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The Centre was created following the proposal of the Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences, by agreement of the Governing Council of the University of Valencia on April 1983, during the rectorship of the Professor Joaquin Colomer Sala, the initial name was “Documentation Centre of Valencian Contemporary Art”, affiliated to the University Institute of Educational Creativity and Innovation.

Later, by agreement of the Institute of Educational Creativity and Innovation Council, on 23 November 2006 was named “Professor Romàn de la Calle Documentation Centre of Valencian Contemporary Art”, in honor of the career of the professor whose biobibliography can be consulted at this link.

The transfer by the then Department of Aesthetics and the ICIE of certain spaces to the Centre allowed the incorporation of numerous books, as well as several donations of monographs, catalogues, journals, posters and other documents related to Valencian art, from the Post-war period to the present day, which enriched the Archive.

Little by little, a particular deposit of art works was organised, which were exhibited permanently to the university public in its own spaces. Now this selection of works has been catalogued and affiliated to the Endowment Fund of Contemporary Art of the University of Valencia, as it is studied and gathered in certain publications of the Fifth Centenary of the UV, dedicated to the Endowment Funds of the institution.

Also a research group affiliated to the ICIE and to the Department of Aesthetics and Art Theory was created. After the relevant agreement between the UV and the Provincial Council were published eleven issues of REÜLL-Journal of Information and Visual Culture-, coordinated by the Professor Romà de la Calle.

Similarly, this research group signed agreements with the publishing firm Fernando Torres for publishing the book collection name “Aesthetica”, which published different titles of this specialisation, until the sudden death of the publisher. The research group made the same with the publishing firm La Nau LLibres, in which was published the collection “Art i Filosofia”, which during a decade published research works as well as different doctoral theses of the Department.

Along with all the above mentioned, the exchanges with other art centres, museums, exhibitions rooms and galleries have helped to define an extensive documentary and archive fund that gradually is fulfilling one of the main goals of the Centre, since it is about to gather the largest number of informative materials about the growing Valencian plastic art, for facilitating the consult work of all those researchers interested in this area of work.

For years, there is an agreement between the Professor “Romà de la Calle” Documentation Centre of Contemporary Valencian Art and the Valencian Association of Art Critics (AVCA), by which the archives of the mentioned agreement are deposited at the Documentation Centre.