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Intervention programmes


-80 °C freezer compartment

-80 °C freezer for cryopreservation of samples and biological prodcuts.

3D Bioprinter

3D Bioprinter with temperature control system, air dispenser controller and air compressor for plastic materials.

3D cultures from tumour tissue samples/ In vivo models derived from tumour spheres

3D culture methodology from surgical resection specimens.
In vivo models of lung tumours, obtained by injection of CSCs in murine models.

5% CO₂ 21%O2 hypoxia incubator

Maintains uniform culture conditions throughout the space by means of a direct air jacket heating system, which allows the exact simulation of physiological conditions to be achieved. Homogeneous temperature distribution on all walls of the useful enclosure, thus avoiding possible condensation. Fast and highly efficient distribution of temperature, CO₂ and humidity is achieved by a stainless steel fan at the top of the incubator, ensuring uniformity for all samples regardless of their location in the incubator.

Access to large equipment

Access to the facilities of the Servei Central de Suport a la Investigació Experimental (SCSIE), which include infrared spectroscopy (IR), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), mass spectrometry (MS), X-rays, etc.

Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer

The Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer is a microfluidic-based platform designed for sizing, quantification and quality control of DNA and RNA by small-chip electrophoresis in a single instrument. Results are obtained in a short time in an automated way, directly in digital format.

The miniaturisation of analytical instruments offers numerous advantages over conventional techniques. These include improved data accuracy and reproducibility, reduced analysis times, minimal sample consumption and improved automation and integration of complex workflows.

Anaesthesia and monitoring equipment for rodents

Low-flow anaesthesia machine for rat and mouse.

Analogue bain marie

Water bath to regulate the temperature of the liquid from 5 ºC to 110 ºC.

Analysis at genomic level

Expertise in modifier genetic screens, transcriptomics and proteomics.

Analytical and precision single-pan balance

Analytical and precision single-pan balance equipped with "State-of-the-Art", measuring accuracy, repeatability, sturdy ABS housing, with LCD display. Applications: counting, weighing, averaging. Net total. RS 232 bidirectional interface. External calibration, compact housing and its excellent operability from weighing metals to, counting parts or working with chemicals and liquids.

Animal models of Friedreich’s Ataxia and Spastic Paraplegia Type 7

Different Drosophila lines for the study of Friedreich’s Ataxia and Spastic Paraplegia Type 7:

  • With generalised and tissue-specific reduction/increase of the expression of the endogenous gene that encodes frataxin and paraplegin respectively.
  • With expression of the human genes.
  • With expression of the human mutation responsible for both diseases.
Aquarium sample laboratory

Equipment of the Experimental Aquarium Plant Laboratory.

Array platform: expression and cytogenetics

The Array platform, designed by Affymetrix, provides a holistic study of organisms from the perspective of systems biology, a better understanding of biological properties and interactions as a whole. This technology provides the flexibility to study a specific subset of genes of interest or to be able to focus on the study of the genome at a global level in order to understand and define in depth the complex mechanisms and networks that underlie biological processes and diseases. 

Assessment of optical quality and visual function in patients with pathologies

Modulation transfer function and contrast sensitivity measurements. Tests to detect colour vision defects (anomaloscope, pseudoisochromatic tests, sorting tests, measurement of colour thresholds). Perimetry (standard, blue-yellow, frequency doubling and flicker).

Audiovisual recording equipment for the recording and monitoring of psychological treatments

At the Faculty of Psychology, in the teaching laboratory unit (Stage 3), we have installed, at the expense of our projects, complete equipment for the video recording and reproduction of the evaluation, treatment and experimental sessions that we carry out with people affected by OC spectrum disorders and the general population.

Automatic cell counter

Reads and reproduces the total cell count and performs live/dead cell correlation in one step. Results in 30 seconds.

Barnes maze for rodents

Equipment designed to perform Barnes maze experiments in rodents (rat and mouse).

Biological safety laminar flow cabinet type IIA

They are suitable for the handling of biologically pathogenic samples or products (up to micro-organisms of third degree of risk) ensuring the protection of sterile air in the working area, a high protection of the operator and also of the environment.

Biological samples

Serum, plasma or saliva samples from persons assessed form a frailty and comprehensive geriatric assessment point of view.

Body composition monitor

Tanita BF350 scale (TANITA Corporation, Arlington Heights, IL, USA).

Braun Multiparametric Monitor

Equipment designed to monitor the patient's vital signs (ECG, pulse oximetry, capnography, invasive and non-invasive blood pressure, temperature).

Bright-field microscope

The bright-field microscope allows us to view stained or naturally pigmented samples that are highly contrasted. The source of illumination is white light. The components of the sample are visualised thanks to the differences in contrast between them and the surrounding medium.

COLORCAL colorimeter

Contact colorimeter for colour measurement on screens (Cambridge Research Ltd.).

Calibrated CRT monitors for vision experiments

Various 21-inch CRT monitors (Sony and Mitshubisi), colourimetrically characterised, computer-controlled, for psychophysical measurements and perceptual training.

