The group is made up of two specialists in the area of English Philology and more specifically in English literature and American literature. 
There are many studies focused on English literature and American literature (authors, works, historical, social and cultural context) and also comparative studies of some authors and some works. However, our aim is to systematically examine the mutual influence of both literary spheres from the point of view and in the work of women writers. We will analyse both the primary and secondary bibliography of several English-language women authors on both sides of the Atlantic in order to establish what links and influences exist.

Research Group on Unit in Cultural Economics and Tourism - ECONCULT

Econcult is a research unit, which since 1995, has specialised in the analysis of cultural activities and collective actions to promote the cultural and creative sectors. As a research unit, in the last 5 years it has participated in numerous international projects related to the effects of cultural and creative activities on social innovation processes (Sostenuto), the role of spaces in creativity (3C4Incubators), the existence of regional development models based on the cultural and creative sectors (Creativem) or the identification of excellent practices in cultural policies at urban and regional level (Culture for Cities and Regions). The team has 5 permanent staff and a large number of external collaborators and other research institutions. It also maintains close international relations with organisations such as Relais Culture Europe (Paris), the Roberto Cimetta Foundation, the URBEGO group, the Creative Economy Culture and Public Policies Working Group (Brazil) and the Cultural Industries Institute of the University of Yunnan (China) and interacts with agents of innovation, culture and creativity at national, regional and local level. Also in Spain, it has stable relationships with groups such as CRIT of the University of Barcelona, Futurlab of the University of Alicante or Quantitative Methods for Measuring Culture of the University of Valencia. 

The Economics of Culture Research Unit was set up in the Department of Applied Economics at the Universitat de València in 1997. Since then, it has developed a continuous research work in the field of Economics of Culture, becoming one of the reference centres at national and international level. Since the middle of the first decade of the 21st century, its internationalisation process has been remarkable, collaborating with projects both in Latin America and Europe. In the period between 2011 and 2014, the unit was attached to the Inter-University Institute for Local Development, but since 1 January 2015 it has once again belonged to the Department of Applied Economics. Econcult is a heterogeneous network of researchers from different universities and external collaborators, coordinated by Professor Pau Rausell. Since 2007, Professor Raül Abeledo has been responsible for the development of European projects.

During our trajectory we have addressed aspects such as: 

  • Macroeconomic dimension of cultural and creative activities. 
  • The metrics of cultural and creative activities.
  • Causality between cultural and creative sectors and development. 
  • The effects of cultural and creative sectors and per capita income, productivity, efficiency, global competitiveness. (SOSTENUTO Project. Culture as a factor of economic and social innovation Territorial specificities: innovation models based on culture and creativity? (CreativeMed. Toolkit Project).
  • Sectoral and Mesoeconomic Dimension.
    • Sectoral analysis. 
    • The specificities of the cultural and creative market sectors.
    • Culture and territory. Creative Territories.
  • Microeconomic Dimension
    • Consumer/participant/creator behaviour. 
    • Structure and production function of cultural and creative organisations / projects and enterprises. Spaces for innovation, creativity and culture. 
  • For a New Political Economy for Culture, Creativity and Innovation.


Research Group on University Pedagogy, Lifelong Education and Sustainable Development - GREAV

This group focuses on University Pedagogy, Lifelong Education and Sustainable Development. Its aim is to study the educational processes in these areas in order to build knowledge and to specify and apply proposals for improvement:

  • In University Pedagogy (analysis of teaching-learning processes at university, transition, failure and drop-out processes, study of the impact of innovative methodologies, design, application and evaluation of good practices, teaching competences, use of ICT in e-a processes, etc.).
  • In Education and Sustainability (curricular sustainability, analysis of the contents of university curricula, course guides, development of competences for sustainability, construction of models transferable to the different degrees, analysis and improvement of their approach in formal and non-formal education, etc.).
  • In Family and Minors (family educational styles and their evaluation, family diversity, parental competence, parental abuse by children, mediation of family conflicts, training in family intervention, etc.).
  • In Coexistence and Conflict Resolution (education and coexistence, education for peace, conflict resolution, teaching and learning of social norms, models of coexistence, disruptive and antisocial behaviour, etc.).
  • In Citizenship and Values (moral education, citizenship, education in values, intercultural pedagogy, education and human development, ethics of professions, professional ethics, educational prevention of gender violence, etc.).
  • In Media Literacy, ICTs and Video Games (media citizenship, media literacy, values and ICTs, video games and education, simulation games, serious games, uses of video games, etc.). In these fields, this team has already completed several competitive R&D&I projects and is developing others: 
  • Teaching strategies and learning strategies at university. Analysis of the impact of key variables on the ways in which university students approach learning. MCyT. (SEC/2003-016787) (2003-2006)
  • Introduction of sustainability into the curriculum at the University of Valencia General Study (ACUVEG). Valencian Government. (GV04B-166)(2004-2005)
  • Prevention and protection against domestic and gender-based violence within the framework of LO 1/2004 of December 28th. A transdisciplinary perspective. MICINN (SEJ2006-15544)(2006-2009)
  • Curricular Greening: design and analysis of interventions of disciplinary dialogue for the development of basic sustainability competences in university education (Early Childhood and Primary Education Degrees). MINECO (SEJ2007-67063) 2007-2010)
  •  Excellence in university students from a longitudinal approach: analysis of incident factors and design of an intervention model. MICINN (EDU2009-08518) (2009-2012) 
  • Family practices and co-responsibility: Analysis of values and proposal of educational strategies for the reconciliation of personal, social and working life. MICINN. (EDU2009-10250)(2009-2012).
  • Prevention and eradication of gender-based violence. Its transdisciplinary study through the media. Education and the performance of judges. MICINN. (DER2010- 018498)(2010-2012)-Compulsory education in the face of audiovisual communication competence in a digital environment. MICINN (EDU2010-21395)(2006-2009)
  • Learning-centred methodologies at university. Design, implementation and evaluation. MINECO. (EDU2012-32725)(2013-2015)
  • Curricular Sustainability in the Degree Plans: revisions of the basic competences for sustainability in the Course Guides; development and evaluation. MINECO. (EDU2010-21485)(2011-2013)This research has resulted in a significant number of publications in prestigious books and journals and a constant participation in conferences and training activities.
Research Group on Valencia Colloquial Spanish - Val.Es.Co.

