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The Chair of Business Culture of the UV organises the Conference 'EMPRENSA'

It is about a double and evening session in which the directors of 6 of the main Valencian media will exchange reflections in a debate in which they summon in the world of business and communication, students and alumni of the Chair of Business Culture and the university community.

This day, Cycle of Public Affairs, will take place on April 23, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. in the ADEIT Meeting Room i the following matters will be discussed:

-How do companies influence the construction of the social story?

- Are they still the means capable of influencing the progress of the economy and the companies?

-The change in the business model in newspaper companies is affecting their independence?

-What are the limits of journalism and freedom of expression in economic information?

-What role do communication agencies and lobbies play in

the configuration of the country's economic story?

Panel 1 17.00-18.30

-Coordina: Julio Monreal. Director Levante-EMV


Carlos Pascual Chair Patronato Chair

Javier Alfonso. Director Valencia Plaza

Iñaki Zaragüeta. Director La Razón CV

Panel 2: 6:45 a.m. to 8:15 p.m.

-Coordina: Julián Quirós. Director The Provinces


Carlos Pascual Chair Patronato Chair

José Carlos Herreros Director Radio Valencia-SER

Xavier Borrás. Director El Mundo CV


Date 23 april 2018 at 17:00 to 20:15. Monday.


Salón de Actos de ADEIT

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