Capillary Electrophoresis Sequencing System

The equipment allows DNA sequencing by the Sanger method and fragment size determination.

Cell Culture laboratory

Cell Culture laboratory of Biological Containment Level 2 (BCL2). It has several rooms: Cell Lines Room, Primary Cultures Room, Hypoxia Room and Viral Vectors Room (BCL2+), with 10 biosafety cabinets, 6 incubators and all the necessary equipment to work with eukaryotic cell cultures.

Prepared and controlled by technicians so the user just focuses on his experiment.

Cell Separator Flow Cytometer ARIA FUSION

Cell Separator equipped with 6 lasers, biosafety cabinet and aerosol extraction. It allows, firstly, the rapid measurement of morphological and functional parameters of a large number of individual cells suspended in liquid medium. For this, cells are initially labelled with fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies, or fluorescent probes that bind to proteins located on the cell surface or inside the cell. The scattered light and fluorescence emitted by the markers as the cells are passed one by one through the different lasers allows simultaneous measurement of structural features and various parameters in each of these cells.

In addition, after analysis, it is possible to separate and collect subpopulations of interest from the sample for further studies.

Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory

Complete cell and molecular biology laboratory equipment.

Cell culture

We perform cultures of various cell types, both primary and line maintenance. Our main focus is the primary culture of neurospheres, although we are also performing primary cultures of mesenchymal cells and the maintenance of several tumour lines.

Cell cultures

Laboratory located in the Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Universitat de València.

Chromatic filters

Interferential filters tuned to different visible wavelengths. Coloured lenses for use as optical aids for individuals with dyschromatopsia.

Cibertec inhalation anaesthesia machine

Equipment that allows the induction and maintenance of rodents under anaesthesia for the performance of surgical procedures. Anaesthesia should always be complemented with an adequate analgesic protocol.

Clinical Research Laboratory in Physiotherapy

Open-plan laboratory for clinical research, enabling physiotherapy assessments and interventions to be carried out.

Cognition assessment tools

Tests to assess: emotional processing, theory of mind and attributional style.

Cold light

Fibre optic light sources.

Colección de oligonucleótidos para genes de S. cerevisiae

PCR oligos pairs amplifying genes or parts of genes of S. cerevisiae.

Collection of yeast mutants Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Numerous mutant strains of S. cerevisiae have been developed throughout the group's history.

Colorimetric characterisation of image capture and display devices

Evaluation of the activity and spatial homogeneity of display devices. Colourimetric characterisation of display devices and characterisation by means of physical, polynomial models or LUT tables.


Matlab library for colour spaces, vision models, control and stimulus generation, developed by different members of the Optics Department, including members of our group.

Colour vision test batteries

Anomaloscope. Ishihara test. Sorting tests (D15, Lanthony, Farnsworth-Munsell 100-tone). Threshold measurement test (Cambridge Colour Test. Optopad).

Comprehensive geriatric assessments

Performance of tests for the assessment of the frail patient.

Confocal microscope SP8

The confocal microscope allows us to visualize images with different fluorescent labelling, therefore obtaining images of great sharpness and quality because the pictures earned are not contaminated by light emitted outside the focal plane. Thanks to this confocal characteristic, we can perform three-dimensional reconstructions from optical sections.

Corneal topographer

Device for point-to-point measurement of corneal curvature by means of placido discs.

Corneas and crystalline lenses

Corneas and crystalline lenses from deceased donor and various animal species (pig, rabbit, horse, chicken, sheep).

Coulter Cell Analyzer

Coulter counter for estimating cell number and cell size.

Cryopreservation room

Cryopreservation room belonging to the Cell Culture laboratory for the storage and management of frozen samples from users and the section's cell bank.

Cultius cel·lulars

Cultius cel·lulars de cèl·lules epitelials, cèl·lules musculars, cèl·lules endotelials, fibroblasts, queratinòcits i cultius 3d.

Culture room

Room equipped with two laminar flow cabinets, thermostatised bath, centrifuge, normal inverted microscope, inverted microscope with fluorescence module.

Culture room

Fully equipped culture room with biological safety cabinets and CO2 incubators.

Cytometry laboratory

Fully equipped laboratory for sample preparation, acquisition, separation and analysis by flow cytometry.

DMi8 inverted live cell microscope - calcium probes

The variety of fluorescent proteins and multicolour probes that have been developed allows virtually any molecule to be tagged. The ability to visualise protein dynamics in vesicles, organelles, cells and tissues has provided new information about the functioning of cells in both healthy and diseased situations. This information includes the spatio-temporal dynamics of processes, such as mitosis; studies on the dynamics of ions, such as Ca+₂ and changes in the cytoskeleton.

DXA Body Composition Analyser for Laboratory Animals

InAlyzer (MEDIKORS INC.) is a body composition analyser for laboratory animals using DXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) with FAM BEAM 2 technology using a dual DR and DXA imaging model.    This instrument provides accurate results of mineral content and density, bone, body composition (BMC, FAT, LEAN) of laboratory animals, in units of 0.001g without dissection, allowing serial evaluation of several laboratory animals after anaesthesia.


