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300MHz NMR spectrometer for liquid-state samples

Small molecule structure elucidation: elucidation of connectivity, stereochemical configuration and conformation.

400MHz NMR spectrometer for liquid samples
  • Small molecule structure elucidation: elucidation of connectivity, stereochemical configuration and conformation.
  • Structural characterisation of nanoparticles and their interactions with substrates.
  • Mobility studies and molecular dynamics.
  • Monitoring of chemical processes: kinetics.
  • Determination of association and molecular interaction processes.
  • Studies at variable temperatures.
  • Observation of a wide variety of magnetic cores: 19F, 195Pt, 133Cs, 11B, 31P, 6Li, 29Si, etc.
400MHz NMR spectrometer for solid-state samples

Structural characterisation of solid materials and immobilised substances on solids.

It enables the analysis of very diverse materials:

  • Soil, wood, cellulose
  • Ceramic materials
  • Polymers
  • Polymorphs, glass, metal and alloys
  • Porous materials such as zeolites and aluminosilicates
  • Nanoparticles
  • Studies on solid organometallic complexes.
500MHz NMR spectrometer for liquid samples

Small molecule structure elucidation: elucidation of connectivity, stereochemical configuration and conformation.

Structural characterisation of nanoparticles and their interactions with substrates.

Mobility studies and molecular dynamics.

Monitoring of chemical processes: kinetics.

Determination of association and molecular interaction processes.

Studies at variable temperatures.

Mixture analysis, component quantification and determination.

Studies on molecular dissemination, size and mobility.

Studies on chemical reaction mechanisms, characterisation of reaction intermediates, acquisition of kinetic and thermodynamic reaction parameters.

Studies on molecular interactions, association processes determination and host-guest affinity molecular interaction, enzyme-substrate molecular recognition.

Access to large equipment

Access to the facilities of the Servei Central de Suport a la Investigació Experimental (SCSIE), which include infrared spectroscopy (IR), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), mass spectrometry (MS), X-rays, etc.

Acquisition system and biosignal processing
  • Multi-Channel GTEC biosignal amplifier for ECG, EEG, EOG and biomedical signal aquisition.
  • Multi-Channel Whole-Head EEG acquisition.
  • Wireless biosignal amplifiers for EOG.
  • NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS Acquisition Cards and Signal Digitizing.
Advanced Endodontic Microscopic Training Centre

Laboratory equipped with microscopes for endodontic practice and research.

Aetiological Diagnosis Techniques

Morphological, morphometric and molecular protozoa diagnosis; diagnosis of helminths and arthropod parasites of human and animal nature. Epidemiological modelling of human and animal parasitic diseases via creation of Geographical Information Systems (GIS).

Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer

The Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer is a microfluidic-based platform designed for sizing, quantification and quality control of DNA and RNA by small-chip electrophoresis in a single instrument. Results are obtained in a short time in an automated way, directly in digital format.

The miniaturisation of analytical instruments offers numerous advantages over conventional techniques. These include improved data accuracy and reproducibility, reduced analysis times, minimal sample consumption and improved automation and integration of complex workflows.

Anaesthesia and monitoring equipment for rodents

Low-flow anaesthesia machine for rat and mouse.

Analysis of microbial cellular fatty acid composition (MIDI)

Determination of the cellular fatty acid composition of microbial strains using gas chromatography.

Aquarium sample laboratory

Equipment of the Experimental Aquarium Plant Laboratory.

Array platform: expression and cytogenetics

The Array platform, designed by Affymetrix, provides a holistic study of organisms from the perspective of systems biology, a better understanding of biological properties and interactions as a whole. This technology provides the flexibility to study a specific subset of genes of interest or to be able to focus on the study of the genome at a global level in order to understand and define in depth the complex mechanisms and networks that underlie biological processes and diseases. 

Bacterial strains. Insects: Blatella germanica, Blatella orientalis, Periplaneta americana, Bemisia tabaci, Gromphadorhina portentosa, Planococcus citri, Cinara cedri., Acyrthosiphon pisum
Barnes maze for rodents

Equipment designed to perform Barnes maze experiments in rodents (rat and mouse).

Basic molecular and microscopic biology techniques

Electrophoresis, in situ PCR, RT PCR, quantitative PCR, staining and detection methods, transfer analysis (western, southern...), recombinant DNA technology (DNA extraction, enzymatic treatment, DNA transfer ...), flow cytometry and "FACS" (Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorter), genomic amplification (WGA, whole genome amplification), sample treatment for optical and electronic microscopy, inclusion, Immunohistochemistry, FISH.

