The second period for the DRAC Formació Avançada (Advanced Training) 2022 grants is now open. These grants are aimed at Official Master’s Degrees and Doctoral Programmes students who participate in activities carried out by universities in the Vives Network, such as attending courses, seminars or research stays. The amounts granted are intended to cover part of the tuition costs, travel and accommodation expenses incurred in carrying out these activities.
The call for DRAC Formació Avançada grants has three resolutions of concession with different periods for the submission of applications. From May the 16th 2022 until September the 15th 2022, the second application period is open.
The DRAC Formació Avançada grants of the Universitat de València are a part of the DRAC programme developed by the Vives Network, which aims to promote the academic mobility of students between the universities of the Xarxa.
Date From 19 may 2022 to 15 september 2022. 24h. Every day.
Universitat de València
SeDi Information and Promotion Service.
Contact ajudesdrac@uv.es