Proprietary software for generation and processing of visual stimuli for vision testing.

Digital PCR for mutation analysis in liquid biopsy samples

Analysis of mutations in specific genes by highly sensitive technique (digital PCR) in liquid biopsy samples.

Digital ddPCR

Identification of markers (mutations in oncogenes) in solid tumours and monitoring of the evolution of the disease, detection of relapses or molecular progression of the disease in liquid biopsies.

Dissection Room of the Department of Human Anatomy and Embryology at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Postgraduate room in the Dissection Room of the Department of Human Anatomy and Embryology in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry where studies on human anatomical specimens and training courses are carried out.

Double-pass device for optical quality assessment

Configurable optical bench device for measuring the MTF.

Drosophila strains

We have more than 200 Drosophila strains from stock centres or generated by the group.

Dual modulation ATD perimeter

Configurable perimeter to analyse visual mechanisms of magno, parvo and koniocellular origin, developed by researchers from the Optics Department in collaboration with INDO.


Handgrip (TKK 5101 Grip D; Takey, Tokio Japan) y Lafallete Manual Dynamometers (Nicholas Manual Muscle Tester, Lafayette Instruments, Lafayette, IN).

Dynamometric platforms

Dinascan/IBV Balance Platform (Biomechanics Institute of Valencia, Valencia, Spain), Wii Balance Board (Nintendo, Kyoto, Japan) and T-Plate (Medicaptures, France).

Electrotherapy equipment

Electrotherapy and ultrasound units COMBI 500, COMBI 200, GLOBUS PREMIUM 400, CEFAR MYO 2, ENDOMED 982, ENDOMED 582, ENDOMED 484, TENSMED 911, CURAPULS 419, TERATHERM, Biofeedback MYO 420.

Equipment for the analysis of reinforcement, aversion, memory and nociception behaviour

Equipment and experience for the measurement of these behaviours: self-administration boxes, conditioned place preference boxes, open field, light/dark box, Barnes maze, Von Frey filaments and Hargreaves test.

Equipment for therapeutic exercise

Strength training and functional training equipment: Theraband balance trainer, Reebok Core Training, AM319S Seated Leg Press, M799 Freedom double pulley, Polar heart rate meters, Focus 308 cycloergometers and upper limb ergometers, AM311/DS Single Leg extension AC MOV LINE, Fitvibe Medical vibration platform, Domyos ST510 stepper.

Equipped laboratory

Laboratory equipped with cookers, baths, refrigerators, plate and tube centrifuges, freezer and other small equipment to carry out the experiments to be performed.

Euthanasia system

Equipment designed for the slaughter of rodents belonging to experimental procedures approved by the approved or surplus body.

FABIUS Ventilator (pig)

Equipment designed for the administration of inhalation anaesthesia and/or patient ventilation during surgical or diagnostic procedures.

FDT perimeter

Perimeter with frequency doubling technology, for magnocellular channel analysis.

FN-expressing cell lines with alterations in strategic integrin and syndecan4 adhesion sites

These cell lines are used for in vitro studies of FN function.

Flow Cytometer Analyser FORTESSA

A 5-laser analysing cytometer for rapid measurement of morphological and functional parameters of large numbers of single cells suspended in a liquid medium. For this purpose, cells are initially labelled with fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies or fluorescent probes that bind to proteins located on the cell surface or inside the cell. The scattered light and fluorescence emitted by the markers as the cells are passed one by one through the different lasers allows simultaneous measurement of structural features and various parameters in each of these cells.

Flow Cytometer Analyser VERSE

A three-laser analysing cytometer for rapid measurement of morphological and functional parameters of large numbers of single cells suspended in liquid medium. For this purpose, cells are initially labelled with fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies or fluorescent probes that bind to proteins located on the cell surface or inside the cell. The scattered light and fluorescence emitted by the markers as the cells are passed one by one through the different lasers allows simultaneous measurement of structural features and various parameters in each of these cells.

Flow cytometer analyser - BD LSR Fortessa X-20

Equipment that determines and quantifies the fluorescence of fluorescent probes attached to different parts of both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, organelles, proteins. The emitted fluorescence is collected on different filters limited to a certain wavelength. Fluorescence quantification is associated with the cell parameter being measured, generating quantitative results such as fluorescence intensity, percentage of cell populations, cell count/ML.

Flow cytometer analyzer - BD FACSVERSE

Equipment that determines and quantifies the fluorescence of fluorescent probes attached to different parts of both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, organelles, proteins. The emitted fluorescence is collected on different filters limited to a certain wavelength. Fluorescence quantification is associated with the cell parameter being measured, generating quantitative results such as fluorescence intensity, percentage of cell populations, cell count/ML.

Fluorescence and Phase Contrast Microscope

Fluorescence and phase contrast microscope fully equipped with video camera and software for imaging and video capture.

Fluorescence inverted microscope

Fluorescence is one of the most widely used physical phenomena in biological and analytical microscopy, mainly because of its high degree of sensitivity and specificity. Fluorescence microscopy allows users to determine the distribution of a single molecule, its quantity and its location within a cell.

