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IEEEsbUV participation in the ORC competition

  • May 11th, 2017

A IEEEsbUV team composed by Toni Cervelló, Rafa Tormo, David Brotons, Antonio Alcarria and Sebastián Mirasol participated in the ORC robotics competition organised by the association Makers of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV).

The competition has been celebrated in the Sports Pavilion of the UPV and counted with the presence of 80 students with 16 robots that took part in speed tests, sumo, labyrinth, selection of pieces and football. 

This has been the third edition of ORC Makers in the UPV and the first one in which teams from different universities take part, like for example the Universitat de València and the Jaume I University.

Despite our robot had a technic problem that did not allow him to complete its participation, the team members made the best out of their time and analysed their rivals’ robots while getting ideas for the next edition.

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