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Mobile platforms and applications have gained prominence in the world of work as an efficient form of work management, connecting people who offer their services with those who demand them.

However, they have mainly become relevant due to the implementation of models criticised for their high degree of precariousness, with negative consequences for workers' economic rights, but also for their basic labour rights such as those of collective nature or those related to their health and safety, among others. One of the key issues in this area has been the use of the so-called "false self-employed" by platforms to avoid the obligations that would result from them being actual employees.

In this regard, the legal system and its legal operators must be able to respond to the new schemes posed by digital platforms. This means enforcing the Law by ensuring that the companies that own these platforms and applications comply with labour and social security regulations.
The work conducted by this chair aims to facilitate understanding how these economic operators work, the digital work platforms and the labour-related problems they raise in order to create a knowledge base that can be used to develop regulations and public actions.

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