Fluorescence microscopes used in research applications are based on a series of optical filters. The filters are usually inserted in a filter block. While the excitation filter selects the wavelengths that excite a particular fluorophore within the sample, the emission filter acts as a kind of quality control, as it only allows the wavelengths of interest emitted by the fluorophore to pass through.

Fluorescence photomicroscope

We are equipped with a Nikon microscope that has a digital camera and a fluorescence unit attached to it.

Fluoroscopy, interventional radiology equipment

Fluoroscopy is the method of real-time X-ray imaging, considered to be a very effective tool for a wide variety of diagnostic examinations and patient interventions. It should not be confused with conventional radiology, which is based on static imaging, commonly known as radiography.

GESADA Laboratory in the Department of Human Anatomy and Embryology at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Laboratory equipped with apparatus and equipment used in basic research in pain and analgesia. It has equipment that allows immunohistochemical and electrophysiological behavioural studies in animal models of pain.

Generation of organoids from patient cells as a tool for disease characterisation and a platform for drug testing

We have personnel experienced in the generation and maintenance of organoids from tumour and normal patient tissue, as well as the facilities to do so. We also have experience in the molecular characterisation of these organoids (which recapitulate the characteristics of the patient from which they originate) and in the testing of drugs on them.

Principal Researcher: Pepa Castillo.

Genomic and transcriptomic analysis system for single cells

Platform to carry out transcriptomic studies in the single cell field, allowing the study of transcriptomic and phenotypic variability among thousands of cells based on single cell RNA.

HPLC chromatograph

HPLC chromatograph equipped with diode array detector and chiral stationary phase HPLC columns for the determination of the enantiomer ratio in chiral product samples.

Haematology and Biochemistry Platform

This platform can determine the type of blood cells (red, white and platelets). For white blood cells, it also provides information on relative and absolute counts. On the other hand, it allows biochemical analysers to determine a wide range of analytes in blood, serum and plasma.

Hargreaves method plantar test

Equipment designed to perform analgesia measurements using the plantar test of the Hargreaves method. The hind leg of rodents is stimulated with radiant heat, through a glass pane, using the plantar part as the surface to be irradiated.

High microbiological safety cabinet

They are suitable for the handling of biologically pathogenic samples or products (up to micro-organisms of third degree of risk) ensuring the protection of sterile air in the working area, a high protection of the operator and also of the environment.

High-performance brightfield and fluorescence scanner for immunohistopathological preparations

High-performance platform for the digitisation of histopathological preparations comprising a high-performance scanner in bright light and fluorescence field with its accessories for the organisation, visualisation, analysis and transfer of Whole Slides Images (WSI).

Principal Researcher: Carolina Martínez.

High-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection

High-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection for quantitative analysis of dopamine and other neurotransmitters in dialysate samples obtained from different areas of the central nervous system using the in vivo microdialysis technique.

High-resolution graphic cards

12-bit and 14-bit graphics cards, Bits++ and Visage, from Colour Research Systems, for specific vision tests requiring small changes in stimulus colour parameters (e.g., colour threshold and contrast sensitivity measurements).

Hot ball steriliser

This steriliser provides a safe, effective and convenient method of sterilising your valuable surgical instruments prior to surgery. Without using potentially hazardous gases, flames or chemicals, you can ensure that your instruments are free of pathogens and microbial contaminants.

Human genomic DNA and cDNA samples

Genomic DNA and cDNA samples from a wide range of psychosis patients and healthy individuals.

Human tissue

Human tisstue from biopsies and surgical procedures in pathologies such as asthma, COPD, IPF, pulmonary hypertension, dermatitis and skin fibrosis.

Humphrey SAP-SWAP perimeter

Dome perimeter for white-white and blue-yellow threshold measurements.

Hypoxia/hiperoxia room

Room located inside the Cell Culture laboratory (BCL2) composed of a closed Hypoxia Station and necessary equipment for the maintenance of the cultures. The closed station allows a precise control of the percentage of hypoxia and/or hyperoxia, even at extreme values, keeping the culture conditions constant at all times, both during its handling and within the incubators. All of this ensures reproducible data.

Imaging platform: PET/CT-MRS-3T/IVIS-X5

This platform has various imaging scanners for experiments with small animals (mice and rats). These scanners can also be used to obtain images in solid biological samples.


Immunohistochemistry is a technique that allows the detection and quantification of different substances that act as antigens (receptors, neurons, etc.) in the fixed tissue by staining them. Our laboratory has all the necessary equipment to carry out this technique, as well as for tissue fixation.

In vivo microdialysis

Microdialysis is a unique technique for monitoring the chemistry of the extracellular space in living tissue. In basic research it is mainly used to determine in vivo changes in endogenous compounds, drug delivery, PK/PD, bioavailability and bioequivalence. Our team has the necessary equipment for the development of in vivo microdialysis. It is performed on awake animals with freedom of movement. After implantation surgery and subsequent recovery of the animal, the animal remains in the stable cage until the time of analysis.

