Chair for Digital Gender GapUniversty of València Logo del portal

A conference organised by the University of Valladolid deals with the challenges of women in the digital environment

  • November 20th, 2020
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The Chair of Gender Studies of the Universidad de Valladolid (UVa), in collaboration with the Chair for the Digital Gender Gap of the Universitat de València (UV), has organised on 26th November the virtual conference 'ComMujeres. Retos y oportunidades de la mujer en el entorno digital. Rompiendo brechas' (Challenges and opportunities for women in the digital environment. Breaking the Gaps).

The presentation is scheduled at 11.30 a.m. and will be given by Silvia Rueda, Director of the Chair for the Digital Gender Gap of the Universitat de València, and Teresa Gema Martín Casado, Director of the Project ‘ComMujeres. Comunicación digital y género’ (Digital Communication and Gender), of the Chair of Gender Studies of the Universidad de Valladolid.

At 11.40 a.m., Teresa Gema Martín will give the lecture ‘La mujer ante la realidad tecnológica digital. Brechas y oportunidades’ (Women in the face of the digital technological reality. Gaps and opportunities).

At 12.30 a.m., Yanna Franco, Professor at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) and member of the Instituto de Investigaciones Feministas of the UCM, will give the conference ‘Perspectiva de género en la robótica y la Inteligencia Artificial. Un análisis desde la comunicación’ (Gender perspective in robotics and Artificial Intelligence. An analysis from communication).

Margarita Albors, President of the Social Nest Foundation, will speak from 1.15 p.m. onwards with the talk entitled ‘Retos y oportunidades en el emprendimiento tecnológico femenino’ (Challenges and opportunities in female technological entrepreneurship').

The video-conferences can be followed via this LINK.

The conference is organised by the Project 'ComMujeres, Genero y Comunicación Digital' (Gender and Digital Communication), Chair of Gender Studies of the UVa (Faculty of Social, Legal and Communication Sciences, Campus María Zambrano, in Segovia). It is coordinated by Teresa Gema Martín Casado, Director of the project 'ComMujeres. Comunicación digital y género', of the Chair of Gender Studies of the UVa, with the collaboration of Silvia Rueda, Director of the Chair for the Digital Gender Gap of the UV.