The aim of the Val.Es.Co. research group is to describe and explain colloquial Spanish at its different levels of analysis on the basis of a basically oral corpus, obtained directly from spontaneous conversation and other types of discourse. The initial hypothesis of this research project, confirmed by the analyses carried out so far, was that the functioning of colloquial conversation could be explained, not as a transgression of orational grammar, but as a set of structures and strategies, pragmatically based, constituted in the process of interaction. In order to test this hypothesis, it was essential to have a representative corpus of conversations, transcribed by means of a system capable of representing the conversational events which were the object of our study. The elaboration of a representative corpus was considered as a preliminary to the analysis. Two compilation volumes of this corpus have already been published (Briz, coord., 1995 and Briz y grupo Val.Es.Co., 2002), versions 2.0 and 2.1 of the web, and version 3.0, developed in 2021. The work carried out over these years has led to the creation of the following lines of work:

Characterising the colloquial register

On the one hand, through the analysis and explanation of the linguistic aspects and communicative strategy that generally identify this register of speech (Briz, 1996 and 1998, Ruiz Gurillo 2006) and, on the other hand, with the more specific description of various linguistic phenomena, such as word order (Padilla, 2001), intonation (Hidalgo, 1997, 2002 and 2019; Cabedo 2006 and 2007), the relations between prosody and (dis)politeness (Hidalgo 2009:; Hidalgo (2013; Hidalgo and Cabedo 2014) story sequences (Baixauli, 2000, Briz 2016), phraseology (Ruiz Gurillo, 1997 and 1998), connection (Pons, 1998; Estellés 2006; Montañez 2015; Hidalgo 2015), intensification and attenuation (Briz, 1998, 2007 and 2017; Albelda, 2004 and 2007, Briz and Albelda 2013; Albelda et al. 2014; Estellés and Cabedo, 2017-2018), linguistic borrowing (Gómez Capuz, 1998), the presence of slang (Sanmartín, 1998b), everyday metaphors (Sanmartín, 2000), direct style (Benavent, 2016), suspended structures and other syntactic issues (Hidalgo and Pérez Giménez, 2004; Pérez Giménez, 2015; Briz, 2018), humour (Ruiz Gurillo 2012, 2019), irony (Ruiz Gurillo and Padilla Coord. 2009), segmentation of conversation into its units of analysis (Grupo Val.Es.Co. 2014, Pons Coord. 2014), substructural elements (Pascual 2020), experimental validation of research on markers (Salameh 2021), research on approximatives (Pardo 2021), etc.

From the present and towards the future

At the moment, the almost thirty people who, in one way or another, collaborate in our group, are organised around the following lines of work:

  1. Val.Es.Co. Corpus 3.0
    Version 3.0 of the Val.Es.Co. corpus adds to, and to some extent recasts, the previous versions. A new editing website has been built, a bijective correspondence has been established between the old transcription signs and the TEI tags that identify them, a new search system has been designed and, in addition, a reduced subcorpus, consisting of fifteen conversations, has been segmented into units and subunits following the theory of units developed by our group. It is thus demonstrated that the residue-free segmentation of colloquial conversation on the basis of pragmatic principles is possible (an answer, deferred in time, to the question posed by Antonio Narbona at the end of the seventies about "the syntax of spoken Spanish").
  2. Ameresco Corpus
    The objectives and working methods of our team have been extended to other research groups through the AMERESCO project, which has collected similar corpora of Spanish spoken in different cities of the Hispanic domain. It currently comprises more than 50 conversations from Spain (Valencia and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria), Mexico (Monterrey, Mexico City and Querétaro), Argentina (Buenos Aires and Tucumán), Cuba (Havana and Santiago), Colombia (Barranquilla and Medellín), Chile (Iquique, Santiago) and Panama. The samples are representative of sociolect socio-cultural level, age and gender.
  3. The Dictionary of Discursive Particles of Spanish (DPDE)
    Markers and particles are described in this collective work, developed over more than fifteen years, in which the leading specialists in the field in the Hispanic domain have collaborated. Its new version, developed over the last two years, has added an editing website, converted the initial format into a database and added information on the position and discourse units in which all the dictionary's markers appear. In this way, a uniform description of the interrelationship between the positions and functions of all Spanish markers is provided in a new way.
  4. Tecnolingüística, S.L.
    This company, which was born as a spin-off of the group's research activity, is today a private entity that makes the transfer of the knowledge generated within the group its hallmark. With clients such as the RAE, the Ministry of Justice, different Spanish and foreign universities and some of the most prestigious Spanish law firms, our company demonstrates that it is possible to develop an economically profitable activity by offering the results of the research produced in the university departments as commercial services. This work of transferring research aims to promote, by example, other business initiatives of former students and to make visible in society the need for expert advice on linguistic issues.
  5. The Val.Es.Co. model of conversational units
    Since its first version in 2003, this model has been extended with new units, new positions and, above all, a large number of developments which demonstrate its explanatory capacity: studies on the correlation between the functions of discourse markers and the position/unit binomial, applications to its diachronic evolution, its cognitive basis, the combination of markers, the study of direct style or approximatives are some of its ramifications.
  6. Studies on attenuation and evidentiality
    Much of the group's efforts have been devoted to the characterisation and development of the pragmatic category attenuation, as well as to the study of evidentiality in Spanish. The projects Es.Var.Atenuación and Es.Vag.Atenuación are a good example of this.
  7. Studies on the diachrony of the 20th century
    The 20th century is the first synchronic slice for which spoken registers exist. Such registers constitute invaluable material for the diachronic study of spoken Spanish. This opens up a field of work, still in its infancy, which poses methodological challenges and theoretical considerations, most of which have yet to be explored. And, undoubtedly, this means adding a new perspective to the study of colloquial Spanish.
Research Group on Valencian Language, Literature and Culture from the Golden Century to the Renaissance - LLICVALSOR