Incubator 5% CO₂ 21%O2 - Heracell 150i

Maintains uniform culture conditions throughout the entire space by means of a direct air jacket heating system, which enables the exact simulation of physiological conditions to be achieved. Homogeneous temperature distribution on all walls of the useful space, thus avoiding possible condensation. Fast and highly efficient distribution of temperature, CO₂ and humidity is achieved by a stainless steel fan at the top of the incubator, ensuring uniformity for all samples regardless of their location in the incubator.

Incubator 5% CO₂ 21%O2 - SANYO MCO18AIC

Maintains uniform culture conditions throughout the space. Improves temperature stability thanks to three independently controlled heaters and Panasonic's unique, patented air jacket construction. Patented SafeCell™ UV system, which acts on the internal air ducts to destroy contaminants in the air and humidity tray. Exclusive copper-enriched stainless steel InCu saFe® interior surfaces ensure consistent protection against germs.

Incubator 5% CO₂ 21%O2 - SANYO MCO19AIC

Maintains uniform culture conditions throughout the space. Improves temperature stability thanks to three independently controlled heaters and Panasonic's unique, patented air jacket construction. Patented SafeCell™ UV system, which acts on the internal air ducts to destroy contaminants in the air and humidity tray. Exclusive copper-enriched stainless steel InCu saFe® interior surfaces ensure consistent protection against germs.

Incubator 5% CO₂ 21%O2 for organoids

Maintains uniform culture conditions throughout the space. Automatic autozeroing system for accurate and permanent control. CO₂ inlet with biological filter.

Intravital microscopy

Intravital microscopy for in vivo leukocyte interaction studies and measurements.

Inverted microscope

Inverted microscope with phase contrast, 4 lenses of 5X, 10X, 20X and 40X. With camera and a monitor attached.

KI mice strains

The mice strains that our group has generated are a tool for in vivo analysis of those processes that may be conditioned by the adhesion of interins to the FN.

LC-MS and GC-MS (UHPLC/GC-MS-Q-TOF) Bruker IMPACT II Chromatography Equipment

Equipment that quantitatively determines the concentrations of one, several or many substances in a biological (serum, plasma, tissue or urine), food or environmental sample. This is achieved by chromatographic separation of the compounds present in the matrix to be studied, either by liquid chromatography or gas chromatography and their subsequent nebulisation with fragmentation to detect the components according to their molecular weight.

Laboratory for organic synthesis

Laboratory for organic synthesis, equipped with fume hoods with vacuum lines and inert gases for carrying out organic reactions under inert atmosphere under safe and hygienic conditions.

Laboratory of Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing

Professor Julia Salom is the person in charge of the Laboratory of GIS and Remote Sensing located at the Faculty of Geography and History of the UV. Its aim is to provide the necessary infrastructure for making cartography associated with its research projects, as well as for researching in the field of Geographic Information Systems. It has a server and several networked computers, in which different specialised programmes are installed along with the corresponding peripherals for data input and output.

Labyrinth Y

Equipment designed to perform Y-maze experiments.

Laminar flow cabinet

OptiMair vertical laminar flow cabinets are useful for mycology, food microbiology, plant and mammalian cell culture, clinical pharmacy and hospital protocols, clean rooms, pharmaceutical industry where product protection is required.

Light sources

White light lamps for optical bench. Sources for UVA and UVB irradiation. Macbeth illumination booth with D65 and A illuminant. D65 illuminant simulator lamp.

Low volume spectrophotometer

These are full-spectrum UV-Vis spectrophotometers for quantifying and assessing the purity of DNA, RNA, protein and more.


Solvent removal and drying of samples under mild conditions.

Massarray Platform

The Massarray platform is responsible for the research study of biological samples through the fine mapping of DNA sequences and the analysis of methylation phenomena. With this equipment, dozens of DNA variants such as SNPs, insertions or deletions can be analysed in hundreds of samples in a short time with a high degree of precision and sensitivity. It is also possible to analyse somatic mutations such as those present in samples of cancerous origin. Finally, the degree of methylation of individual CpGs in short DNA sequences can be quantitatively quantified.

Massive DNA sequencing system

Massive DNA sequencing equipment based on sequencing by synthesis, using nucleotides labelled with fluorophores of different colours, and capturing images of the emitted fluorescence.

Massive sequencing system

High-throughput sequencing equipment that allows obtaining short sequences of up to 300 bp.

Massive sequencing system

High-throughput sequencing equipment that allows obtaining sequences with an average length of more than 30 kb.

Measurement of transmittance of lenses and ocular media. Standard ISO 11979-1:2018

Measurement of spectral transmittance in vitro of lenses and ocular media (cornea, crystalline lens) extracted from patients or animals.

Measurement of visual quality of intraocular lenses. Standard ISO 11979-1:2018

Procedure for the evaluation of the modulation transfer function of intraocular lenses in vitro, from which it is possible to estimate the optical quality of the lens.

