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Summary Round Table- Beer and Science

  • March 23rd, 2017
Summary Round Table- Beer and Science

On Wednesday 22 March, the Darwin Room of the Faculty of Pharmacy hosted the round table “Beer and Science”. In this session it has been analysed the scientific interdisciplinarity that is behind the beer and the business practice of production and commercialisation.

On the one hand, the members of the teaching staff taught some lectures, each of them approaching a different discipline such as physics, mathematics or analytic chemistry. Amparo Cháfer, professor of the Department of Chemical Engineering of the ETSE-UV, participated at the round table to speak about beer production and making.

On the other hand, the representors of different Valencian beer companies who took part in the round table (Altura de Vuelos, La Socarrada, Tyiris, Alegría and Valentivm) spoke about the beginning of each company and the production model.

At the end, the round table was accompanied with a tasting of beers and pairing by the students of Gastronomic Sciences.