Biochemistry Laboratories n. A/ES/13/73 of the Ministry of Agriculture for level 2 biosafety containment and of the Parasitology Group 2-02-038 and 2-15-053 with P1 biosafety certification in certification process 2

Lab spaces disposition, equipped with the necessary inventory and fungible material to finalise investigations in detailed lines. Laboratories equipped with ELISA readers, mono- and two-dimensional electrophoresis systems, ChemiDoc XRS Bio-Rad analysis and documentation system, normal and real-time PCR thermocyclers (real-time PCR CFX96 Touch system; Bio-Rad). Electroporator, incubators, coolers, -20 and -80 freezers. Semi-wet transfer equipment. Refrigerated centrifuges with fixed and oscillating rotors, for various tube sizes. Floor and tabletop ultracentrifuges. Autoclaves, water purification systems. Optic and fluorescence microscopes. Staining trays and specific staining reagents. ELISA plate reader and real-time thermocycler.

Bioinformatics programs

Galaxy Badger, UGene, Artemis: Genome Browser, ACT, ClustalX, MrBayes, Mafft, RAxML, GS De Novo Assembler, GPRo, MIRA, Velvet, AphidBase, Staden, Unix Desktop Environment Project (UDE).

Bioinformatics techniques

Analysis of genome and proteomics sequencing data, creation of phylogenetic trees, computer programming, BLASTO, study of biochemical networks

Body composition monitor

Tanita BF350 scale (TANITA Corporation, Arlington Heights, IL, USA).

Braun Multiparametric Monitor

Equipment designed to monitor the patient's vital signs (ECG, pulse oximetry, capnography, invasive and non-invasive blood pressure, temperature).

Bright-field microscope

The bright-field microscope allows us to view stained or naturally pigmented samples that are highly contrasted. The source of illumination is white light. The components of the sample are visualised thanks to the differences in contrast between them and the surrounding medium.

CAVE type inverse display system

Individual inverse visualisation system with 3D location systems and projection on three side screens and the floor.

Calculation servers
  • Linux server 8 Core Intel Xeon X5450 3.0 GHz 16GB RAM 1.5TB hard disk in RAID5.
  • Linux server 8 Core Intel Xeon X5355 2.66 GHz 32GB RAM 2.5TB hard disk in RAID5
  • Linux server 16 Core Intel Xeon E5530 2.40 GHz 72 GB RAM 2.5TB hard disk in RAID5.
Capillary Electrophoresis Sequencing System

The equipment allows DNA sequencing by the Sanger method and fragment size determination.

Capillary pumps of liquid chromatography, conventional chromatography and nanochromatography. Detectors: fluorescence, diode array, electrochemical, chemiluminescence and masses
Cell Culture laboratory

Cell Culture laboratory of Biological Containment Level 2 (BCL2). It has several rooms: Cell Lines Room, Primary Cultures Room, Hypoxia Room and Viral Vectors Room (BCL2+), with 10 biosafety cabinets, 6 incubators and all the necessary equipment to work with eukaryotic cell cultures.

Prepared and controlled by technicians so the user just focuses on his experiment.

Cell Separator Flow Cytometer ARIA FUSION

Cell Separator equipped with 6 lasers, biosafety cabinet and aerosol extraction. It allows, firstly, the rapid measurement of morphological and functional parameters of a large number of individual cells suspended in liquid medium. For this, cells are initially labelled with fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies, or fluorescent probes that bind to proteins located on the cell surface or inside the cell. The scattered light and fluorescence emitted by the markers as the cells are passed one by one through the different lasers allows simultaneous measurement of structural features and various parameters in each of these cells.

In addition, after analysis, it is possible to separate and collect subpopulations of interest from the sample for further studies.

Cell-free protein expression systems

In vitro transcription/translation systems.

Characterisation of biomaterials

Microscopic, structural and morphological analyses. Biocompatibility and bioactivity studies of dental materials.

Cibertec inhalation anaesthesia machine

Equipment that allows the induction and maintenance of rodents under anaesthesia for the performance of surgical procedures. Anaesthesia should always be complemented with an adequate analgesic protocol.

Clinical Research Laboratory in Physiotherapy

Open-plan laboratory for clinical research, enabling physiotherapy assessments and interventions to be carried out.

Cold light

Fibre optic light sources.


Colorimeters and spectrophotometers for clinical and laboratory studies of dental colour.

Computing Cluster Servers

The team has a cluster of five servers:,,, and The gdisco server is used to centralize user information. The geeitema server is the server that hosts the website and various management services. And the bayesian, mesbospuma and valimba servers are used for intensive computing. The latter servers are the ones that have the software and tools necessary to perform all the calculations required for our research.


