Teorías and Discourses of Otherness 31/07/24 Publication of the speciall issue "Theories and Discourses of Otherness" coordinated by Joan Gallego Monzó, Débora Fernández Cárcamo in the journal Arxius de Ciències Socials. [Read more]
Dosier Fabian Freyenhagen 29/07/24 Dossier with basic and introductory texts by Fabian Freyenhagen, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Essex.[Read more]
Lea Ypi Dosier 29/07/24 Dossier with basic and introductory texts by Lea Ypi, British-Albanian political scientist and Professor of Political Philosophy at the London School of Economics.[Read more]
Special Issue on Social Pathologies 04/07/24 The research group on Critical Theory has publishe a special issue on social pathologies in the prestigious journal "Quaderns de filosofia".[Read more]
Escritos sobre antisemitismo 11/09/22 A new book has been published in the Quilombo edition written by the Critical Theory Group.[Read more]
Research project "Enigmas of memory: desecration and conquest of the Monument to the Sacred Heart of Jesus". 21/02/22 Principal Investigators: Vicente Sánchez-Biosca (Universitat de Valéncia). Rafael Rodríguez Tranche (Universidad Complutense de Madrid).[Read more]
New Project: RealUp – Hate speech, racism and xenophobia: alert mechanisms and response, analysis of the upstander speech 21/02/22 Project funded by the European Union 2021 Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Framework Programme.[Read more]
New book: Noam Chomsky: o autor entre a linguística e a política (Noam Chomsky: the author between linguistics and politics). 11/02/22 This book by our member of the Critical Theory group, Julio Bonatti, seeks to understand the construction of the work of the linguist and political activist Noam Chomsky, as an author who moves...[Read more]
Number 8 Revista Laocoonte-Coord. Anacleto Ferrer 23/12/21 A new issue of Laocoonte, the annual journal of the Spanish Society of Aesthetics and Theory of the Arts, has been published.[Read more]
Dossier: Topographies of Crime and Memory 01/07/21 This dossier, Topographies of crime and memory, coordinated by Vicente Sánchez-Biosca, analyzes the mutations of mass crime scenes that were converted into places of memory..[Read more]
This makes no sense: the materialistic interpretation of art. 11/06/21 New book by Vanessa Vidal Mayor.[Read more]
Habermas in the 21st century 03/03/21 New publication: Habermas before the 21st century. The projection of the theory of communicative action. By César Ortega Esquembre [Read more]
Call for papers 06/02/20 Critical Modernity Studies: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Social Pathologies[Read more]
New publication 11/12/19 Invisibilization of Suffering: The Moral Grammar of Disrespect (Londres: Palgrave Macmillan)[Read more]
New publication: Perpetrators' hell 13/03/19 New publication: El infierno de los perpetradores. Edited by Anacleto Ferrer and Vicente Sánchez-Biosca, members of the Critical Theory Research Group.[Read more]
200 years Karl Marx 10/10/18 200 years Karl Marx. On the current situation of the Marxist perspective.[Read more]