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Seminar and conferences on open data aspects in the European Union

The seminar will analyse the relationship between open data and the citizenship engagement with the European Union. It will be given by María Jesús García García, director of the Module Jean Monet, Citizens’ integration into European Union democracy and Professor of Administrative Law in the Universitat de València. The event will have the cooperation of Angela María Romito, Adjunct Lecturer of European Law of the Universitá degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro (Italy) and member of the AISDUE forum. The following conferences will also take place:

  • Las nuevas tecnologías en la democratización: la plataforma multilingüe de la Conferencia sobre el Futuro de Europa. (New technologies in democratisation: the multilingual platform of the Conference on the Future of Europe).
  • La Conferencia sobre el futuro de Europa (COFE) (The Conference on the future of Europe).

Seminar assistance certificate will be issued.

  • 9 may 2023 at 10:00 to 11:15. Tuesday.
  • 10 may 2023 at 10:00 to 11:15. Wednesday.

Aula 114 (día 9) y Aula 107 (día 10) del aulario Norte del Campus de Tarongers UV.

Organized by

Módulo Jean Monnet, Citizens’ integration into European Union democracy.



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