Confocal Microscope

Confocal fluorescence scanning microscope.

Confocal microscope SP8

The confocal microscope allows us to visualize images with different fluorescent labelling, therefore obtaining images of great sharpness and quality because the pictures earned are not contaminated by light emitted outside the focal plane. Thanks to this confocal characteristic, we can perform three-dimensional reconstructions from optical sections.

Creative Robotics System Llec Mindstorms

Five robotics systems are available to give courses on these topics.

Cryopreservation room

Cryopreservation room belonging to the Cell Culture laboratory for the storage and management of frozen samples from users and the section's cell bank.

Custody of biological material

Storage service for biological material under controlled conditions.

Cytometry laboratory

Fully equipped laboratory for sample preparation, acquisition, separation and analysis by flow cytometry.

DMi8 inverted live cell microscope - calcium probes

The variety of fluorescent proteins and multicolour probes that have been developed allows virtually any molecule to be tagged. The ability to visualise protein dynamics in vesicles, organelles, cells and tissues has provided new information about the functioning of cells in both healthy and diseased situations. This information includes the spatio-temporal dynamics of processes, such as mitosis; studies on the dynamics of ions, such as Ca+₂ and changes in the cytoskeleton.

DNA sequencing

Ability to address the DNA sequencing of genetic material from any organism using both traditional sequencing techniques (Sanger sequencing) as Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS).


Handgrip (TKK 5101 Grip D; Takey, Tokio Japan) y Lafallete Manual Dynamometers (Nicholas Manual Muscle Tester, Lafayette Instruments, Lafayette, IN).

Dynamometric platforms

Dinascan/IBV Balance Platform (Biomechanics Institute of Valencia, Valencia, Spain), Wii Balance Board (Nintendo, Kyoto, Japan) and T-Plate (Medicaptures, France).

Electrotherapy equipment

Electrotherapy and ultrasound units COMBI 500, COMBI 200, GLOBUS PREMIUM 400, CEFAR MYO 2, ENDOMED 982, ENDOMED 582, ENDOMED 484, TENSMED 911, CURAPULS 419, TERATHERM, Biofeedback MYO 420.

Equipment for Parasitic Coprology

Se dispone de equipamiento para la realización de numerosas técnicas de Coprología Parasitaria.

Equipment for therapeutic exercise

Strength training and functional training equipment: Theraband balance trainer, Reebok Core Training, AM319S Seated Leg Press, M799 Freedom double pulley, Polar heart rate meters, Focus 308 cycloergometers and upper limb ergometers, AM311/DS Single Leg extension AC MOV LINE, Fitvibe Medical vibration platform, Domyos ST510 stepper.

Euthanasia system

Equipment designed for the slaughter of rodents belonging to experimental procedures approved by the approved or surplus body.

Evolutionary Genetics

3 laboratories, 9 offices, 12 jobs for predoctoral researchers, server room (6 jobs for researchers and 4 offices).

FABIUS Ventilator (pig)

Equipment designed for the administration of inhalation anaesthesia and/or patient ventilation during surgical or diagnostic procedures.

FV1000 confocal laser microscope

Confocal microscope mounted on a motorised inverted IX81 which includes the following lenses: 10x, 20x, 40x (oil), 60x (oil), 60x (water). This equipment’s excitation lines are: 405nm, 488nm, 515nm, 559nm, 594nm y 635nm. Moreover, the equipment has an incubation system, which makes it the appropriate equipment for live-cell work.

FV1000MPE Multiphoton Confocal Microscope

Multiphoton confocal microscope mounted on a motorised BX61WI upright microscope equipped with a XPLN25xWMP water immersion lens exclusive to multiphoton microscopy, with a numerical aperture of 1.05 and a working distance of 2mm. It has a Mai-Tai HP DeepSee pulsed tunable laser (Spectra Physics) in the 690 to 1040nm range with an average power of 2.0 W. The infrared element of this laser allows for further penetration in the sample and causes less cell damage. The signal is picked up by four detectors covering the whole visible range (420-500/515-580/590-650/660-740).

FV10W confocal laser microscope

Fully motorised standard confocal equipment allowing for programmed acquisitions on several predefined areas. It has a dry 10x (NA 0,4) lens and a 60x (NA 1,2) water immersion one. The excitation lines are: 405nm, 473nm, 559nm y 635nm. This equipment is suited for live-cell experiments as it includes an incubator with temperature control.

