The Office of the Vice-Principal for Employment and Entrepreneurship of the Universitat de València announces these awards under the collaboration agreement that created the Aula de emprendimiento inclusivo (Spanish for Inclusive entrepreneurship classroom) by Talento Emprende of the ONCE Foundation, the Inserta Empleo Association and the Universitat de València.
The Inclusive Entrepreneurship Awards are aimed at rewarding and recognising entrepreneurial initiatives and innovative business ideas promoted by people with disabilities in the university environment in our country, Spain.
Three categories are established in which up to six prizes are proposed with the following endowments: for the CREA category, two prizes of 500 euros; for the ACADEMIA category, three prizes of 1,000 euros and one prize of 1,500 euros in the STARTUP category with the aim of capturing the entrepreneurial talent of students and graduates with disabilities for the creation of a public bank of ideas.
These awards are aimed at students and graduates with disabilities in the previous three years of official Degree, Master's Degree and Doctoral Studies at Spanish public universities and the Universitat de València's own degree as an expert in startup management.
The deadline for submitting applications will be open until September the15th 2022. All the information and the rules of the call can be found at this link.
Date From 12 april 2022 to 15 september 2022. 24h. Every day.
Entrepreneurship Unit (UVemprén).
Contact uvempren@uv.es