Microdialysis system

Microdialysis is a unique technique for monitoring the chemistry of the extracellular space in living tissue. In basic research it is mainly used to determine in vivo changes in endogenous compounds, drug delivery, PK/PD, bioavailability and bioequivalence.


Experience in optical and confocal microscopy.

Microtomy room

Room equipped with various pieces of equipment for cutting samples using different techniques. The equipment includes: vibratome, cryostat, paraffin/freezing microtome, paraffin/freezing sliding microtome, ultramicrotomes.


Ultracentrifuge for small volumes with 3 rotors: S55A2, S50A and swing-out rotor S52ST.

Molecular and cellular biology techniques

Experience in nucleic acid and protein separation and analysis techniques (electrophoresis, digestion, quantification, PCR, western blot, etc.), as well as cell analysis techniques (cell culture, immunohistochemistry, etc.).

Molecular, Cell and Genetic Biology Techniques

Flow cytometry, qRT-PCR, Western Blot, Big-Data and primary cell culture techniques. 

Mouse social interaction box

Equipment designed to perform social interaction tests on mice.

Multiparametric protein analysis

Multiparametric protein analysis methodology (Luminex system).

The system allows a large number of analytes to be analysed in the same sample, with high sensitivity and reproducibility. The methodology used saves a great deal of time and minimises sample consumption.

Multiparametric rodent monitor

Rodent monitor: for monitoring electrocardiogram, respiratory rate.


Benchtop Cytometer

Mutant generation and phenotypic analysis in Drosophila

We have extensive experience in the generation of mutant flies and analysis of different phenotypes (climbing ability, neurodegeneration, oxidative stress measurements, cuticle analysis, etc).

N2 Tank

Cryogenic receptacle for storage of cell lines.

NCB2+ room for cell cultures

Room located inside the Cell Culture laboratory (NCB2), with its own equipment and higher level work protocols. Designed to work with viral vectors, GMOs or level 2 biological agents that require greater security.


Laboratory located in the Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Universitat de València. 

Non-mydriatic retinograph

Retinograph for fundus evaluation in non-dilated pupil conditions with mydriatics.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is defined as the study of molecules by recording the interaction of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation with the nuclei of molecules located in an external magnetic field. It is a technique used to evaluate the biochemical content of living tissues, providing metabolic information complementary to the anatomical alterations that can be found in radiological studies.

Nylon macroarrays for omics studies in S. cerevisiae

Collection of probes for the manufacture of macroarrays. Macroarrays on nylon support with 5400 probes for S. cerevisiae genes.

Obtaining cell and animal models (Drosophila) of diseases caused by gene mutation

Use of different strategies (UAS-GAL4, RNA interference; CRISPR-Cas9) to obtain humanised models of diseases in Drosophila and study the phenotypes generated at biochemical, cellular, physiological and behavioural level.

Ocular aberrometer

Device for in vivo measurement of corneal aberrations.

Open field black and white

Equipment designed for open field experiments.

Operant conditioning chamber

This infrastructure consists of a box, also known as Skinner box, in which the animal is placed for a certain period of time and trained to perform a specific task (activate a lever) in order to receive a reward. It is a tool widely used in the field of psychology and addiction research.

Optical Microscopy sample processing and analysis

Our group has extensive experience in the processing of samples for optical microscopy using various techniques depending on the variable to be analysed, such as paraffin, freezing or obtaining semi-thin sections. In addition to applying different types of staining, immunohistochemistry for the detection of a large number of antigens, autoradiographic techniques...

Optogenetic stimulation system

Optogenetic stimulation system.

Organ bath system

System for testing the contractile response of isolated organ preparations (vessels, intestine, uterus...).

Pain assessment tools

FDK 20 algometer, Somedic algometer, Von Frey monofilaments.

Paired samples of healthy and tumour tissue from patients with non-small-cell lung cancer

Collection of paired normal/tumour tissue samples obtained from patients with resectable stage (I-IIIA) non-small cell lung cancer, who have not received previous treatment. Cryopreserved tissue, DNA and RNA are available from all of them. The samples have associated clinical data.

Obtained with Informed Consent for Line of Research.

Pancreas samples from rats and mice with pancreatitis; liver samples from p38alpha-deficient mice

Tissue samples prepared for histology, western blotting, RT-PCR, and metabolite analysis.

Parallel Flow chamber

Parallel Flow chamber for in vitro and ex vivo leukocyte interaction studies and measurements.

Peristaltic pump

Equipment designed to handle liquids by generating a flow with controlled velocity.

Phase I Clinical Trials Unit

As an integral part of the Onco-Hematology Department, the main objective of the Clinical Trials Unit of the Onco-Hematology Department is to carry out clinical research at all stages of pharmacological development to meet the needs of society and the pharmaceutical industry. The Unit has all the human and material resources necessary to comply with current legislation and regulations applicable to clinical trials, and thus achieve quality clinical research.

Physiotherapy and Exercise Research Laboratory

The laboratory is divided into two areas: an open-plan area for group exercise and another equipped with apparatus and devices for therapeutic exercise.