Flow Cytometer Analyser FORTESSA

A 5-laser analysing cytometer for rapid measurement of morphological and functional parameters of large numbers of single cells suspended in a liquid medium. For this purpose, cells are initially labelled with fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies or fluorescent probes that bind to proteins located on the cell surface or inside the cell. The scattered light and fluorescence emitted by the markers as the cells are passed one by one through the different lasers allows simultaneous measurement of structural features and various parameters in each of these cells.

Flow Cytometer Analyser VERSE

A three-laser analysing cytometer for rapid measurement of morphological and functional parameters of large numbers of single cells suspended in liquid medium. For this purpose, cells are initially labelled with fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies or fluorescent probes that bind to proteins located on the cell surface or inside the cell. The scattered light and fluorescence emitted by the markers as the cells are passed one by one through the different lasers allows simultaneous measurement of structural features and various parameters in each of these cells.

Flow cytometer analyser - BD LSR Fortessa X-20

Equipment that determines and quantifies the fluorescence of fluorescent probes attached to different parts of both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, organelles, proteins. The emitted fluorescence is collected on different filters limited to a certain wavelength. Fluorescence quantification is associated with the cell parameter being measured, generating quantitative results such as fluorescence intensity, percentage of cell populations, cell count/ML.

Flow cytometer analyzer - BD FACSVERSE

Equipment that determines and quantifies the fluorescence of fluorescent probes attached to different parts of both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, organelles, proteins. The emitted fluorescence is collected on different filters limited to a certain wavelength. Fluorescence quantification is associated with the cell parameter being measured, generating quantitative results such as fluorescence intensity, percentage of cell populations, cell count/ML.

Fluorescence inverted microscope

Fluorescence is one of the most widely used physical phenomena in biological and analytical microscopy, mainly because of its high degree of sensitivity and specificity. Fluorescence microscopy allows users to determine the distribution of a single molecule, its quantity and its location within a cell.

Fluorescence microscopes used in research applications are based on a series of optical filters. The filters are usually inserted in a filter block. While the excitation filter selects the wavelengths that excite a particular fluorophore within the sample, the emission filter acts as a kind of quality control, as it only allows the wavelengths of interest emitted by the fluorophore to pass through.

Fluoroscopy, interventional radiology equipment

Fluoroscopy is the method of real-time X-ray imaging, considered to be a very effective tool for a wide variety of diagnostic examinations and patient interventions. It should not be confused with conventional radiology, which is based on static imaging, commonly known as radiography.

Gene expression analysis. Microarray analysis
Genomic and transcriptomic analysis system for single cells

Platform to carry out transcriptomic studies in the single cell field, allowing the study of transcriptomic and phenotypic variability among thousands of cells based on single cell RNA.

HPLC chromatograph

HPLC chromatograph equipped with diode array detector and chiral stationary phase HPLC columns for the determination of the enantiomer ratio in chiral product samples.

Haematology and Biochemistry Platform

This platform can determine the type of blood cells (red, white and platelets). For white blood cells, it also provides information on relative and absolute counts. On the other hand, it allows biochemical analysers to determine a wide range of analytes in blood, serum and plasma.

Hargreaves method plantar test

Equipment designed to perform analgesia measurements using the plantar test of the Hargreaves method. The hind leg of rodents is stimulated with radiant heat, through a glass pane, using the plantar part as the surface to be irradiated.

High content Screening IN CELL

High content screening analysis equipment via automatic image capture for the study of live or fixed cell cultures, in plates or slides. It includes four long-distance lens: 4x, 10x, 20x y 40x. It also includes an incubator with temperature control and an automatic reagent dispenser.

Histological and morphometric analyses by classical and advanced methodologies
Hot ball steriliser

This steriliser provides a safe, effective and convenient method of sterilising your valuable surgical instruments prior to surgery. Without using potentially hazardous gases, flames or chemicals, you can ensure that your instruments are free of pathogens and microbial contaminants.

Hypoxia/hiperoxia room

Room located inside the Cell Culture laboratory (BCL2) composed of a closed Hypoxia Station and necessary equipment for the maintenance of the cultures. The closed station allows a precise control of the percentage of hypoxia and/or hyperoxia, even at extreme values, keeping the culture conditions constant at all times, both during its handling and within the incubators. All of this ensures reproducible data.

Imaging flow cytometer – Imagestream

An imaging flow cytometer is a device that combines flow cytometry and microscopy to capture detailed images of cells, allowing a more complete analysis of their morphology and structure.

Imaging platform: PET/CT-MRS-3T/IVIS-X5

This platform has various imaging scanners for experiments with small animals (mice and rats). These scanners can also be used to obtain images in solid biological samples.

