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VIII Premio de Igualdad de la Facultat d’Economia
VIII Equality Prize of the Faculty of Economics

The Faculty of Economics announces the VIII Equality Prize Experiencias de igualdad en tiempos de confinamiento (equality experiences in confinement times).

As regards the goal for this prize, participants are required to write a story reflecting the inequality experiences between men and women in times of confinement.

The following link allows to check the Resolution of November 12th 2020 by the Dean of the UV’s Faculty of Economics, which establishes the regulatory bases for the VIII Equality Prize of the Faculty of Economics. (Pending publication on DOCV)


ScheduleFrom 16 february 2021 to 3 march 2021. Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday at 00:00 to 14:00.


Check rules and conditions

Organized by

Equality Commission of the Faculty of Economics.