The research group is basically articulated around the three axes that appear in the name and which are, from our point of view, inseparable: language, literature - in a broad sense - and the culture that derives from these first two terms. On the other hand, we have a clear territorial objective, which is the Valencian geography, from the medieval centuries to the Renaissance, insofar as the whole period forms a continuum that is sometimes difficult to section, given the relationships established between works, authors, linguistic or aesthetic options, etc. 

For years, the members of the group have been dedicated to the edition and study of Valencian and Catalan texts in general, especially those written in the country's own language, but also some in Spanish or Latin. On the other hand, we have also prepared different editions of non-literary -documentary- texts, whenever they are of historical-cultural or linguistic interest. Furthermore, our interest in language has led us to study different aspects of Catalan, especially in Valencia: lexicon, toponymy or more general linguistic studies, which are normally based on unpublished documentation, which is often edited. In this sense, we can clearly point out that many of the texts published by the Universitat de València are linked to our work as professionals in this discipline. 

As far as the study of literature is concerned, we have made many contributions, both in specific cases referring to specific works, and also, on other occasions, by tracing the biography and ideology of the authors we are dealing with. One challenge we have not yet achieved is the elaboration of a manual on the history of literature in Valencia during the 16th-19th centuries, which, however, we have set as one of our long-term objectives, given that we still lack many specific studies to be able to produce this work which, in due course, will be a compulsory reference. 

As for historical and cultural studies, the same work on texts and authors leads us to the need to know the cultural contexts that have been generated in each period, so that many of our editions are also studies of the spheres in which the works studied appeared or circulated. 

Finally, there are many specific contributions from members of the group, based on specific aspects of works, authors, movements, linguistic or any other type of particularity, which we frequently carry forward. 

The group's research activity is based, therefore, on access to archival sources or historical libraries, with which we work with first-hand documentation, taking into account, however, the bibliography generated previously, whether it is old or more recent in all cases. In this sense, our research work is directly included in what we could call humanistic research, bearing in mind that new technologies have led us to be in contact with and use the resources that are sometimes found on the net. A symptom of this has been the recent creation - by many of the members of this group - of the journal "Scripta", which is hosted by the OJS of the Universitat de València and which, in the long run, is destined to become a showcase for part of our research activity and to host research along similar lines, thus stimulating the exchange and dissemination of knowledge. Even more so, if we consider the high degree of internationality of the work of many of the members of our group, who are in contact with universities in Europe and America.

Research Group on Visual Culture Studies - APES

In 2001, following the award of the R&D project Image and Culture (GV-167-09), the APES. Imagen y Cultura, which was registered in the first register of research structures of the Universitat de València, directed by Dr. Rafael García Mahíques.

Since then, the team has led, within the Universitat de València, studies on image interpretation, taking iconology as a central methodology. Around this and other official research projects, the group has developed an extensive research activity with a high impact on the Spanish and international academic world, as well as a clear commitment to the training of new talents. From the beginning of its configuration, the APES group has had as one of its main recognitions the formative nature of its projects, the commitment to the internationalisation of its members, as well as the establishment of networks with other research groups, again both nationally and internationally. In terms of common products, the group's track record includes the organisation of several scientific meetings, the publication of collective works and the management of R&D projects.

Currently, the research group APES. Estudis de cultura visual is a consolidated team where the different members develop diverse lines of research whose wide range of topics have as their central axis the study and interpretation of the image, covering practically all fields of artistic visuality and under new methodological approaches such as the anthropology of the image. The hallmark of the APES group is the balance between the development of individual research and participation in a common disciplinary project that is manifested through the openness of the various lines of research, together with participation in joint projects, the creation of spaces for discussion and the desire for collaborative intellectual growth.

In this sense, the group shares, mainly, the participation in the project "Los tipos iconográficos", carried out under the auspices of various official R&D grants, as a long term project of inter-university scope whose main objective is to offer a treatise on iconographic types with the aim of becoming a reference work at national and international level (especially for the Hispanic and Latin American world). Likewise, the group is jointly committed to identifying new approaches and lines of research which, by introducing an innovative approach to the study of the image, will generate spaces for discussion that will activate the discipline of art history, enabling it to participate in the construction of cultural history as well as an authentic history of the image.

