Chair for Digital Gender GapUniversty of València Logo del portal

About the Chair

The Chair for the Digital Gender Gap, hosted in the University of Valencia, started its work in October 2020, as a result of the agreement with the Valencian Government, with the aim of addressing the digital gap between men and women in the Valencian Community.
The Chair is part of a broader project linked to the Digital Gap Observatory of the Valencian Community, from which the joint work of different universities is coordinated in order to reach the common objective of reducing the digital gap. To this end, a total of five Chairs have been created in each of the Valencian public universities:

The Digital Gap Observatory of the Valencian Community was created in 2019 within the Directorate General for the Fight against the Digital Gap. Its aim is to know, among other aspects, the situation in the Valencian Community, in quantitative and qualitative terms, of the digital gap in terms of use, acquisition of digital skills and proper use of ICT. It also analyses the territorial distribution of this problem and the indicators determined by the public policies for the advancement of the digital society and the fight against the digital gap of the Valencian Government, which is dependent on the Regional Ministry of Innovation, Industry, Trade and Tourism.
The structure of the Observatory is constituted by the Pleno, the highest decision-making, control, planning, monitoring and supervision body of the Observatory’s activity. It is also made up of a Commission of experts, whose objective is to facilitate the development of the guidelines established by the Observatory, by advising, proposing and carrying out studies and research aimed at eliminating the digital gap.
The impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on our society, both on an economic and social level, has been deeply studied and, although it was already known, it has become evident in the current situation.
The digital gap refers to the inequality that exists between people, companies or certain geographical areas in terms of accessing ICTs. Without this access, a part of the population lacks digital skills, which are so necessary nowadays.  
Thus, guaranteeing access and the necessary knowledge for its use to the whole society is essential to face the challenges presented by the current context. This access must be ensured to all people, regardless of their age, gender or geographical location.
In order to eradicate the digital gap, it is fundamental to deeply analyse the current situation of imbalance, to know its causes and to design active policies that allow to carry out actions to end these inequalities. In this regard, the interconnection and coordinated work of the different Chairs will be essential for the success of this objective.