Polysome fractionator

Equipment for the manufacture of density gradients and their subsequent fractionation used in the study of polysome profiling in cell extracts.

Pre-clinical non-invasive multimodal imaging equipment-IVIS

The IVIS Lumina X5 combines a high-performance fluorescence and bioluminescence imaging system with a high-resolution 2D X-ray system.

Preference box

Equipment designed to perform automated assessment of conditioned place preference and aversion in rodents.

Primary cultures of tumour samples from non-small-cell lung cancer patients

Monolayer and suspension cultures (3D cultures, organoids) obtained from tumour tissue samples from patients with resectable stage non-small cell lung cancer.

Psychophysical tests for visual function assessment

Proprietary software for measuring chromatic and achromatic contrast sensitivity function, chromatic thresholds, coherence threshold, for monitors and colorimetrically characterised tablets.

Pure fibronectin with mutations in binding sites for integrins, syndins and growth factors

Proteins used for coating materials and analysing cellular response.

QCEXVAL Computing Unit

The resources available to our research group can be grouped into our own resources and those of free access offered by the Universitat de València, such as the Lluis Vives and Tirant high-performance computing servers, managed by the Information Systems Service. Within our own servers, we have two computing clusters: the first one is composed of equipment with Intel i7, Intel i9 and Intel Xeon processors, as well as two Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080Ti GPUs, consisting of 28 nodes that provide 456 processors and 1332 GB of RAM. The second cluster, newly acquired, consists of three machines with AMD Threadripper PRO 3975WX processors, interconnected via a high-speed network (10 GB/s), providing a total of 192 processors and 768 GB of RAM. This is rounded off by a NAS backup system with 15 TB of storage space.

Quantitative Anatomy Laboratory

Laboratory adapted to the study of bone samples in the anthropological context that has, among other resources, a photographic laboratory, stereomicroscope BMS SL-40, Digital. stereomicroscope Motic DM-143-FBGG-B, mandibulometer, orbitometer, digital goniometer, etc. This laboratory allows the first phase of research to be carried out, which is complemented by the virtual morphology laboratory.

Real-Time PCR System

Real-time PCR is a technique that combines amplification and detection in a single step by correlating the PCR product of each cycle with a fluorescence intensity signal. They consist of a thermal cycler coupled to an optical system, which monitors the signal of the fluorophores used to detect the amplified product. Because the fluorescence of the fluorophores increases as the product is amplified, the amplification and detection processes are combined in a single step.

Refrigerantes de inmersión

Immersion coolants for controlled low-temperature reactions.

Refrigerated Microcentrifuge

Refrigerated microcentrifuge for 1.8mL tubes.

Refrigerated centrifuge with rotors - Eppendorf

Centrifuge with rotors for cell pelleting.

Refrigerated centrifuge with rotors - Heraeus

Centrifuge with rotors for cell pelleting.

Research Unit

Consolidated group with proven experience in epidemiology and environmental health research. Bibliographic database with more than 6000 references.

Research laboratories of the Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy

The Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy has laboratories for the research groups that are requested according to their needs.

Robot for macrochip printing

BioGrid II is a robot for the fabrication of macroarryas on nylon support or for the copying of collections of microorganism strains deposited on microtitre plates.

Rota rod for rodents

Equipment designed to perform Rota Rod experiments on rodents (rat and mouse).


Software for statistical data analysis.

Sample preparation for biomarker analysis

Sample preparation for HPLC, gas chromatography, ELISA or enzyme assays.

Sample processing and analysis with Electron Microscopy

Our group has extensive experience in processing samples for electron microscopy including fixing, embedding and obtaining ultra-thin sections, as well as analysing a wide range of samples with the electron microscope.

Search of viable solutions for the detection of specific chemical compounds, at the company’s request

System design for the detection of different species.

Separating flow cytometer

Equipment that determines and quantifies the fluorescence of fluorescent probes attached to different parts of both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, organelles, proteins. The emitted fluorescence is collected on different filters limited to a certain wavelength. Fluorescence quantification is associated with the cell parameter being measured, generating quantitative results such as fluorescence intensity, percentage of cell populations, cell count/ML.

The equipment has a cell separation system allowing the physical separation of a given population with different levels of purity. It allows separation under sterile conditions.


Collection of blood samples (serum, plasma, leukocyte fraction, platelets) from cancer patients prior to initiation of treatment or progression. The samples have associated clinical data.

Obtained with Informed Consent for Line of Research.

Smiling faces programme

Perceptual training programme to improve the visual function of amblyopic people.

Software for the design of memory assessment tests

Software for the design of implicit memory assessment tests.


Filter-free multi-wavelength measurement for protein quantification, DNA quantification, ELISA, molecular biology.


Full spectrum UV-Vis spectrophotometers for quantifying and assessing the purity of DNA, RNA, protein and more.

Stage 2, 3rd floor, Faculty of Psychology, with three workspaces

Server with METBA System (remote monitoring and evaluation system) and Tests (online test presentation system) and video recording system.

Statistical analysis

The UV Statistics Unit works with experts in the use of computer equipment and specific software. The main software used for data analysis is the free R Software.

