Ernesto Lopez Baeza Representing the ''Climatology from Satellites Group''
Servicio de la Universitat de València

[<][<=][=>]Index of this webpage

**++Climatology from Satellites Group++**
    ++Current Research Assistants (and Doctorate Students):++
    ++Doctorate on Remote Sensing Students:++
    ++Master Postgraduate:++
    ++Master Students:++
    ++Advanced Undergraduate:++
    ++Practicum - Practical Training:++
    ++Current External:++
    ++Past ..., but very close to us ...:++
**++Links to Significant Meetings++**
**++Active Collaborations++**
**++Book suggestions++**
**++Link of the Day++** (in reality, ... every now and then)
**++Teaching Subjects++**
Postgraduate Course on ''New Observation and Watching Systems in Meteorology and Climatology''
    **Some Teaching Publications**
**++Research Lines++**
    **''I Validation of low spatial resolution remote sensing data and products (GERB, SMOS, EPS/MetOp, SMAP)''**
    **''II Radiative balance studies (GERB, CERES, SEVIRI, EarthCARE)''**
    **''III Soil moisture from passive microwaves (SMOS)''**
**++Valencia & Alacant Anchor Stations++**
    **What is an ''ANCHOR STATION''**? (from Professor H.-J. Bolle)/
    **Desirable measurements at ''Anchor Stations''**/
     How Representative are the ''Alacant and the Valencia Anchor Stations'' Measurements of their Respective Surrounding Meteorology?
     Proposal for a ''Water Cycle Observatory'': The VALENCIA and the ALACANT ANCHOR STATIONS, Meteorological Reference Stations for Remote Sensing Data and Products
**++Involvement in Satellite Earth Observation Missions++**
    **SMOS (''Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity'')**/
        **SMOS Validation Rehearsal Campaign Activities at the Valencia Anchor Station**
            **Scientific Team**
                **SM Measurements**
                **Vegetation Measurements**
                **Soil texture**
            **Airborne Operations during the SMOS Validation Rehearsal Campaign (Tauriainen, 2008)**
    **EarthCARE (''Earth Clouds, Aerosols and Radiation Explorer'')**
    **GERB (''Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget'')**/
    **CERES (''Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System'')**/
    **EPS/MetOp (''EUMETSAT Polar System / MetOp'')**/
**++Other Significant Research Projects and Contracts++**
**++Field Campaigns++**
**++Supervision of Research Academic Work++**
**++Selected Significant Publications++**
**++Photographic Album: A Sample++**/



Postgraduate Students: Aurelio Cano, Carlos Domenech, A.Geraldo Ferreira, Cristina Millan, Cecilia Narbon, Diego Rodriguez, Javio Sanchis, Almudena Velazquez, Sara Vidal

ESA SPP : CoSMOS Data Analysis Study
ESA-ESTEC Contract. P.I.: Dr Yann H. Kerr (CESBIO, Toulouse, France)

Validation of SMOS Products over Mediterranean Ecosystem Vegetation at the Valencia Anchor Station Reference Area
ESA SMOS Cal/Val Announcement of Opportunities (ID 3252). P.I.: E. Lopez-Baeza


Thank you Carlos!!!

Validaciï¿˝n de Productos, Explotaciï¿˝n de Datos y Centro Experto para la Misiï¿˝n SMOS. Parte UVEG (MIDAS-5/UVEG)
[Product Validation, Data Exploitation and Expert Center for the SMOS Mission. UVEG Part (MIDAS-5/UVEG)]
Spanish Ministry for Education and Science (National Research Programme on Space). P.I.: E. Lï¿˝pez Baeza

Calibraciï¿˝n de las Medidas Obtenidas por el Radiï¿˝metro MIRAS de la Misiï¿˝n SMOS y Generaciï¿˝n de Mapas de Salinidad y Humedad del Suelo. Parte UVEG (MIDAS-4/UVEG)
[Calibration of SMOS MIRAS Radiometer Measurements and Generation of Maps of Salinity and of Soil Moisture Content. UVEG Part (MIDAS-4/UVEG)]
Spanish Ministry for Education and Science (National Research Programme on Space). P.I.: E. Lï¿˝pez Baeza

CoSMOS Campaign in Australia Sponshorship
ESA-ESTEC (Oct. 2005 - Dic. 2005). P.I.: E. Lopez-Baeza

Contribuciï¿˝n de Espaï¿˝a al Desarrollo del Segmento de Tierra de la Misiï¿˝n SMOS de la ESA Durante 2004-05 (MIDAS-3)
[Contribution of Spain to the Development of the ESA SMOS Mission Ground Segment During 2004-2005]
Subcontract within Ministry for Education and Culture Project of Instituto de Ciencias del Mar (CSIC) (Dec. 2004 ï¿˝ Dec. 2005). P.I.: E. Lopez-Baeza (P.I. of Main Project: Jordi Font, Inst. Ciencias Mar del CSIC, Barcelona)

Definiciï¿˝n del Proceso de Datos de la Mision Espacial SMOS en la Estaciï¿˝n de Villafranca del Castillo (SMOS-GS-B) (MIDAS-2)
[Data Processing Definition for the SMOS Space Mission at Villafranca del Castillo]
Spanish Ministry for Science and Technology (National Research Programme on Space) (Dic. 2003 - Jun. 2005). P.I.: E. Lï¿˝pez Baeza (P.I. of Coordinated Project: Jordi Font, Inst. Ciencias Mar del CSIC, Barcelona)

Medidas Radiomï¿˝tricas en Microondas y Desarrollo de Algoritmos para la Misiï¿˝n SMOS (MIDAS)
[Microwave Radiometric Measurements and Algorithm Development for the SMOS Mission]
Spanish Ministry for Science and Technology (National Research Programme on Space) (Dic. 2001 - Dic. 2003). P.I.: E. Lï¿˝pez Baeza (P.I. of Coordinated Project: Jordi Font, Inst. Ciencias Mar del CSIC, Barcelona)

Signature Radiometrique des Forets en Bande L: Analyse de la Champagne EuroSTARRS (SMOS Mision)
Programme National ï¿˝Tï¿˝lï¿˝dï¿˝tection Spatialeï¿˝ (France) (2002 - 2003). P.I.: Dr. J.-P- Wigneron (INRA Bioclimatologie, Bordeaux, France)

Technical Assistance for Deployment of Ground Instruments During EuroSTARRS-2001
Contract ESA-ESTEC no: 15949/02/NL/SF (May 2002 - Nov. 2002). P.I.: E. Lopez-Baeza

Soil Moisture Retrieval by a Future Space-borne Earth Observation Mission
Contract ESTEC-ESA (AO/14662/00/NL/DC) (Nov. 2000 - Feb. 2003). P.I.: Dr. L.P. Simmonds (The University of Reading, UK); E. Lopez-Baeza Coordinator of Task 4 on Definition of campaigns to support data exploitation and assimilation

ACCION ESPECIAL sobre Soil Moisture And Ocean Salinity (SMOS)
[SPECIAL ACTION on Soil Moisture And Ocean Salinity (SMOS)]
Spanish Ministry for Science and Technology (National Research Programme on Space) (1999 - 2000). P.I.: Dr. Jordi Font (Inst. Ciencias Mar del CSIC, Barcelona)