Immunological and Molecular Techniques

The means are available to carry out numerous immunological and molecular techniques.

Immunology and Molecular Biology Equipment

Equipment is available for the performance of numerous immunological and molecular techniques.

KALEO system

System for the characterisation and optical quality control of intraocular lenses using optical interferometry techniques.

LC-MS and GC-MS (UHPLC/GC-MS-Q-TOF) Bruker IMPACT II Chromatography Equipment

Equipment that quantitatively determines the concentrations of one, several or many substances in a biological (serum, plasma, tissue or urine), food or environmental sample. This is achieved by chromatographic separation of the compounds present in the matrix to be studied, either by liquid chromatography or gas chromatography and their subsequent nebulisation with fragmentation to detect the components according to their molecular weight.

LC-MS/MS Spectrometer (triple quadrupole)

Mass spectrometer with TQ Detector triple quadrupole analyser. Metabolite quantification.

Laboratory for organic synthesis

Laboratory for organic synthesis, equipped with fume hoods with vacuum lines and inert gases for carrying out organic reactions under inert atmosphere under safe and hygienic conditions.

Laboratory of Immunology and Molecular Biology

A laboratory is available for the performance of numerous immunological and molecular techniques.

Laboratory team specialised in biological analysis

Refrigerated centrifuges, micropipettes, magnifiers, PCR Lifecycler, Orbital vacuum pumps, exhaust hoods and laminar flows, vortex, MiniSpin, cooker, electrophoresis buckets, Qubit 2.0, NanoDrop 1000, gas burner, photoperiod insect breeding chambers, scale, photo documentation equipment, thermal cyclers, freezers, refrigerators.

Labyrinth Y

Equipment designed to perform Y-maze experiments.

Level 2 microbiological research laboratory

Research laboratory with a level 2 biosafety chamber.

Life cycle of Echinostoma caproni

The Echinostoma caproni Life Cycle is maintained in our laboratory and other laboratories are asked to provide this material.

Longitudinal databases for the public opinion on elites and citizens coming from international research teams that include research group members

The research group members are part of an international research team with researchers from seven different countries in which the above-mentioned surveys are highlighted.


Technique that allows the lyophilisation of biological material.


They are several software for carrying out strategic evaluations and territorial foresight projects, which are key to political, economic-business and territorial decision-making.

Magnetic cell separator

The MACSxpress separator is a system designed for the manual separation of magnetic-labelled cells utilising the MACS® technology.

Mass spectrometer QTOF 6600+ and UHPLC

High resolution hybrid mass spectrometer and quadrupole time-of-flight analyser TRIPLETOF 6600+ and UHPLC (QTOF6600+).

Massarray Platform

The Massarray platform is responsible for the research study of biological samples through the fine mapping of DNA sequences and the analysis of methylation phenomena. With this equipment, dozens of DNA variants such as SNPs, insertions or deletions can be analysed in hundreds of samples in a short time with a high degree of precision and sensitivity. It is also possible to analyse somatic mutations such as those present in samples of cancerous origin. Finally, the degree of methylation of individual CpGs in short DNA sequences can be quantitatively quantified.

Massive DNA sequencing system

Massive DNA sequencing equipment based on sequencing by synthesis, using nucleotides labelled with fluorophores of different colours, and capturing images of the emitted fluorescence.

Massive sequencing system

High-throughput sequencing equipment that allows obtaining short sequences of up to 300 bp.

Massive sequencing system

High-throughput sequencing equipment that allows obtaining sequences with an average length of more than 30 kb.


It is a software package on mixed methods and qualitative analysis in social sciences in particular. 

Microbial characterisation (bacteria, archaea, filamentous fungi and yeasts)

Microbial characterisation using several approaches.

Microbial collection

Collection of pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria isolated from different types of samples. Collection of Vibrio vulnificus mutants deficient in virulence genes.

Microbial identification (bacteria, archaea, filamentous fungi and yeasts) by sequencing of essential genes.

Microbial identification by essential gene sequencing.

Microbial identification and characterisation by MALDI-TOF MS (matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry)

The MALDI-TOF MS technique allows obtaining the characteristic protein profile of a microbial strain from the analysis of its ribosomal proteins, mainly.

Microbial strain deposit
  • Deposit of strains of archaea, bacteria, filamentous fungi and yeasts up to risk group 3* according to the definition of Royal Decree 664/1997 of 12 May 1997.
  • Deposit of phages of microbial strains up to risk group 2 according to the definition of Royal Decree 664/1997 of 12 May 1997.
Microbiological reference material

The CECT has a public catalogue that includes more than 8000 strains of bacteria, archaea, filamentous fungi and yeasts. It also has the Mengovirus vMCO and will soon incorporate some phage strains.

