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Past projects

Enigmas de la memoria: profanación y conquista del Monumento al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Main researchers: Vicente Sánchez-Biosca (Universitat de Valéncia).

Rafael Rodríguez Tranche (Complutense University of Madrid).

This research project, funded by the Spanish Ministry of the Presidency, Relations with the Parliament and Democratic Memory, through grants for activities related to the recovery of Democratic Memory and the victims of the Spanish Civil War and the Dictatorship, aims to clarify the events that took place, as well as their symbolic significance and, above all, their survival in memory, covering eight decades of life of the images which will manifest itself in documents for schools, as well as visual material, projects for exhibition spaces, civic centres and associations, leading to conferences and debates.


RealUp-Hate speech, racism and xenophobia: alert mechanisms and response, analysis of the upstander speech

The project funded by the European Union 2021 Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme aims to improve the capacities of state authorities to identify, analyse, monitor and evaluate hate speech online in order to develop and strengthen counter-narrative strategies (upstander discourse) against hate speech motivated by racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism and anti-Gypsyism. In the framework of the working group led by Benno Herzog and the Critical Theory Research Group, the aim is to discuss and generate a map of good practices and effective didactic tools for counter-narrative of hate speech online.


Places of memory

2020-2022 PROMETEO Excellence Project funded by the Valencian Government (PROMETEO/2020/059)

Main researcher: Vicente Sánchez-Biosca

The aim of this research project is to analyse the narrative and iconographic representations of places where mass violence was perpetrated (torture, executions, multiple rapes).  These crime scenes crystallise ideology, the relationship with the other-enemy, forms of complicity, emotions and affections and gender relations.


Decolonizing Development

2020-2023 Funded by: European Cooperation in Science & Technology

Main researcher: Julia Schöneberg (University of Kassel)


Constelaciones del autoritarismo

2020-2023 Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Industry and Competitiveness

Main researcher: José-Antonio Zamora (CSIC)


Completed projects

Representaciones contemporáneas del perpetrador de violencias de masas: conceptos, relatos e imágenes

2018-2021 – Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Industry and Competitiveness (HAR2017-83519-P)

Main researchers: 

Anacleto Ferrer Mas (Universitat de València)

Vicente Sánchez-Biosca (Universitat de València)

Vigencia, productividad y retos de la crítica inmanente en la filosofía social actual

2015-2018 – Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Industry and Competitiveness (FFI2013-47230-P)

Main researcher: José Manuel Romero Cuevas (University of Alcalá)