Research Group on the Centre for the Study of Culture, Power and Identities - CECPI

The research centre studies culture in a broad sense and from a multidisciplinary perspective, incorporating contributions from sociology, anthropology, history and cultural studies. In particular, it would aim to analyse the relationships between cultural practices, power, identities and social change. The centre's research objectives are the following: 

  1. Analysis of culture, cultural practices and social change: study of the transformations of contemporary society from the perspective of the sociology of culture, the emergence of new creative practices, the cohort effect in the change of cultural practices, the emergence of new communities of cultural consumption and the expansion of these patterns towards other social spheres (artistisation) or the entry of logics from other fields into the cultural sphere (digitalisation, politicisation, etc.). 
  2. Analysis of sport and leisure practices: study of new patterns of sporting practice, the relationship between social change, social cohesion and sport, the relationship between institutions in the field of sport and the political and economic fields. Research on the transformation of urban space into a space of leisure and of cities as settings and producers of new social practices that reconfigure urban structures and their uses. 
  3. Analysis of power and intellectuals: Study of the relationship between power and culture as a mechanism of control and normalisation and hierarchisation or the dynamics of cultural resistance of old and new social movements. Research into the interrelationships and dependencies between the political, intellectual and cultural fields and their role in social reproduction and change. 
  4. Analysis of festive culture and cultural heritage: study of the development of festive culture, the social role of cultural traditions and the processes of modernisation of festive events in the context of cultural globalisation processes. Analysis of the processes of construction of a cultural memory and the valorisation of cultural heritage in terms of the construction of local and territorial identities, especially in contexts of cultural plurality. 
  5. Analysis of culture, territory and national identities: study of the relationship between national and cultural identities, cultural political configurations, sub-state politics and federalism, as well as their role in economic and social development and the generation of territorial brands in a globalised framework (place branding), applied especially to the Valencian country. 
  6. Analysis of political culture, historical memory and identities: Study of the relationship between the socio-historical framework and political culture. 
  7. Analysis of cultural policies, institutions and organisations: study of territorial and local cultural policies as systems of governance and interrelation between cultural agents and their role in the configuration of collective identities and as mechanisms for the development of artistic districts, the empowerment of sectors and the promotion of creative professions. Study of the discourses and praxis of public, private and third sector cultural institutions and, in particular, of museums and other entities representative of the autonomous field of culture. 
  8. Analysis of the impact of new technologies on culture: Study on new cultural practices in the digital framework. Study of the impact of new technologies on the mechanisms of power and social and cultural control.
Research Group on the History and Historiography of the Spanish Language in its Diachrony - HISLEDIA

The History and Historiography of the Spanish language in its diachrony (HISLEDIA) group at the UV has a long history. Its lines of research, History of the Spanish language and Historiography of the Spanish language, were initiated by Emilio Ridruejo in the early 1980s and included the creation of a Chair in History of Language and Dialectology, occupied by María Teresa Echenique Elizondo in 1987. After Emilio Ridruejo's transfer to the University of Valladolid in 1988, the group was led by María Teresa Echenique until her retirement in 2020, when the chair was handed over to María José Martínez Alcalde. 
The HISLEDIA group has developed ten research projects funded in competitive calls in which researchers from various Spanish and foreign universities have participated, contributing to the international projection of the group and the consolidation of its research activity.

Since its creation, the group has tackled fundamental aspects of the study of the evolution of Spanish in historical and historiographical terms, without ever losing sight of the contrastive perspective in its relationship with the rest of the Hispanic languages and modalities, mainly Basque, Catalan and Portuguese. Particular attention has been paid to the following issues: 

  • History of the Castilian language throughout its diachronic evolution in contact with other peninsular linguistic modalities.
  • Phraseology and phraseometry of the Castilian language in its diachrony.
  • Philological study of the origins of the Castilian language.
  • History of the pronunciation of Castilian.
  • Grammatical, orthographic and lexicographic codification of the Castilian language.
  • The standard of the Castilian language from a historiographical point of view: grammars, orthographies and dictionaries.

The members of the group have participated in leading national and international congresses in their speciality, as well as producing a significant number of high impact publications in their field (as a group and individually), and have a solid track record in the training of research personnel and the supervision of doctoral theses. It has extensive experience in organising congresses, symposia, conferences and specialist meetings. Among them, the 5th International Congress on the History of the Spanish Language (Universitat de València, 2000), the International Symposium "Lexicography, Grammatical Codification and Phraseology in honour to G. Haensch" (Universitat de València and Universität Augsburg, 2003), the exhibition "Rafael Lapesa's Legacy: Valencia 1908-Madrid 2002" (Valencian Library and Cervantes Institute, 2008), the 26th Congrès Internacional de Lingüística i Filologia Romàniques (Valencian for International Congress of Linguistics and Romanic Philology) (Valencia, 2010) with a section expressly related to the group's research, the Symposium on Grammatical Codification of Spanish: History and Historiography (Universitat de València, 2004), the International Conference on Historical Phraseology (first and second editions, Universitat de València, 2015 and 2016), the coordination of the Historical Phraseology Section of the Congress of German Hispanists (Munich, 2017), the International Scientific Meeting Contrastive History of the Spanish Language and its Historiography (Universitat de València, 2018) and the organisation of the 13th Congress of the Spanish Society of Linguistic Historiography (Universitat de València, 2022).