Microdialysis system

Microdialysis is a unique technique for monitoring the chemistry of the extracellular space in living tissue. In basic research it is mainly used to determine in vivo changes in endogenous compounds, drug delivery, PK/PD, bioavailability and bioequivalence.

Microscopic techniques: optical, confocal and electron scanning

Preparation of dental biological samples.

Microscopy and Photography

NIKON DXM 1200C Digital Camera. NIKON E400 microscope. Progres CT3 USB Digital Camera; NIKON SMZ 745T Magnifier.



Ultracentrifuge for small volumes with 3 rotors: S55A2, S50A and swing-out rotor S52ST.

Molecular Biology LaboratoryMolecular biology equipment: 2 thermal cyclers. 1 Gradient thermal cycler. Image Analyser for agarose gels. QIAxcel System for nucleic acid analysis. Laminar flow cabinet for bacteria culture and phage work. 2 colony counters.

Molecular biology equipment: 2 thermal cyclers. 1 Gradient thermal cycler. Image Analyser for agarose gels.  QIAxcel System for nucleic acid analysis. Laminar flow cabinet for bacteria culture and phage work. 2 colony counters. 

Molecular, Cell and Genetic Biology Techniques

Flow cytometry, qRT-PCR, Western Blot, Big-Data and primary cell culture techniques. 

Mouse social interaction box

Equipment designed to perform social interaction tests on mice.

Multiparametric rodent monitor

Rodent monitor: for monitoring electrocardiogram, respiratory rate.

NCB2+ room for cell cultures

Room located inside the Cell Culture laboratory (NCB2), with its own equipment and higher level work protocols. Designed to work with viral vectors, GMOs or level 2 biological agents that require greater security.

Network Network of specialists in Information and Communication Technologies Law, National Association (coordinated and chaired by Cotino)

The most important and oldest academic network on law and ICTs in Spain, annual academic conferences and seminars since 2004.

Open field black and white

Equipment designed for open field experiments.

Optogenetic stimulation system

Optogenetic stimulation system.

P3 Biosafety Laboratory

Equipment: 3 laminar flow cabinets for cell culture. 3 CO2 incubators. 1 Hypoxia workstation. Inverted microscope. Micromanipulator. -80ºC cabinet. Autoclave. Freezer.

Pain assessment tools

FDK 20 algometer, Somedic algometer, Von Frey monofilaments.

Parasite Coprology Laboratory

A laboratory is available for the performance of numerous parasitic coprology techniques.

Peristaltic pump

Equipment designed to handle liquids by generating a flow with controlled velocity.


Phage collection.

Phylogenetic analysis

Application of molecular phylogenetic inference methods to sequence data from ultra-sequencing to the determination of new genomes.

Physiotherapy and Exercise Research Laboratory

The laboratory is divided into two areas: an open-plan area for group exercise and another equipped with apparatus and devices for therapeutic exercise.

Pre-clinical non-invasive multimodal imaging equipment-IVIS

The IVIS Lumina X5 combines a high-performance fluorescence and bioluminescence imaging system with a high-resolution 2D X-ray system.

Preference box

Equipment designed to perform automated assessment of conditioned place preference and aversion in rodents.

Preparation, assembly and analysis of microbial genomes

DNA extraction, whole genome sequencing (WGS), assembling, determination of quality parameters, genomic analysis...

QTRAP 6500+

A more sensitive and selective piece of equipment, faster in carrying out analysis and a solid service improver for the analysis of trace-level samples (pico-nanograms levels) of a great metabolite number in complex matrices such as biofluids and tissues, in an automated and relatively fast manner, generating a profile by multivariate statistical techniques, etc.

Raman Emission Spectrometer

Equipment that performs determinations of materials by Raman Spectrophotometry coupled to a confocal microscope.

Real-Time PCR System

Real-time PCR is a technique that combines amplification and detection in a single step by correlating the PCR product of each cycle with a fluorescence intensity signal. They consist of a thermal cycler coupled to an optical system, which monitors the signal of the fluorophores used to detect the amplified product. Because the fluorescence of the fluorophores increases as the product is amplified, the amplification and detection processes are combined in a single step.

Real-time quantitative PCR system

Equipment for the realisation of quantitative PCR tests.

Real-time quantitative PCR system

Equipment for the realisation of digital quantitative PCR tests.