Stereo microscope

Surgical microscopes are useful for microsurgery. The optical unit provides an enlarged and sharply focused image of the surgical field.

Surgical microscope

Surgical microscopes are useful for microsurgery. The optical unit provides an enlarged and sharply focused image of the surgical field.

System for radioligand binding studies

A system for determining the affinity of a drug for its drug target by binding radioligands.

TMAP PersonAL Autonomy Unit, Dependency and SMD

Laboratory with high-tech biomechanical tools and an important team of psychiatrists and psychologists making functional and neurocognitive assessments by offering three services:

  1. Neurocognitive Assessment: clinical and comprehensive neurocognitive assessments are carried out and the affected people as well their relatives are treated in order to guarantee a quality and independent life.
  2. Biomechanical Assessment of Human Functions: it provides objective and quantitative information on functional repercussions of a pathology in a person’s activities and functions, becoming an additional tool for health workers in the control of functional deficiencies of the musculoskeletal system.
  3. Gaze monitoring system (TOBII): it allows the recording and analysis of the gaze which can be used as an assessment and rehabilitation tool. Providing information in various fields of knowledge as an interpretation of human behaviour.
Techniques applied in the research group's laboratories

Histopathology. Microscopy. Fluorescence. Morphometry. Laser dissection microscopy Genetics. Western blotting. Molecular biology. Genomics. Proteomics. Cell cultures. Metabolomics. Karyotypes.

Thermal Cycler

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a is a technique for amplifying nucleic acids in vitro, emulating the natural DNA replication process. PCR amplification is achieved using a thermal cycler by raising and lowering the temperature of the samples in a thermoblock in programmed step cycles.

Thermal imaging camera

Thermal imaging camera FLIR E60bx (FLIR Systems, Wilsonville, OR).


Centrifuge for separation of samples requiring high centrifugation speeds.

Ultrasonic Densitometer

Ultrasonic Densitometer Sonost 3000 (OsteoSys Co., Ltd. Seoul, Republic of Korea).

Ultrasound Device

An ultrasound is a diagnostic device used to perform ultrasound scans. High-frequency sound waves generate image sequences of organs and formations within the body.

Ultrasound machines

Edan U50 ultrasound machine with 10-15 Mhz probe (Edan Instrument Inc., Nanshan Shenzhen, China), logicC5 ultrasound machine (General Electric), SAMSUNG HS30 (SAMSUNG MEDISON CO., LTD).

Ultrastructural electron microscopy techniques and cryo-immunocytochemical techniques

High-resolution morphological techniques supported by biochemical and molecular biological techniques.

Virtual morphology laboratory

Virtual morphology laboratory, headed by research group member Dr. Markus Bastir, for the application of different methods and techniques for quantitative research in 3D morphology using computerised (virtual) techniques.

The laboratory is equipped to allow the digitisation of anatomical objects by means of a scanner, either surface (laser, structured light) or computed tomography (clinical CT, or microCT) to obtain a virtual 3D model of the object under study, 3D quantification by measurement of landmarks and semilandmarks to obtain quantitative morphology data, statistical analysis of the quantitative data by geometric morphometry (Procrustes analysis), virtual modelling, and rapid prototyping of all these virtual models by 3D printing in different sizes (original scale, larger or smaller) for study, scientific communication or also for museum purposes.

Virtual reality equipment

In the Faculty of Psychology, teaching laboratories unit (Stage 3), we have complete equipment for the dispensing of treatments (EPR) using virtual reality (44' TV, kinect devices, adapted computer, etc.).

Visera Elite II laparoscopy tower with EVIS EXERA III endoscopy tower and electroscope.

The Visera Elite II tower is the new state-of-the-art platform, offering the highest image resolution and maximum clarity and colour reproduction to facilitate the work of the practitioners. It also has an extra module for the use of a gastroscope in digestive endoscopy.

Vision Laboratory

Laboratory of Psychophysics of Vision and Visual Perception, located in the Faculty of Physics and attached to the Department of Optics and Optometry and Vision Sciences.

Western Blotting

Western Blot is a widely used analytical technique for the study of proteins. This method allows the detection of a single protein within a biological sample. The specificity of Western Blot is achieved by using an antibody that recognises and binds to a single epitope of the protein of interest. The Western Blotting technique can estimate the size of a protein, confirm the presence of post-translational modifications such as phosphorylation, and be used to quantitatively compare protein levels between samples.

X-RAD 225XL/OptiMAX irradiator

This system can be used to irradiate models in vivo (rats and mice) and in vitro (cell cultures). In addition, the integrated imaging system (OptiMAX) can provide bioluminescence imaging, 2D X-ray imaging and radioisotope imaging.

Yeast and E. coli plasmid collection

Collection of plasmids with different yeast genes.

Yeast and E. coli strain collections

Collections of wild-type and mutant strains of S. cerevisiae, S. pombe and C. albicans and E. coli transformed with recombinant plasmids.

Zeiss Fluorescence Microscope

Fluorescence microscope