The group's research has resulted, among many other publications, in the following works: Phraseology in Spanish: diachrony and codification (CSIC, 2017), Phraseology through the history of the Spanish language and its historiography (Tirant Humanidades, 2017), How phraseological units are made: continuity and renewal in the diachrony of the Castilian space (Peter Lang, 2018) and DHISFRAES. Historical phraseological dictionary of Spanish. A lexicographical task for the 21st century. Combinations of prepositional and adverbial locutionary character. Archetypal sample (ed. by María Teresa Echenique and Francisco P. Pla based on the corpus compiled by the HISLEDIA group, Peter Lang, 2021).

Research Group on the History of Scientific and Technical Translation from French into Spanish - Histradcyt

The group considers that the activity is justified by the fact that the history of translation in Spain has rarely (and never systematically) focused on scientific and technical translations from French into Spanish, a very important area in the transmission of the history of scientific and technical knowledge from France to Spain. The studies carried out so far by the group are both historical-traductological and bibliographical in nature. The material used to develop the activity is of two types: critical historical sources on the periods taken into consideration (18th-19th centuries), computerised catalogues (BNE, Google books, REBIUN, CCPBE, etc.) as well as manual catalogues (library catalogues, in particular university libraries).

At present, we are implementing a double database that collects, on the one hand, the corpus of translations from French into Spanish, mainly published in Spain and France, on scientific and technical subjects between the 18th and 19th centuries. On the other hand, a corpus of the translators responsible for them. With this activity, the foundations are being laid for a future dictionary of translations and translators that offers a thematic classification of translations with their bibliographical characteristics, and also the corpus of translators with their bio-bibliographical characteristics. The group's activities include the regular biennial organisation of meetings between researchers, of which 4 editions have already been published. The first of these meetings, the I Conference on the History of Non-Literary Translation (, was held in 2012, the second (, this time international, in 2014, the III International Conference ( in 2016 and the IV ( in 2018. The research and dissemination activity of the group, whose work in this field dates back to 2011, namely before its registration as a research group of the Universitat de València, has been, to our knowledge, extensive. In addition to numerous articles in national and international journals, five monographic journal issues have been published: Cuadernos de Filología Francesa nº22 (2011); Quaderns de Filología. Estudis lingüístics nº17 (2012), nº 21 (2016), nº24 (2019); Synergies Espagne, nº 12 (2019), online. In addition to the journals, five monographs on the History of Translation (2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020) and two books on translators have also been published. The first published in 2017, Essay on a dictionary of Spanish translators of scientific and technical translations. (1750-1900): Medicine (author Julia Pinilla Martínez) The second in 2019 Repertoire of Spanish Translators (1750-1900). Translated and own works in the field of the Humanities (edd. Noelia Micó Romero and Natalia Mª Campos Martín).

To sum up, the group's research activity seems to us to be particularly important for future research work both in the field of the history of translation from French into Spanish and in the history of science and technology from Europe, since, as we know, the French language in the 18th and 19th centuries was the vehicle for the transmission of European science. Our working methodology consists, first of all, in considering and studying the history of scientific and technical translation according to thematic axes (sub-areas) by adopting a systematic approach to aspects such as: the date of publication, the place, the printer/publisher. Secondly, we address the question of the translator with his or her social, professional and scientific characteristics. We also took into consideration the textual aspect of the translated works by analysing the paratexts of these works, a method that allows us to hypothesise both the purpose of each of the scientific or technical works translated from French into Spanish and their relationship with untranslated French works, as well as the reception in Spain of the knowledge they convey. The goal is, in addition to the above, to measure, qualitatively and quantitatively, the transmission of French technical and scientific knowledge from France to Spain at the time when the Peninsula was a recipient of this knowledge.

Research Group on the Reception of the Classical Literatures - GIRLC

Study of the reception of classical literatures, including their late periods, cf. both Greek and Latin Christian literature, medieval Latin literature, Byzantine literature, Renaissance and humanistic literature, to national literatures.

Research Group on the Social and Cultural History of the Contemporary World - HISCUCON

The research group brings together the consolidated trajectory of researchers with decades of accumulated experience, as well as promoting the already outstanding training capacity of young researchers. The basic defining axis of this group's research is the application of the perspectives of social history and cultural history to the study of contemporary Spain. This area is approached, however, from a comparative perspective and with attention to transnational processes and phenomena, particularly in relation to Europe and Latin America. 

The research group aims to deepen the study of 19th and 20th century Spain by opening up new approaches that transcend the traditional compartmentalisation between political, social and cultural history and address in all its complexity both the transformations of contemporaneity and the study of historical subjects, both individual and collective, and their relationship with nation-states. The aim is to apply renewed perspectives to the study of the social transformations of the Spanish 19th century and their relationship with the emergence of the new institutions of the national state, to the analysis of the changes linked to the emergence of mass society in the transition from the 19th to the 20th century, and to the understanding of the changes and crises of the inter-war period, which open up the configuration of the societies of the second half of the 20th century. 