Reality room

Cylindrical immersive visualisation system with 3D stereoscopic projection and capacity for 40 people.

Refrigerantes de inmersión

Immersion coolants for controlled low-temperature reactions.

Refrigerated centrifuge with rotors - Gyrozen

Centrifuge with rotors for collecting cell pellets.

Research Unit

Consolidated group with proven experience in epidemiology and environmental health research. Bibliographic database with more than 6000 references.

Rota rod for rodents

Equipment designed to perform Rota Rod experiments on rodents (rat and mouse).

SIG Unit

Its aim is to provide the IIDL researchers with the infrastructure necessary for the mapping associated with their research projects using Geographic Information Systems (SIG)


It is a software package for transcribing and analyzing qualitative interviews. 


Software for statistical data analysis.

Scientific calculation cluster

Computer cluster for scientific calculation and data storage.

Separating flow cytometer

Equipment that determines and quantifies the fluorescence of fluorescent probes attached to different parts of both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, organelles, proteins. The emitted fluorescence is collected on different filters limited to a certain wavelength. Fluorescence quantification is associated with the cell parameter being measured, generating quantitative results such as fluorescence intensity, percentage of cell populations, cell count/ML.

The equipment has a cell separation system allowing the physical separation of a given population with different levels of purity. It allows separation under sterile conditions.

Server calculator

Server Calculator MacOS 4 Core Intel Xeon 2.8GHz 16GB RAM SSD 128GB, 1TB HDD.

Shack–Hartmann wavefront sensor

Measurement of optical aberrations of ophthalmic lenses.

Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometer

The D8 Venture Diffractometer is a 3-D single crystal structure determination system. The system covers all typical single crystal applications in organic and inorganic chemistry, solid-state and organo-metallic chemistry, as well as mineralogy and pharmacy. It can be configured for electron density investigations at room or low temperatures, phase transition investigations or high-pressure studies. It also allows all these studies to be carried out with two radiations; Mo or Cu. Obtained through two microsources and their associated optics. The PHOTON 100 detector with CMOS technology, cold light illumination and HD video-microscope.


A unique and versatile place for training in research and excellence in the field of social sciences. Equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructures and equipment, this laboratory is divided into three rooms, dedicated to the application of quantitative and qualitative social research techniques in all phases of the research process (collection, registration and data and information analysis)

Statistical analysis

The UV Statistics Unit works with experts in the use of computer equipment and specific software. The main software used for data analysis is the free R Software.

Stereo microscope

Surgical microscopes are useful for microsurgery. The optical unit provides an enlarged and sharply focused image of the surgical field.

Structural characterisation of proteins using spectroscopic techniques

UV-visible absorbance spectroscopy, circular dichroism and fluorescence.

Super-resolution Confocal Microscope LSM 980

Super-resolution confocal microscope LCS 980 has the following objectives: 10x, 20x, 25x (oil), 40x (water) and 63x (oil), 60x. The excitation lines present in this equipment are: 405nm, 488nm, 561nm and 639nm. This equipment also has an incubation system, which makes it suitable for working with live cells. This equipment incorporates the Airyscan 2 and Elyra 7 super-resolution systems.

Surgical microscope

Surgical microscopes are useful for microsurgery. The optical unit provides an enlarged and sharply focused image of the surgical field.


High-contrast 120Kv transmission electron microscope with 20 Mpx CMOS EMSIS XAROSA digital camera.

TEM JEOL jem 1010 100Kv

High contrast 100 Kv transmission electron microscope with 8 Mpx AMT digital camera.

TMAP PersonAL Autonomy Unit, Dependency and SMD

Laboratory with high-tech biomechanical tools and an important team of psychiatrists and psychologists making functional and neurocognitive assessments by offering three services:

  1. Neurocognitive Assessment: clinical and comprehensive neurocognitive assessments are carried out and the affected people as well their relatives are treated in order to guarantee a quality and independent life.
  2. Biomechanical Assessment of Human Functions: it provides objective and quantitative information on functional repercussions of a pathology in a person’s activities and functions, becoming an additional tool for health workers in the control of functional deficiencies of the musculoskeletal system.
  3. Gaze monitoring system (TOBII): it allows the recording and analysis of the gaze which can be used as an assessment and rehabilitation tool. Providing information in various fields of knowledge as an interpretation of human behaviour.
Teams for Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Immunology and Cellular Biology techniques

Chemi-Doc XRS gels documentation system (Bio-Rad). Floor and tabletop ultracentrifuges. Real-time PCR CFX96 Touch System (Bio-Rad). Fluorescence microscope. Image contrast microscope and digital video camera-imaging system. ELISA microplate readers. Mono and two-dimensional electrophoresis systems. Refrigerated centrifuges, freezers and coolers; orbital incubators; electroporator; sonicator; autoclaves and water purification systems.

