All the information related to the Universitat de València's facilities for the University Entrance Exams (PAU) has been gathered in a web page, where you can find the locations of the examination boards by centre of origin, calendars, characteristics of the exams and information about the degrees offered by the Universitat de València.
The July exams will be heald on 2, 3 and 4 July.
On the website of the Generalitat you will also find links to access the PAU guides, sample exams, test results, revision requests, download grades, etc.
The procedures for pre-registration and enrolment in the chosen courses are also explained, and access to pre-registration and enrolment applications is provided through links that will be available once the final results have been published.
Date From 2 july 2024 to 4 july 2024. 24h. Tuesday, wednesday and thursday.
North and West Buildings on the Tqarongers Campus, Interfaculty Building in Burjassot, ETSE, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences and the Ontinyent Campus
Universitat de València
Generalitat Valenciana - Department of Education, Universities and Occupation.