The study of these problems is based on the development of various analytical perspectives. Firstly, through the study of so-called political cultures, a concept that encompasses not only the analysis of political ideologies but also the social history of politics, forms of sociability and associated cultural practices. In this sense, the possibilities of its application to the study of the political cultures of nineteenth-century liberalism as well as the cultures linked to its questioning will be developed. For the twentieth century, the emergence of new democratic forms of mass politics and their questioning by reactionary nationalism and fascism will also be addressed. Secondly, based on a methodological approach that relates perspectives of social and economic history with the institutional analysis of politics and its cultural dimensions, the analysis of the formation of the Spanish nation-state from below will be developed. The aim is to establish a periodisation of the major stages of the relations between the national state and civil society in nineteenth-century Spain, including an analysis of the trajectory of the notion of the economic subject in the liberal public space and the discursive and political strategies with respect to individual rights and their practical realisation. The third axis is articulated around the study of individual and collective identities. On the one hand, the analytical potential of biographical history will be explored with the aim of providing a complex interpretation of experience, identity, subjectivity and representativeness, all understood as an opportunity for the joint renewal of historiography and conventional biography. It will also address the study of collective identities in 19th and 20th century Spain, paying special attention to the national dimension and the processes of construction of regional and local identities in interaction with the national framework, as well as the study of gender identities. Finally, the forms of construction of cultural representations by literary, cinematographic and artistic materials will be specifically studied, integrating them into the historical analysis. From the approaches of the most recent socio-cultural history, its role in the construction of political and social imaginaries will be addressed, as well as reflection on the relationship between history and fiction.

Research Group on the Teaching of Languages - GIEL

The Grupo de Investigación de Enseñanza de Lenguas (GIEL) (Spanish for Language Teaching Research Group), as a Language Didactics group, studies the relationships between the elements of the didactic system (teaching, learning, contents) in the teaching of first and foreign languages, in multilingual contexts and in the different stages of the educational system (Pre-school, Primary, Secondary, University). Its main research focuses on the teaching of written language, understood as a process and as a social practice, and the teaching and learning of grammar, from the perspective of the impact of reflection on languages on the development of learners' meta- and interlinguistic competence and on the improvement of language use. In both cases, attention is paid to the integrated treatment of languages in multilingual contexts and to the role of ICT in the classroom in relation to language learning. From the methodological point of view, special attention is given to research in natural classroom situations and to the informed design of intervention devices (didactic sequences for learning to write and for learning grammar), which in turn constitute macro contexts for research.

GIEL has researchers in first, second and foreign language teaching (Spanish, Catalan, English and French). Its precedent was the Agora group (GR00-75), which began its trajectory in 1997 with a first project "Ensenyament de llengües i interacció comunicativa" (Valencian for Language Teaching and Communicative Interaction) (GR2001-101), in which they laid the foundations for didactic research centred on communicative approaches and on the study of the interactions of the different elements of the didactic system (teaching-learning-content).

GIEL's preferred lines of research are:

  1. Didactics of the written language in multilingual contexts
    1. Desde la perspectiva de los géneros discursivos, mediante el diseño y la implementación de secuencias didácticas como dispositivo metodológico de investigación didáctica. A esta línea corresponden los proyectos del grupo: "Consecucions i dificultats en l'escriptura d'una autobiografia lingüística" (UV-AE-08_2442); "Análisi de l'escriptura d'una autobiografia lingüística i d'un text d'opinió en estudiants de diferents nivells educatius en distintes llengües" (GVA/2009/105), "Dificultats d'escriptura amb textos argumentatius i explicatius i intervenció didàctica" (UV-INV-AE11-42019) y el proyecto "Ara l'escriptura! Millorar l'expressió escrita per garantir l'equitat de l'alumnat" (Recercaixa-ACUP, proyecto 2015ACUP00175), en colaboración con el grupo GREAL de la UAB. From the perspective of discursive genres, through the design and implementation of didactic sequences as a methodological device for didactic research. The group's projects correspond to this line: "Consecucions i dificultats en l'escriptura d'una autobiografia lingüística" (Valencian for Achievements and Difficulties in Writing a Linguistic Autobiography) (UV-AE-08_2442); "Análisi de l'escriptura d'una autobiografia lingüística i d'un text d'opinió en estudiants de diferents nivells educatius en diferents llengües" (Valencian for Analysing the writing of a linguistic autobiography and an opinion text in students of different educational levels in different languages) (GVA/2009/105), "Dificultats d'escriptura amb textos argumentatius i explicatius i intervenció didàctica" (Valencian for Writing difficulties with argumentative and explanatory texts and didactic intervention) (UV-INV-AE11-42019) and the project "Ara l'escriptura! Millorar l'expressió escrita per garantir l'equitat de l'alumnat" (Valencian for Writing now! Improving written expression to ensure student equity) (Recercaixa-ACUP, project 2015ACUP00175), in collaboration with the GREAL group of the UAB.
    2. In relation to the teaching-learning of reading comprehension, the group has developed two projects focused on the practices of novice teachers on non-fictional reading: "Análisis de las prácticas de los maestros noveles en relación con el desarrollo de la competencia lectora de los alumnos en Educación primaria" (Spanish for Analysis of the practices of novice teachers in relation to the development of reading competence of students in primary education) (UV-INV-PRECOMP13-115492) and (Spanish for Reading comprehension and content learning in the classroom: analysis of the practices of novice teachers) (GV2015-058). From the perspective of reading behaviour, the project "El papel de los signos de puntuación (comas) durante la lectura" (Spanish for The role of punctuation marks (commas) during reading) (GV/2020/074) addresses the incidence of these syntactic-discursive elements in students' reading comprehension.
  2. Teaching and learning grammar, from a double perspective:
    1. School grammar, as a meta- and interlinguistic reflection and in relation to written language proficiency, the group is developing the project "La elaboración de una gramática escolar interlingüística: hacia una enseñanza reflexiva de las lenguas en contextos multilingües (EGRAMINT)" (Spanish for The development of an interlinguistic school grammar: Towards a reflexive teaching of languages in multilingual contexts) (MCIN-AEI-PID2019-105298RB-I00), which aims to build an interlinguistic school grammar that brings together the object of teaching and learning with the methodological procedures necessary for teachers and professors to develop a reflexive teaching of languages in the classroom and thus promote the development of multilingual competence. In other words, we aim for an interlinguistic school grammar that brings together what and how to teach grammar with what grammar is learned and how basic grammatical notions are constructed. The precedent of this work has been the research on students' metalinguistic activity, in collaboration with the Greal group (UAB) in the projects "La actividad metalingüística en situaciones plurilingües" (Spanish for Metalinguistic activity in multilingual situations) (MEC-SEJ2006-10417-EDUC); "La incidencia de la reflexión sobre la lengua en la construcción de la competencia escrita" (Spanish for The incidence of reflection on language in the construction of written competence) (MCINN-EDU2011-26039) and "Enseñar a escribir: reflexión gramatical y estrategias de autorregulación" (Spanish for Teaching how to write: grammatical reflection and self-regulation strategies)(MEconomía y Competitividad-EDU2015-64798-R.
    2. Historiography of grammar teaching, a line developed in collaboration with the University of Cadiz in the project "Ideas lingüísticas y pedagógicas en la prensa española del siglo XIX" (Spanish for Linguistic and pedagogical ideas in the 19th century Spanish press) (PGC2018-098509-B-I00) and with the University of Buenos Aires, in the projects "La configuración de la gramática escolar argentina (1863-1922)" (Spanish for The shaping of Argentinean school grammar (1863-1922)) (Conycet, PIP 11220100100218) and "Los inicios de la gramática escolar en La Argentina (1863-1922)" (Spanish for The beginnings of school grammar in Argentina (1863-1922)) (UBACyT 20020170200203BA). In relation to this line of research, GIEL is the promoter and organiser of the "International conferences on grammar teaching", of which three editions have been held (Congram 2014 and 2016, Valencia; Congram 2019, Barcelona).