Techniques with insects

Breeding and maintenance of insects, dissection of their central nervous system

The Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) SCIOS 2 FIB-SEM

The Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope with focused ion beam (FIB). Counts with the EDX microanalysis, cryo option for the observation of frozen samples and variable pressure.

Thematic Network of Excellence

MCNN Thematic Network of Excellence, led by EHVALENCIA and bringing together researchers from 8 research projects of excellence in the State in the area of Economic History.

Thermal imaging camera

Thermal imaging camera FLIR E60bx (FLIR Systems, Wilsonville, OR).

Tissue Engineering Laboratory

Decelluralisation of tissues, cell culture, isolation and characterisation of stem cells.

Treadmill Equipment with gas analyser

This is an O2-CO2 gas analyser with air flow and two-animal switch. It contains: a software platform for metabolism, "respiratory metabolism" extension of the Metabolism software, single line Treadmill for mouse with shock, Calorimetry Runner for the treadmill, Rat/Mouse tray, Two Calorimetry lids for food and drink rats, Calorimetry Feeder/Drink, 100mL bottle for Oxylet system, Rat grid floor, Mouse grid floor. This equipment has been supervised by the specialist technician Javier Cuenca.

UCINET / Netdraw - Social Networks Analysis

It is a software package for analysing and graphing social networks, which includes a large number of statistical measures and indicators based on relationship matrices between individuals or cases.  

Ultrasonic Densitometer

Ultrasonic Densitometer Sonost 3000 (OsteoSys Co., Ltd. Seoul, Republic of Korea).

Ultrasound Device

An ultrasound is a diagnostic device used to perform ultrasound scans. High-frequency sound waves generate image sequences of organs and formations within the body.

Ultrasound machines

Edan U50 ultrasound machine with 10-15 Mhz probe (Edan Instrument Inc., Nanshan Shenzhen, China), logicC5 ultrasound machine (General Electric), SAMSUNG HS30 (SAMSUNG MEDISON CO., LTD).

Virtual Reality Equipment
  • Computer with graphics acceleration card, and graphics and texture memory.
    • PC monitor; HMD, retro-projected methacrylate screen, Dome, two video projectors.
    • Speaker system.
    • Mouse, rumblepad.
  • Machine to be another system:
    • Video camera with tripod.
    • HMD (Inmersive Oculus Rift).
    • Head Tracking System.
    • Computer and calibration software.
  • Audio and recording system:
    • 3 Cameras.
    • Microphones.
    • 2 TV.
    • 1 DVD recorder and player.
    • Control desk.
  • Other:
    • Treadmill.
    • Bicycle.
    • Bicycle roller.
    • Augmented reality desk (Microsoft Surface).
Virtual Reality Systems and online treatments
  • Emotional Induction Circuits: Virtual environments to elicit emotions where the graphical characteristics of the environment vary according to the desired emotion.
  • EMMA: Virtual environment designed to work with people with adaptive disorders, complicated grief and PTSD.
  • EARTH of Wellbeing: Self-applied system for inducing positive emotions and working with psychological strengths.
  • Mayordomo: Networked multi-user technology platform for improving the quality of life of the elderly.
  • E-Therapy System for the Treatment of Obesity (ETIOBE): Platform for the promotion of healthy lifestyles in children with obesity.
  • MEAL: Plataforma web educativa para el entrenamiento nutricional en niños.
  • Vivir Mejor: Self-applied treatment programme for people with overweight and hypertension.
  • Embarazo y Bienestar: Self-applied programme for the promotion of wellbeing in pregnant women.
  • Activa tu Ánimo: Self-applied programme for the treatment of depression.
W8 Physical Cytometer

The W8 Physical Cytometer is based on a ground-breaking flow-technology that measures the physical properties of spherical biological samples through a combination gravimetric and dimensional analysis. This novel approach provides an analysis of 3D cells, particularly spheroids and organoids, to measure mass density, weight, radius and their derivatives. This cytometer allows the operator to perform physical-based sorting of a target population under sterile conditions.

X-RAD 225XL/OptiMAX irradiator

This system can be used to irradiate models in vivo (rats and mice) and in vitro (cell cultures). In addition, the integrated imaging system (OptiMAX) can provide bioluminescence imaging, 2D X-ray imaging and radioisotope imaging.