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The objective of this Chair is to analyse the phenomenon of collaborative economics and digital platforms from a multidisciplinary social science perspective (combining the legal approach offered by constitutional, administrative, labour and fiscal law with the economic and sociological approach).

The study focuses on the development of specific regulations that harmonize the diverse and potentially conflicting interests around the practical development of the collaborative economy and, in general, the economy of virtual platforms.

To this end, the starting point is to identify the different economic modalities or practices that have emerged and are emerging, studying their functioning in order to conceptualize and systematize them. On the other hand, the problem must be described taking into account the different social actors involved, public and private, and the role assumed by each of them, as well as the interests at stake.

From this analytical and empirical study, conclusions must be drawn to regulate the functioning of virtual platforms by eliminating negative social externalities, as well as to elaborate and implement norms and rules that reconcile the different interests, guaranteeing in any case the general interest.