To these two main lines, we must add the teaching and learning of foreign languages in relation to the acquisition of grammatical and pragmatic aspects ("Contrastive and intercultural pragmatic competence", R&D PB96-0773) and in relation to the study of identity and anxiety).

Social Economy, Cooperatives, Social Innovations and Public Policies Research Group - CONCORDIA

This research group develops theoretical and applied research articulated around three fields of study: private sector, social innovation and public policies. Although the research carried out focuses on economics, the projects and collaborations are interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary in nature. It collaborates regularly with scientific associations such as CIRIEC, with university research institutes such as IUDESCOOP, with public administrations such as the European Economic and Social Committee and the Spanish Ministry of Labour, and with business associations and social entities such as the Spanish Third Sector Platform, CEPES and Social Economy Europe.

It carries out five scientific and technical activities:

  1. Basic research based on the development of knowledge on Social Economy, Third Sector, Cooperativism, Social Enterprises, Common Good and Collaborative Economy. It contributes to the development of theoretical constructions that explain the logic of these private phenomena of a markedly social nature.
  2. Basic research on social innovation deployed from civil society and from territorial innovation and production systems. Special attention is given to territorial innovation systems based on cooperative unions, such as as the Mondragon group of cooperatives and the agricultural cooperative group Anecoop.
  3. Research on public socio-labour policies with a special focus on budgetary policies and those aimed at cooperatives and the third social sector. Economic policy measures, support structures, new regulatory measures linked to the deployment of social welfare services such as social clauses, social policy aimed at social, cultural and sport NGOs (associations and foundations) are analysed. Finally, policies aimed at cooperatives, worker-owned companies and other social entities such as Special Employment Centres and Insertion Companies are evaluated from an economic perspective. The comparison is made from a multi-level perspective (regional, state and EU).
  4. Research training of young researchers in social sciences and economics, through the official doctoral programme in social economy belonging to the research institute IUDESCOOP of the Universitat de València, in which the members of this group are particularly active, even assuming the coordination of the programme.  Collaboration with other young researchers from the rest of Spain and abroad by dynamising the REJIES network - of young researchers in social economy.
  5. Promotion of strategic resources linked to research in social economy, economics and social sciences, actively participating in the development of scientific journals in their edition/coordination, in the management of a documentation centre specialised in social economy and social sciences such as the CIDEC of the Universitat de València and in the systematised articulation of a network of inter-university research groups throughout Spain through the RedEnuies network, which includes 21 centres, company chairs and university institutes of each university.

The research and research advocacy activity of the members of this group has a history of more than 25 years.

Social and Health Information and Research Unit Research Group - UISYS

Our research activity will consist of the development of the following lines of research:

  • Research related to information systems and documentation. It includes the design, development and evaluation of scientific information systems, such as databases, interoperable digital libraries and websites that enable access to information and knowledge, as well as the development of value-added products that support informed decision making.
  • Analysis of the sharing of raw research data in the various areas of knowledge. It includes research related to raw data and its sharing in science.
  • Scientific activity indicators. It includes research related to the evaluation of scientific activity and the provision of adequate information to improve public research policies.
  • Social and health sciences. It includes research on health and wellbeing issues, such as sport or addictive behaviours, form a social, biological or psychological perspective.
Spanish Mediterranean in the Early Modern Era Research Group - MEDHISMO

The MEDHISMO research group is the result of a long researcher career, founded thorugh competitive research projects of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and coordinated from the Department of Modern History of the Universitat de València, thanks to the management work carried out by several of its members. 

