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Ayudas para impulsar la igualdad de género
The Universitat de València calls aids to promote gender equality

The Universitat de València calls aids for PAS and PDI to promote equality between women and men in the academic field.


The Universitat de València calls aids for the organisation of awareness campaigns, lectures, conferences and other public acts that aim to promote equality between women and men as well as the visibility of women in the university field.

The period to present the applications starts on 11 January and finishes on 10 February, and PAS and PDI can present individually and also through university units (departments, institutes, services, etc.) from the Universitat de València. The activities must be carried out throughout 2016.

Since 2012 this kind of aids have been called, which allowed for the elaboration of over 80 activities in all the campus and have become a referent for the student body and teaching body linked to the Universitat de València.

Gender-based violence, sexual harassment, the image of women in the media and cinema, women and science and the coeducation are, among others, some of the topics that the activities of the last called focused on.

As in previous years, the Student Council Branch through the SeDi Information and Promotion Service and the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Equality through the Quality Unit call also the aids “Març per la Igualtat” (“March for Equality”), addressed to students associations and collectives to carry out sociocultural activities in the framework of the Week for Equality.

Both calls are the result of the fulfilment and the concrete objectives of the second Equality Plan of the institution.


Date From 11 january 2016 to 10 february 2016. 24h. Every day.


Unitat d’Igualtat / Cultural Centre La Nau

Organized by

Quality Unit.



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