The research work carried out focuses on social history research, incorporating the methodological innovation that have yielded the best results in recent years. Instead of considering social groups as static wholes over the long term, it gives priority attention to the study of the relationships and strategies adopted by individuals in pursuit of their personal, family or collective goals. 

As a result of the group’s research work, various databases have been compiled (from knights in the habit of a military order to craftsmen), and the individual careers of members of the various social categories have been traced. This is a task that requires continuity, as the aim is to study in greater depth the new perspectives opened up by the work already carried out. 

The methodology to be applied will combine the use of macro and micro-historical approaches. But its main added value is the use of the comparative method, analysing the trajectory of the Hispanic Mediterranean territories in a comparative framework, both nationally and internationally, especially in the Kingdom of Valencia and Sardinia. The dynamism experienced by both geographical areas favoured the process of social mobility, despite the restrictions derived from the dominant value system in the estates’ society, although its frequency and intensity was very different depending on the different opportunities and conditions that existed in each of them. Obviously, mobility was not only upward, since the aforementioned transformations were detrimental to several sectors that experienced a process of social regression and deterioration of their living conditions, which stimulated their resistance to the changes that were being experienced. 

The variety of lines of research addressed by the different approaches of the project members has allowed us to gain a deeper understanding of the social, economic, political and cultural transformations in these regions; in short, the historical evolution of the territories on the Mediterranean periphery of the Hispanic Monarchy, within a comparative framework, which needs to be further explored. 

The group’s research activity is carried out within the framework of three main lines of study: 

  1. Labour and market relations in the urban world.
  2. The study of social elites and their relationship to service to the monarchy.
  3. Minorities, the marginalised and the conflicts associated with them.
Study group Anthropology, heritage and cultural imaginary - ANTROPIA

The Anthropology, Heritage and Cultural Imaginary Research Group (ANTROPIA) was created with the aim of researching the processes of heritage and the transformation and reinvention of cultural imaginaries from an anthropological perspective. In particular, it proposes the anthropological study of the processes of heritage construction and activation, especially those that revolve around the categories of natural and intangible heritage, the new spiritualities as an expression of meaning, the reinvention of cultural imaginaries in the digital society and the study of inter-ethnic relations from an anthropological-historical perspective. A study especially oriented to urban, rural and virtual contexts, in the past and in the present.

 The processes of patrimonialisation have acquired a special prominence in the transformations of contemporary societies, with an extension and expansion that, among other things, has ended up merging categories initially constructed as segregated groups (cultural/natural) and explicitly incorporating social actors in the process of identification and recognition of heritage through the category of intangible heritage, the value given to the institutionalisation of activations and the appeal to memory as a legitimising resource. The study of these processes –and of the negotiations, contradictions and disputes they involve– allows us to approach the policies and practices of government, governance, urban planning, territorial resource management, tourism and the construction of collective identities, from the point of view of the actions of the administration institutions, of the different social actors and, in particular, of the responses of social movements. It is also a challenge to explore the articulations between the recognition of cultural diversity, with all its variability and openness, and the construction of imaginaries of homogeneity and cultural heterogeneity and authenticity.

Transformations in the forms of social organisation, uses and management of public spaces or urban policies, whether or not they are related to processes of patrimonialisation, have an impact on the ways of imagining and inhabiting cities and constitute another one of the main ideas of this research group. A question that includes the construction and destruction of neighbourhood identities and the role of urban movements in the founding of community spheres and in the response to these transformations.

On the other hand, modern and post-modern deficits of meaning go through the recovery and reconfiguration of old forms of transcendent knowledge linked to ancient philosophies and religions. They are thus transformed into new cultural creativities linked to innovative transnational forms of ecology, spirituality, economics, politics and social relations that involve the recovery of ancestral practices and knowledge, the emergence of new values and lifestyles, the arrival of new medicines and therapies in the West, as well as the complexity of cyberspace with its networks and communities. This “re-enchantment of the world” falls within a context of progressive de-institutionalisation of religion that promotes personal research in the individual sphere and generates the phenomenon of “believing without belonging” at the same time that is articulated in modern, psycho-physical-spiritual movements that offer an experiential, emotional, mystical, strongly eclectic religiosity, with a pragmatic salvationist orientation, here and now, and a holism or universalism tinged with scientism, ecology and generic humanitarianism. 

Historical anthropology plays a key role in understanding the modern paradox that manifests itself in the tension between the notion of shared humanity and the emergence of more or less exclusive identity particularisms. The contemporary world is shaped by this paradox, and globalisation brings to light new tensions between universalism and identity particularisms. The study of local responses to these global processes is another one of the group's research lines.

These main lines will allow us to approach a series of cross-cutting analytical issues, among which we must highlight gender (segregation and social stratification around imaginaries, insofar as in the articulation of these phenomena we can observe clear differences between women and men), as well as globalisation (imaginaries accompany different globalisations), identity (adaptation and/or resistance to the global), sustainability (tension between universal concepts and local realities), emancipation (utopian movements, suspicious thinking and narratives of science) and global communities (contemporary imaginaries built from the articulation between global social networks).